Showing posts with label Steve Bartin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Bartin. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

America’s Highest Value International Exports, by State

A fascinating overview shows the biggest trader partners with each of the different states in the U.S. and what products rank highest in that trading history.  From OnDeck,

Exports from Texas to Mexico have an annual value of $144.29 billion — the highest value of exports from a U.S. state to any other country.

Texas exports $33.63 billion in Petroleum & Coal Products to Mexico yearly — the highest value of any single product category from a state to another country.

Canada imports $15.37 billion in Transportation Equipment from Michigan each year, more than any product category from any other state.

Australia imports $4.56 billion in goods from Illinois each year, more than from any other U.S. state

Thank you to Steve Bartin.  

Also, check out the top import and the top export for each state in the U.S.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

COLORADO: Former CBI scientist accused of manipulating data in 652 cases, internal investigation finds

Thank you to Steve Bartin for this report.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


2:00.  We have the big decision come out of the Supreme Court yesterday.  This is huge, and, of course, as I predicted on the show, it would be a very interesting decision.  I initially predicted a couple of months ago that it would be a 5-4 decision in favor of Trump.  Guess what?  It was essentially a 5 to 4 decision in favor of Trump.  All 9 justices argued that Colorado could not keep Trump off the ballot, but 4 of them had reservations about it.  There was a concurring opinion that was almost a dissent.  As I said, it was going to be 5 to 4, and then after listening to the arguments I thought, well, it's going to be 9 to 0, or 8 to 1, but it turned out to be 9 and 0 in favor of Trump "staying on the ballot," but the arguments against it, kind of this expansion of the 14th Amendment, certainly the 3 liberal justices believe that Amy Coney Barrett, who I thought would be in the 5 to 4, who I thought maybe Roberts would go to the 4 but it was Barrett.  She is certainly still saying that maybe the state can do something with the 14th Amendment, Section 3 of that, but regardless, I was right on both accounts.  That's why you listen to the show and that's why on social media I said I should be making Rush Limbaugh kind of money.  

3:30. Let me go into some of the things about this; in fact, I'm not going to read the decision very much.  I'll say some general things about the decision.  First and foremost, I think that Barrett in some ways is actually right that states can enforce provisions of the Constitution.  I mean state judges take an oath to defend the Constitution, and so do state officers.  They do it.  This is what I've mentioned about Texas.  Texas can enforce the Constitution.  They can round up people crossing the border illegally, send them back to Mexico, or wherever else they are from.  They can do that.  State officers take an oath to support the Constitution.  Now, what states don't have to do is enforce unconstitutional laws.  I've talked about that on this show.  That's non-commandeering.  But if the law is constitutional, and they take an oath to do it, then they have to enforce those things.

4:20. Now, the situation with the ballot is very interesting because it wasn't until the late 19th century that we had the States involved in that process, and some of that was because of the 14th Amendment.  But also because states wanted to regulate who could and who could not be on a ballot; in some ways, that's a little bit of an expansion of power that maybe they don't have.  Private entities or parties can put anybody they want on the ballot.  The states can sort that out after they get nominees, but you can have any party nominate anyone.  And if that person had been convicted of, say, insurrection, well, then the state could potentially leave them off the ballot, or if that person was a criminal or another way of what if they were in jail well that person could be kept off the ballot I mean there are some things you know like when if they're not old enough whatever the situation is the state can review that and say no well this person can't be there also Congress has a role in that regard as well they can refuse to see people in Congress but the state certainly gets to decide to choose it's electors so in that way there could be some control of that for the states.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

DEAR LAKEWOOD: We're sending you our [crime, pr*stitut*on, and drugs] finest. Love, DENVER

Thanks to Steve Bartin.  

Thursday, November 16, 2023

What does it say about [a Western] society when you have to force your women into going to war?

Thanks to Steve Bartin.

What does it say about society when you have to force your women into going to war, particularly in a Western society? 

"Americans Don't Want to Fight for Their Country Anymore," Aleks Phillips, Newsweek, November 10, 2023.  Surprisingly honest in some ways.  This is Newsweek, this isn't some right-wing website.  This is surprisingly frank about the effects that wokism has had on military recruiting.  Somebody pointed out that the recent commercials have dropped almost all of that stuff.  In some very recent commercials, they dropped all the woke stuff.  It's all gone. 

Friday, March 31, 2023

"Starbucks didn't do this under orders from a government bureau. They did it because capitalism works"

Watch this first.

Then this. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Fed hikes interest rates for second time in 2022

Thanks to Steve Bartin.

The Hill reports:  

The Federal Reserve raised its baseline interest rate range Wednesday by two times the size of a usual rate hike as the central bank sprints to get ahead of rising inflation.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the panel of Fed officials in charge of monetary policy, boosted interest rates by 0.5 percentage points to a target range of 0.75 to 1 percent.

After leaving rates near zero for all of 2021, Fed Chair Jerome Powell and other bank leaders have pledged to quickly bring borrowing costs back toward levels that won’t stimulate the economy.

Here's the Fed statement


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Chilling Indictment of Americans

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Thank you Steve Bartin.

Friday, September 10, 2021

DR. OZ: "My Wife's Not Getting Immunized Nor Are My Kids"

Thanks to Steve Bartin's, "Mark Dice: The Mask Came Off." 

At the 1:04 mark:   

JOE BIDENThe bottom line, we’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.  

MARK DICE: Isn’t that what the vaccine itself is for those who decide to take [the vaccine]?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


This should not come as a secret or a surprise to any visitors to this site.  Unfortunately, Former CDC Director, Tom Frieden was interviewed by John Roberts, long-time CBS Anchor.  The problem is that Roberts leads the questioning and the answers that Frieden gives are standard: stay at home, quarantine a person infected, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.  Is he talking to 6-year-olds?  Anyone old enough, from a 9-year-old child to an octogenarian, knows that if you're sick with anything that you stay home.  Now it is true that though high school kids may know this they don't heed this warning because they've got friends to attend to, they've got games and projects that need their hands on.  So it's true that some people need to have this message droned into their head, but if you're at all conscientious you're not going to want to get people sick and sabotage their productivity.  

So take your daily vitamin D for the reasons that Dr. Frieden states here,
Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of respiratory infectionregulates cytokine production and can limit the risk of other viruses such as influenza. A respiratory infection can result in cytokine storms – a vicious cycle in which our inflammatory cells damage organs throughout the body – which increase mortality for those with COVID-19. Adequate Vitamin D may potentially provide some modest protection for vulnerable populations. 
Frieden is downplaying the effectiveness of vitamin D because as a former government agent, he has to stay on the plantation narrative of "shelter in place," "accept martial law," "self-quarantine," "wear a mask," "wash your hands," etc., etc., etc.  

Check out what Dr. John Cannell, owner of the Vitamin D Council site, has to say about what vitamin D does for you.  Then check out what Creighton University professor, Robert P. Heaney says about the protective effects of vitamin D, which go way beyond strengthening your immune system.  Need more evidence?  Scroll down this page about 2/3 to find other vitamin D experts to see what they say about what it does and how it can restore your health.  Like I said, I've covered the powerful effects of vitamin D several times.  It's too important a supplement not to have in your daily arsenal.  

I've had good results with this brand.  And the price is not bad either.