Showing posts with label Sasha Latyova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latyova. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MANOOKIAN: we're in the middle of World War 2, and Congress passes something called the Public Health Services Act, 1944?

Leslie Manookian.   

πŸ”₯"[T]his Chevron case is huge...because it means that the courts will no longer defer to the administrative agencies or to these federal agencies...they actually have to be held accountable and prove in a court of law that the rules that they are issuing are based on science..." Writer, filmmaker, former Wall St. business executive, and President of the Health Freedom Defense Fund (@theHFDF) Leslie Manookian (@LeslieManookian) describes for Brandon Bushong of TrialSite News (@TrialsiteN) why the Supreme Court overturning the long-standing Chevron doctrine is such a big (positive!) development.

Transcription of the clip: "It's a huge, huge case. So there's been a Supreme Court case called Chevron versus Natural Resources Defense Council that's been in place since 1984, and this has been controlling law across the entire country. What it says is that if so when we sued CDC, the court, when we sued CDC over its mask mandate, and defeated it, the court is required to give deference to the agency if there's some question about, interpretation of the law. Okay? And that's not what happened in our case because we argued that the CDC had overstepped its lawful, authority under the Administrative Procedure Act. "But, basically, there was a case called Loper Bright Enterprises in front of the Supreme Court. And what happened was EPA ordered this...fishery group, Loper Bright Enterprises, to take on board an observer and pay for him or her, someone who would ensure and this is a small group, small business, ensure that they are not overfishing, and they had to pay for it. And so, basically, it was this massive overstepping of authority. So what Chevron doctrine says is that if there's an issue before the courts involving a federal agency, then the courts should defer to the expertise in terms of interpreting...the intentions of Congress, but also the expertise of the agency itself. And, therefore, its rules should be upheld. "Well, the Supreme Court right now does not seem very favorably inclined on that, and there have been several cases where the power of the agencies have been overturned in the last couple of years. There was one...when the CDC issued the eviction moratorium in...I don't know if it was 2020 or 2021, that was overturned. "And so, basically, this has huge implications for us because what's been happening for the last 40, 50, 60, 70 years, really since 1944 when the Public Health Services Act was implemented in the middle of war, which I find very bizarre. You know, we're in the middle of World War 2, and Congress passes something called the Public Health Services Act, which grants all of this power to the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the FDA. And, what's happened now as a result of this overturning of Chevron is that they're going to be held accountable. They're gonna be held to a higher threshold than they were because they've been given all this deference for the last 40 years. And many critics of the Chevron deference is, their opinion is and it and I agree with this, that what's happened as a result of Chevron is that...a fourth branch of government has developed, the administrative state. "All of these agencies are what make up the administrative state, and they are all underneath the federal, branch of government. So, you know, we've got the Executive, the President. You've got the Legislative, Congress, and you've got the judiciary, all the courts. But now you've got this fourth branch, this huge administrative state, which is unelected and unaccountable to the electorate. And they sit under the President, and this is exactly what happened. When President Biden was elected and inaugurated, in his first full day in office, he instructed the CDC to issue the mask mandate, and they dutifully did so in one week. "This was not something that Congress had told them to do or delegated power to them to do. It was purely an administrative and executive order. And so what's happened is the growth of the administrative state has really destabilized the balance of power in our system and given way, way too much power to the executive. And so this Chevron case is huge for us because it means that the courts will no longer defer to the administrative agencies or to these federal agencies whether they're health or environmental or anything else, they actually have to be held accountable and prove in a court of law that the rules that they are issuing are based on science, fact, and have a true public interest. "This is very, very big, and it has an impact for all of us in the Health Freedom arena."

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

LATYPOVA: Corporate insurance policies are being revised to anticipate large-scale government actions couched as "weather events." That means new lockdowns for whatever pretenses are expected starting after June 6, 2024

“you might not be able to travel for your booked vacation, but if you are already somewhere, you will be allowed to return home.”

from Sasha Latypova


We’re updating our Extenuating Circumstances Policy and changing its name to make it easier to understand.

The revised Major Disruptive Events Policy will apply to all trips and Experiences taking place on or after June 6, 2024, regardless of when they were booked.

What’s changing in the policy?

Foreseeable weather events at the reservation’s location are explicitly eligible for coverage if they result in another covered event, such as a government travel restriction or large-scale utility outage.

The policy will only apply to events in the place where the reservation is located. Events that impact a guest’s ability to travel to the reservation are no longer covered.

Your continued use of the Airbnb Platform from June 6, 2024, constitutes acceptance of the updated Major Disruptive Events Policy. 


It seems that the insurance policies of the corporations are being revised to anticipate large-scale government actions, couched as “weather events.” It looks like new lockdowns for whatever pretenses are expected starting after June 6. This is why this policy update reads like: “you might not be able to travel for your booked vacation, but if you are already somewhere, you will be allowed to return home.”

Stay alert and do not comply!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

LATYPOVA: Since 2005, all biolab facilities in Ukraine have been under the US Government and DOD control. For world peace reasons, of course, you understand.

You should read Sasha Latypova regularly.  

In today's article, titled, "World Exclusive: Everything You Wanted to Know About Biolabs in Ukraine, Now Revealed!"

Her subheading reads "DOD Operation Warp Speed, or OWS, confirms--pathogens are made in the labs.  It's okay when WE do it!  It's to save Grandma and for warfighter readiness . . . ."  You've got to love the dragon-sleighing sarcasm.

It's 2024 and we're still confused about COVID-19 origins, that is until now.  

Her article starts

Here is the document in question (in Ukrainian): the agreement between Ukraine and US, signed in August 2005that turns over the control of the Ukrainian biolabs that store and work with “pathogens” to the US government.  Link to auto English translation.  

This is just remarkable.  The US has contracted with Ukraine to make bioweapons since 2005, almost 20 years ago?  So, this would mean that the U.S. knew the source and origin of the bioweapon, COVID-19, since at least 2005.  Check out the wording in the contract.  

Desiring to implement the Agreement between Ukraine and the United States of America on Assistance to Ukraine in the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, as well as the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, signed on October 25, 1993, with subsequent amendments and additions (hereinafter referred to as the "Framework Agreement") in the part relating to the prevention of the proliferation of technologies, pathogens and knowledge that could be used in the development of biological weapons,

It's an agreement "on Assistance to Ukraine in the Elimination of Strategic Nuclear Weapons, as well as the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, signed on October 25, 1993.  

So it's an agreement to create weapons of mass destruction that replace nuclear weapons? 

And what took place between 1993 and 2005?  
Despite this change of control over Ukrainian biolabs nearly 20 years ago, just a few days ago this information was presented on Twitter as earthshattering news (again, I must add): “Russian authorities assert that the bio-research initiatives undertaken by the US Defense Department in Ukraine necessitate a thorough legal review, including scrutiny by pertinent international organizations.” 

And for the necessary levity on the subject, Sasha writes, 

Putin found the Ukrainian Rada website, at last!

I have to admit that I took part in hero worship of Putin.  See here.  

Here's a summary of the 2005 Ukraine-US agreement on Ukrainian Biolabs:

Agreement between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the U.S. Department of Defense: 
The agreement is a part of the Framework Agreement signed in 1993 between Ukraine and the United States of America on assistance to Ukraine in the elimination of strategic nuclear weapons and the prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The agreement focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons in Ukraine, especially at the facilities designated by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Defense: 
The U.S. Department of Defense will provide free assistance to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the amount of 15 million U.S. dollars, subject to the availability of funds allocated for this purpose. The assistance may include, but is not limited to, assistance for joint research into biology, identification and response to hazardous biological agents, and improved protection, control, and reporting of biological materials to reduce the risk of theft or unauthorized use of hazardous pathogens located at facilities in Ukraine. The U.S. Department of Defense may also provide other types of assistance by written agreement with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Obligations and responsibilities of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine: 
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will use the assistance exclusively for the purpose of preventing the proliferation of biological weapons, and will not divert or transfer it to any other use or recipient. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will facilitate verification and inspections by the U.S. Department of Defense of the materials, training, and services provided under the agreement. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will also transfer copies of dangerous pathogens and information obtained from the Infectious Disease Surveillance Network to the U.S. Department of Defense for joint research in preventive, protective, and peaceful purposes.

All of this in exchange for $15 million. LOL. Major LOL! This is embarrassing. For comparison, Robert Malone got $20+M to conduct just one fake study… Who negotiated that deal? I hope they got a bit more cash since 2005. It appears they did: A contract for “infrastructure development” was awarded by DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency, yes, that’s DOD), to Labyrinth Global Health, including a subaward for “COVID research” in Ukraine in 2019. According to Labyrinth’s website, it appears to be a “global consultancy” that facilitates “private-public partnerships” in various regions of the world = a conduit for the US Government and DOD capturing healthcare government agencies and any research/manufacturing facilities abroad with money and contracts, so that they are all “aligned” with the US global objectives. It is not clear what “covid research” in 2019 in Ukraine entailed, but judging from Labyrinth’s stated business activities, it does not appear to be making viruses/toxins, but rather “facilitating”, training staff, giving grants for propaganda papers, and market research/surveys about pandemic topics. In other words, teach the locals to brainwash themselves for the US/globalist purposes. Just to recap this article so far:

Since 2005, all biolab facilities in Ukraine have been under the US Government and DOD control. For world peace reasons, of course, you understand.

Next, let’s test your Biolab awareness. What do you think goes on at these dangerous, remote, secret locations? They obtain, store, grow, and experiment with deadly pathogens, right?

Do you mean like this? DOD press conference, March 5, 2020

Monday, December 18, 2023

Purposeful stalling and diversion, playing on the fact that general masses do not pay attention too much, and view every empty “jab bad”, “FDA bad”, and “Pfizer bad” pronouncement as a sign of progress . . .

Hard to find anyone more in tune with the vaccine war than Sasha Latypova and Katherine Witt.  Here is Latypova.  Be sure to read some of the comments.

For fairness, let’s hear from the other side of this argument:

Oh. The other side says “You don’t understand” and STFU. Duly noted.

I think Dr. Yeadon understands very well what is going on, and think he understands too well for Robert Malone’s liking, and that’s why the response is full of, let’s say - hate and hyperbole but no actual rebuttal or an explanation of what exactly is incorrect.

Making a big show on social media asking questions (“Why is FDA silent!”) that were asked and clearly answered (by the FDA and by the federal judges) for 3+ years and pretending that this time it’s different, points to several possible scenarios, and combinations thereof:

Severe incompetence of those “experts” who keep up this theater. It is possible that they do not understand how this crime is being committed and by whom, and it is possible they did not see the previous answers by the FDA (even in court depositions), and are not aware of the decisions by federal judges in key cases, and do not understand the current US law, and never heard of EUA Countermeasures (while working for DOD and DTRA and getting paid to make countermeasures). Possible, but not likely. And if this is the case, then why are they called experts, again?

Purposeful stalling and diversion, playing on the fact that general masses do not pay attention too much, and view every empty “jab bad”, “FDA bad”, and “Pfizer bad” pronouncement as a sign of progress and that their favorite shiny talking head on the internet is fighting for their health freedom;

Since we are in the election year, everything is about elections - spinning the narrative in support of whoever political campaign they are aligned with.

For everyone’s information, including Dr. Malone’s (I think, he was asking why the FDA is not addressing product adulteration) - the FDA has inspected Moderna’s manufacturing facilities back in September and found numerous violations, and issued an angry form 483 (which means Moderna is not cGMP compliant and has never been). The contents of the form are still secret. Interestingly, it is Reuters that is trying to FOIA it. It will interest everyone involved to know that the FDA conducted similar inspections of Catalent (Moderna’s fill-finish contractor), and Rentschler (Pfizer’s active substance supplier) in 2021 and 2022 and in all cases found them non-cGMP compliant. Did anything happen after these shocking findings by the FDA? You guessed correctly if you guessed - NOT A THING! EUA countermeasures are not regulated in an enforceable manner by the FDA. They are “inspected and accepted” by BARDA which has nothing to do with the FDA. And as non-investigational chemical entities, they can be legally misbranded and adulterated. Lot-release testing does not apply to them, as Dr. Marks stated in court deposition. Dr. Malone can easily look up the relevant parts of the law.

So why are big experts asking the same damn question over and over again and expecting a different answer? That quote is misattributed to Einstein by the way.

I don’t think this is a sign of insanity. Nobody involved in this is stupid or making mistakes. Clearly, all these “near misses” from the truth are designed to nearly miss the truth as long as possible while the global prison is being constructed.  

Monday, August 14, 2023

If you want to help families affected by Lahaina, Maui fire directly...

Find the direct link to the charities here


This video is on Rumble which does not censor content. YouTube/Google has taken down EVERY video posted on their site by citizens of Maui. YouTube/Google is a government whore.

The video link about is 22 minutes long and not only shows Lahaina but the surrounding area. The government official says “58 water drops by helicopter” on the fires. That’s like throwing 58 water balloons at a bonfire. There was no fixed-wing aircraft dropping fire retardant as we have in California. Why not? Can’t Maui/Hawaii afford fire bombers?

And NO sirens, which are all over the Hawaiian Islands sounded, ever! Those sirens are there to warn of tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and North Korean missiles, but no… they didn’t work for this fire.

The Big Boys wanted to burn out the natives, kill the natives, and steal their land.

It’s the same old story.

Thanks, TJM.