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Showing posts sorted by date for query immigration. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

GREG REESE: The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into reservations

00:05  The United States operated Native American concentration camps in the 1830s that went on for decades and later evolved into reservations.  

"Concentration Camps Existed Long Before Hitler Camer to Power," Leo Baeck Institute for the Study of German-Jewish History and Culture, David Ludwig Bloch, Barbed Wire, LBI 83.8a, 2022.

"Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History: Removing Native Americans from Their Land," 

00:18  During WWII, the U.S. imprisoned Japanese Americans . . . 

00:23  About a thousand indigenous Aleuts of Alaska were forced into camps as their homes were burned to the ground so that invading Japanese forces could not use them.  After the War, the United States seized Okinawan homes and burned them to the ground to make way for military bases, forcing 300,000 civilians into concentration camps.  And deliberately starved about a million Germans to death in prison camps.  The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 led to the construction of concentration camps meant to hold American dissidents.

01:02  In 1961, Strategic Hamlets the U.S. forced 8 million South Vietnamese civilians into prison camps to deprive the Viet Cong of any potential support.

01:14  Starting back in the late 1990s, Alex Jones has been releasing films [Police State II: The Takeover, 2000, Parts I and II] warning that people are being conditioned to accept seeing their neighbors rounded up and thrown in prison camps, such as the WTO protests, where hundreds of protesters were arrested and thrown into jail.

01:34  The 2004 Republican National Convention [in Madison Square Gardens in New York] where over a thousand protesters were arrested and sent to a makeshift prison . . .

01:42  And in Katrina, 2005, where police went door to door confiscating guns.  

REPORTER #1: The police and national guard going street by street, house to house, sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn with instructions to disarm anyone inside.  
REPORTER #2: You say guns will be taken?  
P. EDWIN COMPASS, III, SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE: No one will be armed.  We will take all weapons. 
ALEX JONES:  You see, for over 20 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been building and constructing and maintaining concentration camps as well as the personnel to incarcerate literally tens of millions of Americans.  It seems now with some of the latest developments they are attempting in a psychological warfare program to condition and control the populous so that the populous will believe that all of this is needed to maintain the public safety.  
As we say in the research community, this is a psy-op.  They're preparing people for what is coming, not what is being presented today.  
ALEX JONES: So you're saying that they're preparing people to accept it with incrementalism?  
That is correct.  Like the old frog example.  You put the frog in the water and just gradually continue to raise the heat on the water until the frog is cooked. 

02:57  After 9/11, came the PATRIOT Act and American citizens officially became potential enemies of the state.  

In 2006, President Bush amended the National Defense Authorization Act to grant the president the power to declare martial law, and in 2007 signed Directive 51 

ALEX JONES: for the smallest of reasons, including the document's own text, "any incident in the world regardless of location that affects population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions, can trigger at will total martial law.

03:39  During COVID, healthy people with no symptoms were arrested and locked in prison camps because they failed a fraudulent PCR Test, and if they tried to escape their fellow prisoners reported them. 

Yeah, but you can't leave your balcony to go to the fence to talk to somebody else. 

03:52  Canadian comedian, Evan Desmarais reports, 

The second she jumped over, we all freaked out because we just wanted to call and let the Wellness people know, to let the police know.

04:00  In response to their triple zero calls [000 is Australia's 911], she was picked up by the police within 15 minutes and fined $5,000.

04:08  Prison camps are being built all over the world and they are for whomever the government sees as a threat to their agenda.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MR. AMERICA FIRST, DONALD TRUMP: I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country

Iceland has a Venezuelan migrant problem.  How did the Venezuelan migrants get across the ocean?  Well, of course, the Soros organizations will bring people across the oceans, no problem at all.  They've had an explosion of Venezuelans in Iceland, and they thought this is just wonderful, we're going to have diversity and all the rest of the stuff and then they see what is happening with all these young males that are being brought in.  What's the point?  What exactly is the point of bringing all these young Latin males from one culture and transplanting them into another, completely different Nordic culture?  What's the point of it?

Well, Iceland officials are pulling back their former support.  They say they've deported 180 migrants who had only recently arrived in Iceland.  The deportation bill was wildly popular even among the left Green Party, even the Greens were for this.  Among its internal Provisions they allowed Iceland to ignore the UN and its open border-styled immigration policy demands the legislation reportedly sets stricter conditions for residency, for family migration, and for other measures.  With the mood shifting against Venezuelans they've deported 180 recent Venezuelan migrants all at once.  No Iceland is very small compared to the United States in 2018 they had 14 Venezuelan immigrants within 4 years that had exploded to 1200 about 100 times it exploded and that was all coming from the UN.

Now they are in direct contradiction to a couple of UN Conventions that they had signed up for.  They had signed up for the UN Convention for Human Rights that doesn't allow them to deport anybody.  And the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  That is the instrument to destroy parental rights, UN Convention in the Rights if the Child, every country has signed into that except the United States.  In the United States, it is not being done through treaty, it is being done through our courts, who have been destroying parental rights.  The good news is if there is a will to do something about it just like they're saying Iceland they realize what a problem this is.  They're saying, well I don't care if we're signed on to the UN Convention of Human Rights.  I don't care that we're signed on to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and they just threw it out.  The only party that supports keeping the Venezuelans there, the only one, the Green Party, all the lefties except for the Pirate Party, and they opposed the bill.  But the other major Icelandic parties, including the Independence Party, the Progressive Party, the Left Greens, they all voted in favor of tightening the country's immigration policies, and they voted to kick them out.  

Now, contrast that with Donald Trump, for example. Donald Trump was going to stop immigration.  He was going to build a border.  He did none of that.  As a matter of fact, we got caravans as soon as they realized that Donald Trump was all talk and no action.  He didn't deport anybody he allowed Obama's executive order saying they were going to defer action, saying that we were going to defer action of the law and . . . .  Here's an executive order saying that my department of justice is not going to enforce the law.  How does that pass muster with the courts?  How does that pass muster with anybody?  Instead, Trump pretended that he couldn't create an executive order that countermanded Obama's executive order.  "Well, I really would like to do what I promised but I have to ask the courts for permission," and so he did it in this long drawn-out thing.  And the courts said, "No, you can't overturn Obama's executive order."  That can't possibly be true, and we all know that.  But as Trump was talking to CEOs he made an amazing revelation that came out over the weekend.  The CEO appeals,

We need to recruit the best and brightest of the world every time we get somebody super intelligent from India or Europe any country, and three of the four here are immigrants, into our country the ones without the toys and we can get these great people into our country and that's a loss for our adversaries and our competitors and it's a gain for us.  But I've never heard you talk about this. Can you please promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to America? 

Trump answers,

I do promise, but I happen to agree, that's why I promise; otherwise, I wouldn't promise.  Let me just tell you that it's so sad that we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools, and the lesser schools that are phenomenal school also.  And what I wanted to do and I would have done this, but we had to solve the COVID problem because that dominated for a little while as you perhaps know.  But what I want to do and what I will do is if/when you graduate from a college, I think you should, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.  If you graduate or get a doctorate degree from college you should be able to stay in this country.  And you know more stories than I do, but I know stories where people graduated from a top college or from a college and they desperately wanted to stay here, they had a plan for a company, a concept, and they can't.  They go back to India, go back to China.  They become multi-millionaires and employ thousands and thousands of people, and it could have been done here.  And a bigger example is you need a pool of people to work for your company.  You have great companies, and they have to be smart people.  Not everybody can be less than smart; you need brilliant people. 

6:32. All these people who have immigrated here, like Elon Musk and Vivek "the snake" Wami Swami, yeah, we don't want Americans here.  We want to be able to bring in other people in cuz Americans are crap, right?  I don't know how we ever got a country like this.  What happened?  How did it get here? You know, Americans can't do anything; we need foreigners to come in and fix everything.  You understand, don't you, that Trump was lying to you the whole time?  You understand that he never had any intention of doing anything about open immigration, and he doesn't either.  The idea from him that people are coming here and they're getting scholarships getting free rides . . . .

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ROSEMARY JENKS: So if you're a non-citizen in this country, . . . if a government official hands you a voter registration form you're going to think that you need to fill it out, then you're going to be unlawfully registered to vote. If you vote, it is a deportable, criminal offense

This is not about illegal immigrants.  This is about an illegal administration.  This is about an illegal administration turning the country into a gangland.


Immigration Accountability Project: Biden Admin “Orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. — State election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.” “I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As Senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30,000,000 noncitizens, so foreign-born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws. The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

SANCTUARY CAMPSUSES? Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities


For decades, the United Nations' Agenda 2030 has

been vying to push the US population out of the country and into small, concentrated 15-minute SMART cities.  Preparations have been made quietly behind the scenes, and it doesn't matter if Americans are disinterested because at least 30 million illegal immigrants are now available to launch these prison cell slave cities.  In a recent article, "University Smart Hubs Private Equity and the Leverage Buyout of America," June 15, 2024, Corey's Digs [aka, Corey Lynn] reports that illegal immigrants are being housed and trained at American universities in a decade-old scheme that provides the ruling class a foreign unregistered workforce under the banner of "Affordable Housing," people have been forced out of home ownership while Black Rock offshoots have been buying up the spoils, mostly through the Blackstone Group whose top three shareholders are Vanguard, Black Rock, and Capital World investors.  Blackstone has become the world's largest landlord after acquiring rental companies, including the largest student housing company, and converting care homes, offices, hotels, and warehouses into over 300,000 rental units.

Blackstone Acquired Largest Student Housing Company in The U.S., Partners with Over 100 Colleges and Universities, and Plans to Hire 2,000 Refugees

Blackstone partners with over 100 colleges and universities who run programs where illegal immigrant students are taught mindset, critical thinking, and leadership skills.  They are being trained in ESGs, fully immersed into Woke culture, and used to manage whatever their bureaucrat masters choose.  Starting in 2016, several colleges and universities have become Sanctuary CampusesSanctuary Campuses oppose and hinder the enforcement of immigration law on campus and they provide funding to illegal immigrants.  Working under the United Nations, ECAR, Every Campus a Refuge, say they would like to see every college and university in the world partner with local refugee resettlement agencies to house refugees on campus grounds and provide them with food, care, and training.  ECAR has been giving direction and support to colleges and universities to do this since their inception in 2015, and the government has been incentivizing this program.  Launched by the US Department of State in January 2023, the Welcome Corps allows colleges and universities to provide US citizenship to illegal immigrants by enrolling them in degree programs that will "foster more diverse and inclusive campuses."  Funds are provided to give them free education, housing, healthcare, and social services.  The Biden Administration has allocated $258 billion dollars toward building 2 million rental propertiesA new Congressional bill guides local governments to acquire and convert shuttered buildings into "Affordable Housing" rentals.  This is also being heavily funded through private endowments.  Between 1990 and 2021, the average endowment value grew by 423%.  Within the past 10 years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGF, granted over $11.6 billion dollars to 471 higher education institutions.  Colleges and universities have spent the majority of this money, acquiring hotels, office buildings, and other real estate in billion-dollar deals with private housing developers, while outsourcing student housing to Blackstone.  Middle East investors out of Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia are buying up billions of dollars of student housing, medical clinics, and office buildings near major universities.  And Sanctuary Campuses are hiding the identities of the unregistered students enrolled in these programs

If you were destroying America from within how would it look different? 

American universities have been notorious for radicalizing young students and indoctrinating them with destructive anti-American, communist ideations, and now they are being used to house and train illegal immigrants to carry out the work that no loyal citizen would do.  American universities are also building satellite campuses in other cities, mostly in Washington DC.  Over 50 universities have opened satellite campuses in Washington DC, where thousands of illegal immigrants will be housed, fed, and trained to be compliant drones of the federal government. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

EUROPE: We're "waiting for Trump" to come back and "save the world," and that "everyone knows Biden cheated to win in 2020."

Europe is generally pretty far left. Even their "right" is relatively left by US standards. I was surprised on this trip to hear so many openly praising Trump. A young Greek waiter said they're "waiting for Trump" to come back and "save the world," and that "everyone knows Biden cheated to win in 2020." Obviously, many feel differently but I don't think I ever heard Trump's supporters in Europe speaking out like this.

Dear Europeans, are you aware of what Trump wants for Americans? 

One, he's prepared to grant total immunity to any action police officers take against American citizens. Any. Total immunity.  Scott Horton explains half way down the 22:35 mark, 

Trump is currently demanding "full indemnification for All American police for crimes they commit against citizens."  It's like he's taking Thomas Jefferson's list of complaints against King George out of the Declaration of Independence and using it as his platform. 

Two, Trump is promoting Digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the thselfings because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts 

Important to ask yourself, is Trump serving America First policies or even pro-liberty policies, the kind espoused by Ron Paul?  

Sunday, June 16, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

00:58. And I'm going to be the bad guy now, you know, Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  I hate to say it . . . if you look at who Trump put into the cabinet, you know, he put into the Cabinet a lot of people who were basically part of the Syndicate that's trying to build the control grid.  So before you get enthusiastic about the Republicans, you got to hold their feet to the fire that they better, they better reverse the control grid.  Demand that they reverse the control grid.  Demand it. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

PUTIN: The main threat to Europe is not Russia, but the USA

Putin reads,

The danger to Europe does not come from Russia.  The main threat to Europeans is in a critical and increasingly total dependence on the United States.  In military, political, technological, ideological, and information spheres, Europe is pushed more and more on the sidelines of the global economic development, is immersed in the chaos of immigration and other acute problems, deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity.  Sometimes it seems that the ruling European politicians and representatives of the Euro bureaucracy are more afraid to fall out of favor with Washington instead of losing the trust of their own people, own citizens.

Putin obviously would say this, but that doesn't mean he's wrong: it's painfully obvious to anyone paying attention, and I think Europeans are slowly realizing it (finally).

De Gaulle said it best: "The truth is that the Americans will end up being hated by everyone. Even by their most unconditional allies. All the dirty tricks imagined by the Americans are contradicted by events." (quoted by his confident Alain Peyrefitte in "C’était De Gaulle") François Mitterrand also said it: "France does not know it, but we are at war with America. Yes, a permanent war, a vital war, an economic war. Yes, the Americans are very tough, they are voracious, and they want undivided power over the world. It is an unknown war, a permanent war, seemingly without deaths and yet a war to the death..." (quoted by Georges Marc Benamou in "Le dernier Mitterrand")

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

REP. JODEY ARRINGTON (R-TEXAS): $9,000 roughly per illegal immigrant that taxpayers are fronting

A press release from Arrington's office reads

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has done a great job. Studies suggest this cost is upwards of $400 billion, but their cost estimate is $150 billion. The lion's share of that cost is borne by state and local governments. State and local governments can't borrow or print money like the federal government, so they have to balance their budgets by either absorbing this cost through raising taxes or they have to cut services to their citizens.

This $150 billion, when you look at the 22 million people that are estimated to be in this country illegally, comes out to about $9,000 tax dollars per illegal immigrant. Roughly $9,000 per illegal immigrant that taxpayers are fronting. That's more than we spend per Medicaid beneficiary. That's more than we spend on the most vulnerable American citizen for their health care. That's more than we spend for our heroes and our veterans in the way of military retirement benefits.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

TRUMP, 2020: If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left.

130 legislators in this chamber have endorsed legislation that would bankrupt our nation by providing free taxpayer funded health care to millions of illegal aliens, forcing taxpayers to subsidize free care for anyone in the world who unlawfully crosses our borders.  These proposals would raid the Medicare benefits of our seniors and that our seniors depend on, while acting as a powerful lure for illegal immigration.  That is what is happening in California and in other states.  Their systems are totally out of control, costing taxpayers vast and unaffordable amounts of money. If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left.  But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government healthcare for illegal aliens. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

The illegal immigration is not just about election fraud, for that is baked into the system and doesn't require any outside help.  The threat outlined in the video and below reminds me if the threat posed to America back in 2011, the operation referred to as Green Helmets, where the U.N. cites climate change as the cause of supply chain disruptions and food shortages and their justification fir intervention.  But let's hear what Ferguson has to say about the Black Watch Regiment.

FERGUSON, This isn't just refugees coming in.  These aren't people fleeing from some kind of a war zone.  These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age man as my old boss Nigel Farage once referred to them, and I think he's right John.  What do you think is going on here mate?

OLOONEY. So I can tell you that these are U.N. soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the next pandemic lockdown.  They've been trained by British soldiers.  They've been trained by the Black Watch Regiment.  [Black Watch is a devoted regiment of the Crown; I doubt very much they are a threat to British rule.] They were trained in Antalya, Turkey [this doesn't make much sense given that Turkey is an ally of Britain] and in the east of Ukraine.  They are predominantly down to sergeant ranks.  They're then shipped to France.  They all signed [Britain's] Official Secrets Act [1911, 1920, 1989], then they are ferried over.  If you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me.  They're my most precious, the most pride my prized asset.  You know, they're everything to me.  If you're going to war, you go to war with the lads.  They're going to be deployed.  They will be deployed.  

FERGUSONThe Black Watch are a very famous yellow regiment.  Are they actually going along with this?  

OLOONEY.  They've got no choice.  I kind of said, you know, "Why are you doing it?"  and he said "Soldiers follow orders."  What you're going to see is the following.  We'll have a minister somewhere in cabinets, suddenly come up with a great idea on how we're going to get these guys to contribute to help us.  And they're going to put them in uniforms.  A couple of people have told me that these uniforms are burgundy.  Others have told me that they're U.N. blue.  I really don't know.  I guess we'll see when they deploy them.  They are going to be deployed.  Because otherwise if they announce another lockdown, what would everyone say?  They'd say bullocks and go about their business, wouldn't they?  They're going to need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it.  Why do they import young men from the East?  Because traditionally if you want to kill and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in because there's a cultural dissociation [suddenly culture matters to these people, meaning the MI6?], and that's their method.  That's the way these globalists are going to do it. 

Next, we have Ferguson underscoring this strategy with a fine detail about the plausibility of an invasion evoking our over-200-year-old birth and origin of the American Revolution, whereas a minute ago he had no clue what the migrants were ir what they're about.  Now, he's providing historical evidence and precedent for its likelihood?  This couldn't be an MI6 staged conversation from across the pond to scare Americans?  Yeah, so UNLIKE the British. 

FERGUSON. In America, when it was a colony  of the United Kingdom of Britain, there was a revolution against British colonial rule.  And a lot of people don't realize but it was only 3% of those people in America that overthrew the British forces and basically got rid of them.  3% of the population, John.

OLOONEY. I look forward to it.  I'm ready, I'm ready.  I can't wait because I know it's going to be the beginning of the end for them.  I do foresee victory.  I see that at a very great cost.  But we will see it.  And people, I think the world will become closer than ever when we do see victory.  It's going to come on the back of a load of blood, and, unfortunately, it has to.  Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, we'll walk over these people in 10 minutes.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  --James Lindsay
Episode #2119, March 14, 2024, with James Lindsay.  3-hour interview.  

8:05  London's in trouble.  The UK's in trouble.

9:30  When you have a crisis at that scale, what are your options for fixing it?  And I think that's part of the Cloward-Priven strategy?  How do you end up fixing a problem that's at that scale?  They're doing the same thing with the Trans-ition stuff.  If you end up with a million kids, you've got a million kids that really are on the medical system, what do you do with a million kids, their parents, and then their aunts and uncles?  The whole system has to start bending around a reality that was manufactured, and you can get some major changes.  

10:15  Who are those people?  

LINDSAY, 10:24  Well, the Biden Administration had to have conversations.  They petitioned the Supreme Court to stop Texas from enforcing its border.  

11:09  The United Nations is pushing this [mass immigration] too.  the UN sees itself as a global entity, 193 states, blah, blah, "17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform our world," but Soros and his Open Society have pushed a lot of this stuff too.  Soros' mentor was Karl Popper who, in 1945, wrote a book called, Open Society and Its Enemies.  And so the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  And that's what we want.  It's a free society.  It's a high-trust society.  People can do what they want.  They don't have to worry about whether they're going to get car-jacked all the time or whatever else.  Soros is like, well, you can have that in the nation or where there's kind of one open society, 

58:30. The equity coordinator in one of these cities.  We know who's causing these crime problems.  It's the DAs.  We know who ran the DAs.  We know who paid the money to run them it was the Open Society Foundation.. They called them Soros DA's.  2004 interview with the LA Times, Soros said that he thinks he's a god. 

PETER ST ONGE: In fact, there's been literally zero job growth for native-born workers since 2018, of which, according to the Center for Immigration Statistics, roughly half actually went to the 9 million illegals.

The Biden jobs miracle keeps grinding away with a "Stellar March jobs report logging nearly 300,000 new jobs" that blew away even the most meth-pumped analyst on Wall Street and it makes the third month in a row of improbably tremendous job beats."  

Just one problem: it was all part-time jobs.  

Full-time jobs actually fell by 6,000, continuing a trend over the past year where full-time workers have collapsed by almost a million and a half, replaced by nearly 2 million part-time workers.  Put them together, and presto, job growth!

Sadly what real jobs are left apparently did not even go to native-born Americans.  In fact, they lost precisely 651,000 jobs last month, bringing the 3-month tally to nearly 1.5 million jobs lost by the native-born in 3 months.  In fact, there's been literally zero job growth for native-born workers since 2018, of which, according to the Center for Immigration Statistics, roughly half actually went to the 9 million illegals.  To give a sense of the scale, over 1 in 3 U.S.-born men with a high school degree are not working.  Things are fine of course for those with a bachelor's degree.  90% of them have a job, and no doubt cheap nannies and lawn care.  Keep in mind this is all best case because I've mentioned in a recent video the epic statistical divergence between official payroll numbers, sampled from companies, and the household numbers which actually asked people if they have a job.  The gap between the two currently stands at a daunting 9 million phantom jobs; maybe they exist, maybe they don't.  The BLS just extrapolates, they don't actually work here.  Now, I mentioned in recent videos that the most amazing thing about the grim jobs picture is that this is happening even with 2 trillion dollar deficits that should, in theory at least, be buying some jobs.  After all, spend that much money, and somebody gets paid; in other words, we can only imagine what's under the hood once you peel off the trillions pouring out of Washington.  Given both the border and Washington's checkbook are wide open, expect more millions of migrants to boost the jobs numbers while holding down wage gains for natives who do still have a job.  Just a few weeks ago Jerome Powell actually bragged about this on 60 Minutes crediting the open border for holding down blue-collar wages which he likes because it does the inflation dirty work for him, of course, at the expense of those blue-collar workers or former workers buying groceries on layaway while Paul Krugman lectures them about the Bidenomics miracle.  Do not expect much relief at least until the election, and even then it will be trench warfare against a Uniparty that is addicted to government spending, the regulatory Jihad on small business, and the cheap imported labor that keeps jobs and wages under control. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open for them

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states," --Peter Sutherland, the UN's Special Representative for Migration.

Christopher Hitchens

Peter Sutherland, 1946-2018, was an Irish businessman, barrister, and Fine Gael politician who served as UN Special Representative for International Migration from 2006 to 2017.  

He is famous for saying

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.

He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.

He was being quizzed by the Lords EU Home Affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee that migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

"crucial dynamic for economic growth"?  For whom?  The Irish worker?  The British worker?  Spanish worker, or, how about the American worker?  Has mass migration improved their lot?  

Sutherland is a drunken Irish fool.  

Thursday, April 11, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: immigrants don't actually solve labor shortages because they bring their own labor shortage with them.

After years of putting their own people first, the government of Japan is now embracing mass immigration.  A few days ago, Bloomberg reported that the number of foreign workers in Japan hit a record 2 million, up a quarter million in just two years.  That's in a country a third the size of the US so multiply everything by 3.  The workers are overwhelmingly blue collar, working assembly lines at factories.  That's half a million construction; retail at 600,000; and services and caregivers at 400,000.  Already some towns in Japan are a fifth foreign blue collar, which is new in Japan.  The Japanese government aims to rapidly accelerate this bringing in another $300,000 Blue Collar immigrants every year through 2040.  One pilot program aims at 800,000 starting immediately.  Incidentally, this is massively opposed by Japanese voters.  Bloomberg sites a 2018 survey that found just 23% of Japanese want more immigration with voters worrying it could lead to rising crime and jeopardize security and harmony.  Indeed just a few months ago, the Japanese government announced that crime had risen for the first time in 20 years, something Japanese might need to get used to.  

So if voters oppose it, who is pushing mass immigration?  As in the US, it's driven by companies who employ unskilled migrants who would like to pay peanuts and leave the social consequences to others.  What Japan's voters do want is for their government to address the flood of Japanese fleeing to other countries because domestic jobs don't pay enough. 

I've mentioned in recent videos how immigrants don't actually solve labor shortages because they bring their own labor shortage with them.  They go to the dentist, they go to restaurants, they need plumbers; otherwise, America could just annex Canada and have 40 million left over workers.  What mass immigrants do solve is shortages in specific industries, such as low skilled fruit pickers in the US, or taxi drivers in Japan.  The twist, of course, is that there are plenty of underemployed low-skilled natives in both America and Japan.  So fully 1 in 8 Japanese in their 20s and 30s are not working: it's about 5 million untapped workers.  For those in their 50s it's 1 in 4, so that's another five million on top of that.  As for Japanese who do have a job, one article last year profiled the typical experience for young Japanese trapped in low skill and low pay jobs 7-Eleven, for example, pays $5.71 an hour in Japan.  As the article puts it, those working poor "are happy to just stay afloat while they rent until death."  So forget starting a family or even saving up for retirement; they are living hand to mouth.  Why are those jobs so low paid?  Because there is not actually a shortage.  And importing 2 million low-skilled foreigners, actually 7 million by 2040, will make them even lower wage.

The mass immigration industrial complex sadly has reached one of the last holdouts.  As in Europe and America, voters do not want it but special interests write big political checks in Tokyo as much as in Washington.  The media will tar any opposition as xenophobia, while the young keep losing hope looking with envy on the childhood they themselves enjoyed but are now unable to provide.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Virginia Bill To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Become Police Officers & Arrest American Citizens

Virginia Bill To Allow Illegal Immigrants To Become Police Officers & Arrest American Citizens

This bill allows “illegal aliens granted DACA to become police officers” The Black Vote knows it won’t stop there: “I want to know who was responsible for this piece of trash legislation that was gonna tell the migrants at the border, get ready to arrest Americans in the country legally.” “It passed the house. It passed the senate. It made it on to the governor's desk. What the **** is going on here? You couldn't tell us. You couldn't get the word out. So I guess we was going to just have a legal just show up in police uniform, and Americans was just supposed to take it. We are supposed to comply?” More about the bill from FEDERATION FOR AMERICAN IMMIGRATION REFORM: “While Senator McPike and Chief Newsham appear sympathetic to DACA recipients, they seem perfectly comfortable creating a situation in which illegal aliens can enforce U.S. law—and in doing so, can arrest and take into custody U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. Furthermore, neither has fully explained how DACA beneficiaries can serve as police officers when federal law generally bars illegal aliens from possessing firearms. Representative John Macco (R-Ledgeview) wrote in support of his bill saying, “Simply, it is common-sense legislation that would allow local law enforcement agencies to hire diverse and qualified candidates. Ironically, the legislators pushing these bills talk about how these illegal aliens are “qualified” to become law enforcement officers. But, as mentioned above, illegal aliens are generally barred from possessing firearms. Moreover, to carry out their duties, officers must take an oath of office, which requires them to enforce the law and protect the constitutional rights of all in their community. DACA recipients cannot, in good faith, take this oath because they continuously reside in the United States in violation of the law. And, even if the illegal aliens who benefited from DACA were otherwise law-abiding, their illegal status could impede their efforts to enforce the law. State legislators pushing proposals to allow illegal aliens to become police officers are not only undermining the rule of law but also threatening public safety. The public must be confident that the officers sworn to protect them and uphold the law are upstanding citizens in the community. FAIR is working with state legislators to make sure these bills do not advance and to protect the integrity of law enforcement agencies across the country as we deal with the worst border crisis in history”

Monday, March 25, 2024

WORDING IN NEW WASHINGTON STATE BILL: “This state wants to give commercial and professional business licenses to people that are here who have already broke the law to be here.”

Here We Go 🚨 Washington State Inching Closer To Justifying Illegal Immigrants Voting In Our Elections By Qualifying Them For Professional Level Jobs Washington residents without permanent legal immigration status will soon be able to get commercial/ professional licenses “The state can no longer deny a commercial or professional license due to the person's Illegal status in the US” “This state wants to give commercial and professional business licenses to people that are here who have already broken the law to be here.” 

“This bill will open doors for careers in teaching, health care, accounting and many other professions to those who are ready to join the Washington workforce” FOR ILLEGALS

Sunday, March 24, 2024

ARMSTRONG: Illegal aliens are flooding the United States to alter the census and the Electoral College to ensure that the Democrats will always win.

Two of my employees, one British and one German, were denied entry to the United States because they might not leave! . . . Unless they vote DEMOCRAT, anyone worthwhile from Europe or Asia need not apply.  -- Martin Armstrong
from Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics

QUESTION: Your comment on how you had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia, and the PM would not allow them in because they would vote conservative, has highlighted this entire agenda from the Democrats. They are destroying our country. Will Biden grant them voting rights to suppress those of us who work for a living? 

ANSWER: It is far worse than that. Most states can’t even restrict voting. Illegal aliens are included in the census. That means the Electoral College votes are allocated by the census, and seats in the House of Representatives are also based on the census. If all Americans left California and they are all illegals, they still get the largest vote as illegals. If we look at the 2020 census, Texas has gained two more votes in Congress and the Electoral College for the next decade. Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon each gained one seat, based on the 2020 census. The seven states that lost one vote each were California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. That is because real Americans are fleeing the Blue States.

Illegal aliens are flooding the United States to alter the census and the Electoral College to ensure that the Democrats will always win. 

This is getting so outrageous, you just can’t make up this shit anymore. A judge in Washington, DC, the land of Marxists, actually threw out a challenge against allowing noncitizens to vote in the election. These Democrats are determined to win, and they do not care about the law or the people. Why can’t Canadians, Europeans, Russians, Chinese, and everyone else vote in the 2024 election if there is NO requirement to be a citizen?

This is outright treason against the American people. They are even starting to replace American workers, reducing the cost of labor. Unions are actually being undermined by this agenda, and they have not really WOKEN UP. That is why blacks and Latinas are leaning toward Trump. They see this as undermining their own advancements.

Any American who now votes for a Democrat is voting against their own future and that of their family.  This is just out of control.  

Biden has been shipping illegals around the country to strategic places to overthrow Republican states. This is not simply an invasion; it is an attempted coup to overthrow the United States, including its Constitution. The Biden Administration attacks any state that tries to enforce voter ID to prove you are an American. The audacity of the Attorney General to claim requiring voter ID is not necessary so they can carry out this treason against real Americans. So much damage is being carried out that there will never be any reconciliation. They expect to rule by sheer tyranny.  

Even the NY Times has reported that the majority believe we are doomed. I am NOT being partisan here. This is why the computer is projecting that there WILL BE NO UNITED STATES post-2032. The Democrats are hell-bent on pushing Marxism despite the fact that it has ALWAYS failed, and this entire illegal immigration is their way to take over the country. they do not care about the people – we are the dirt beneath their feet – not the air beneath their wings.  

We will have no choice but to separate blue vs. red states. There is simply no other alternative. Civilization ONLY survives when everyone benefits. The Democrats do not care that their ideas are anti-religious, anti-culture, and anti-democratic. They MUST impose their agenda regardless of the cost. The rich have become anyone with a job.

This is why there is a growing sense of doom. But this is also engulfing Europe. Those who are supposed to represent us only represent themselves and the agenda. They are told how to vote without ever knowing what the real agenda will be, 

The Founding Fathers understood tyranny, but, unfortunately, the FAKE NEWS of Cicero so enchanted them that they wrongly assumed that a Republic was the best form of government when it was the most corrupt, just as we see today. Even that theme has been used in movies like Star Wars, where the republic is fighting against the empire. Throughout history, this will end in the only way it ever has – the “republic” will collapse.

Then we have companies firing Americans so they can hire illegal aliens on the cheap. This is getting completely out of control, and Americans have to wake up. Then again, the computer will be right, and there will be a time when separation is the only solution. Over one-third of the people in Alaska want to separate from the United States. The same is rising in Florida and Texas, with other states joining rapidly.

Representative Anna Luna happens to be in my district.  She has been putting up a good fight, but she is outnumbered. 

Two of my employees, one British and one German, were denied entry to the United States because they might not leave! It has cost me more than $100,000 so far to fight for my employees who they reject and have families overseas with no intention of staying here while Biden lets criminals come in and countries empty their prisons with tickets to America. I am sorry, but I have ZERO respect for what is happening from first-hand experience. Unless they vote DEMOCRAT, anyone worthwhile from Europe or Asia need not apply.

I am finishing an important book on this subject illustrating the TRUTH from contemporary accounts and even using the coinage to provide the real version of why Caesar was compelled to Cross the Rubicon in the middle of a DEBT CRISIS, and the people cheered. The corrupt Senate fled Rome, and the people did not support them any more than we see today. Those who relied on Cicero and even Cato, who was the leader of the oligarchs, have so distorted history that it threatens our very existence.
Mark Antony’s wife, Fulvia, so despised Cicero and his fake news that he was beheaded and his hands cut off as retribution. As legend has it, Fulvia then wanted to pierce Cicero’s tongue and used her hairpin in her act of revenge against his lies. I suppose that was one way of dealing with the fake news promoters.