Showing posts with label Lew Rockwell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lew Rockwell. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: if Trump gets in, the Neocons are out. Victorian Nuland was thrown out of Trump's Administration. She has been in every Administration but Trump's

Gold has got nothing to do with inflation.  Gold goes up basically when you're questioning the future, who is going to survive?  Gold goes up generally when there is a collapse in confidence in government, and that typically centers around war.  --Martin Armstrong
Thank you to Lew Rockwell @ LRC.

14:30, HUNTER.  So let's say they get war, what happens to the economy? What happens to the bond market?  

14:38, ARMSTRONG.  Basically, we're looking at a 2-year decline in the stock market, interest rates going up, and you're looking at major crises in debt.  China owns 10% of our debt.  They would be absolutely brain-dead to hold on to any of it.  Because what happens in war?  You default on your enemy.  That's it.  Whatever they have, sorry, we're not paying anything.  Go on.  This is what they do.  

15:15, HUNTER.  Is this why gold is hitting one record high after another?  I mean it briefly went over $2,600 an ounce, and Goldman analysts are saying, nah, it's going to $3,000.  They're going to get this war.  I mean they're not going to stop, are they?  Are they afraid of default?  That's why gold is going up?  

15:35, ARMSTRONG.  Look at gold back going into 1980.  It went from $176 to only $400 in December 1979.  It from $400 to $875 in the last 6 weeks of 1979.  Why?  It had nothing to do with inflation.  Why?  That's when Russia invaded Afghanistan.  Gold has got nothing to do with inflation, that's nonsense.  The national debt went up for 19 years, and gold went down for 19 years.  That's just a one-dimensional analysis, "Oh, buy gold, because it's inflation."  No, it's not.  Gold goes up basically when you're questioning the future, who is going to survive?  Gold goes up generally when there is a collapse in confidence in government, and that typically centers around war.  That's the way things have been for centuries.  

from GoldSeek,
"That was basically caused by OPEC raising the price of oil dramatically and that created a cost-push inflation. So everybody's costs were rising dramatically. Anything that had to do with plastic, went up dramatically and that created eventually the inflationary boom between 1976 going into 1980. As for gold rose to $875, etc...I think gold was about a $100 in 1976 and it rose to about $400 but that was by December 1979, the last six weeks of the rally, which peaked in 1980 on January 21st. So from December to January 21st, that's when Russia invaded Afghanistan. So it was the geopolitical stuff that took gold from $400 to $875. So it's important to understand inflation is not the major driving power but inflation when war is around – that's what broke Bretton was the Vietnam War."
16:45. Are they going to try to kill Trump again are they going to go for the third time as a charm are they going to do it again I'm not trying to be morbid I don't want him dead I don't want him dead but these people are cuckoo demonic are they going to try to kill him again?

17:02  I wouldn't put it past them. I mean maybe next time they use monkeypox or bird flu or something but Trump represents a real threat to their power.  If Trump gets in, the Neocons are out.  Who wrote that article for the Washington Post, "A Trump Dictatorship Is Increasingly Inevitable," Oh Trump Would Be a Dictator?  We Should Stop Pretending"? It was Victoria Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan.  Why?  Because Victorian Nuland was thrown out of Trump's Administration she has been in every Administration but Trump's pick up the rug and look at this stuff from the beginning of this year I was told that Biden will never be the candidate he was to remain on there to prevent anybody else from getting on the ticket including RFK why because this has been a setup I was told that he would stay until after the Republican convention why so the Republicans are confused and they don't know who they're running against then he steps down and hands it to Kamala this is the first time in history the Democrats have never had a right to vote for their own candidate why do they want to know why why do they want Kamala Harris because she's another Biden she says whatever she's told and will sign whatever they put in front of her nose.  That's why they want her I don't think they thought that she would do as bad in the approval rating the real one not the fake one the people that come to you for the real numbers so they come to you for the real numbers because when I put this number out Martin Armstrong says that it's 10, 10.5%.  My other source who backs it up says it's 8 and 1/2%. I don't get a single troll that says, "Oh, that's wrong because they don't want that to show up in search."  Not even alt media will pick it up.  Zero Hedge did pick it up last time, but that's a real number.

19:32. They can make them say whatever they want.

19:40. I'm not a fan of hers either but Hillary would have been better 

19:50. She's not going to be president and then do everything that they say, no. They don't want a strong president.

19:55. I hate to tell you this, but Biden would have lost, but Biden would have done better than Kamala. 

20:04. Maybe.  I mean she never even got one delegate in the primary before against Biden. They are afraid, they know she can't win, that's why the push for the shooters.  I mean how clumsy is this, another assassination?  They're pushing for shooting missiles into Russia. They know she can't win.

20:17. The second attempt at assassination is even more but this guy is not from Florida the question is how did he he got down there and suddenly suddenly gave him a gun and untraceable gun

Sunday, September 15, 2024

KEVIN RYAN: What Really Happened to U.S. Air Defenses on 9/11/2001?

Thank you to Lew Rockwell's "What Really Happened to U.S. Air Defenses on 9/11/2001?"  September 12, 2024.

17:50, RYAN.  Communications to NORAD went to General Montague Winfield

The entire military chain of command was missing on 9/11. 

General Montague Winfield, a general at the National Military Command Center, was missing. 

General Tom Canavan was missing. 

President George W. Bush was missing, attending an elementary school or preschool reading session.  The Secret Service was not protecting him.  He was there for 35 minutes after the attacks began.  It was highly publicized in there.  So he was taken out of the picture by just sitting there reading "My Pet Goat" to the children.  

The Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, 2001-2006, was the next line in the military chain of command, and he went missing as well.  He didn't know anything about what was going on, he said, until the Pentagon was attacked at which point he went out into the parking lot and tried to help with stretchers for more than 30 minutes and couldn't be contacted.  These are incredible stories but they're true.  

19:00  And the next person in the military chain of command was Hugh Shelton, 14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1997-2001, and he was out of the country, just gone to Europe mysteriously.  And then Winfield Montague and Canavan were out, everybody was out just for that morning, just for those hours.  So that's another reason why things didn't go very well, but . . . .  One of the more important reasons was that there were military exercises going on 9/11 that not only mimicked the event but they obstructed the response. 

19:40, RYAN.  So before 9/11 and a couple of years before 9/11, there were 28 hijack exercise scenarios that the military practiced.  And about 1/4 of those were suicide missions into high-value targets.  So people don't hear about this very often but if you research you'll find out that the information is there, that the military practiced this and they practiced this on 9/11.  There was an exercise called Vigilant Guardian 2001 that was practiced on 9/11 and had been going on for a couple of days when on September 9th, they had practiced the hijacking for a suicide attack against the United Nations Building in New York City just a few blocks from the World Trade Center.  That's 2 days before 9/11.  On September 11, they conducted similar hijacking events in which they were inserting simulated hijackings into the live air surveillance system, so they called it SIM Over Live.  The simulated injections were confusing the people who were supposedly responding, they all thought it was an exercise.  In their testimony with the 9/11 Commission, they say, "We thought the exercise had started early." The evidence shows that the simulated injections continued until after the attacks and definitely disrupted the response.  

21:13, MORRIS.  So you have all of these high-ranking members of the military, the chain of command, gone, missing; all of these folks at the FAA, missing, gone.  You have these simulated attacks being injected and being run on that particular day, 9/11, which seems like the perfect, you have what many believe, we on this show as well, with the experts that we've had on this show, what many believe that these aircraft were remote-controlled.  They were not piloted by these morons.  They couldn't pilot a Cessna.  They didn't know what they were doing . . . with precision guidance . . . absolutely not.  So these were remote-controlled aircraft being manipulated on that particular day and that's why we don't have jets scrambling to get close to the cockpit to confirm that these pilots are not actually piloting the plane.  It all seems, I mean you look at Occam's Razor, all of these things point to a massive, massive cover-up, no? 

22:05, RYAN.  It definitely does, and you can see the different ways that the 9/11 official account is false and they all look very much like it was a cover-up.  You may know that in the 9/11 Commission Report, they didn't even mention some of the major events that happened that day, like the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.  Didn't even show up in the report.  The testimony of 9/11 hero, William Rodriguez.  Or the FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds.  These are critical testimonies that never showed up in the report.  And this cover-up of the air defenses was really had to come down to just "Well, everybody was just lying.  They weren't tracking the planes."  I can say that 2 years after the 9/11 Commission Report came out, they justified this new account through an article in the magazine called Vanity Fair.  And you may remember something they called 9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes.  They suddenly found some tapes that somehow explained away that they didn't really know about it, and the communications failures were the big problem.  This reporter had gotten privileged access to these NORAD tapes that apparently NORAD didn't even know about.  That's amazing in itself.  So they tried to years later to justify it, but really they never came down to the explanation of why would all these people be lying in order to make themselves look bad?  So if you think about this, that's exactly what it is.  If they were never notified, they would have just said "We were never notified.  How can we have possibly intercepted the jets."  But that's not what they said.  They said, "Yes, we were notified with 20 minutes on Flight 175, 14 minutes on Flight 177, and 47 minutes on Flight 93."  And we were tracking these planes in detail; they give detailed testimony to this, and generals and colonels, people we just wouldn't expect to be lying for any reason, particularly for a reason that makes them look bad ultimately. 

24:27, MORRIS.  Also, I remember on that day news stations were reporting about the flight over Pennsylvania and tracking it in real-time.  It had gone missing.  Where was it?  It wasn't over Pennsylvania, so even news reports.  Even if you want to discount NORAD or being notified, even NBCNews, The Today Show, and others were reporting about this flight.  So they would have been fully aware of this. 

24:54, RYAN.  That's right.  Not only that but air-traffic controllers were taking notes.  So FOIA released documents that showed that air-traffick controllers were writing notes about having been, like Flight 93, having been hijacked and where it was going on the Ohio and Pennsylvania border long before it crashed.  So why would they all create these fictional accounts?  It makes no sense whatsoever.  It really . . . unless psychology you really need to believe the official account, which is the case for a lot of people.  I think psychologically, they really need to believe the official account, so whatever way they can do that they're willing to accept.  

25:48, MORRIS.  Yeah, I think there's a cognitive dissonance out there, they want the official story to be one particular way, the one shooter, and they don't want discussions about a conspiracy, which we now know verifiably is the case, whether it's the assassination attempt on President Trump or the 9/11 attacks.  So it's unbelievable to me that the American populous would sit back and say, "That's okay.  In this 9/11 Commission Report, you've left out critical testimony on purpose, FBI whistleblowers, and others about these pilots, all sorts of critical information, you've purposefully left out of the 9/11 Commission Report, or you purposefully didn't interview individuals or ask them critical questions.  That's all missing from the official 9/11 Report, and I remember the time when the 9/11 Report came out [July 22, 2004]

Friday, June 14, 2024

MICHAEL MCKAY: World Health Organization Caught Lying. There Was No Bird Flu Death in Mexico

See his video here.

You can watch Mr Alcocer’s statement HERE  (translated into English)

You can watch his statement in the original Spanish HERE.

The World Health Organization claimed a person’s death in Mexico was due to the “first laboratory-confirmed human case of infection with an influenza A (H5N2) virus.”

This was not true

From 100 Percent Fed Up:

The patient’s medical profile clearly shows bird flu played zero role in his death.

The patient, a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico, had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals.

“The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms.” 

Now, Mexico’s Health Secretary has pushed back against claims that bird flu caused the patient’s death.

Jorge Alcocer Varela dismissed the WHO’s announcement that the 59-year-old’s death was due to the bird flu strain.

Other media from around the World also reported the WHO’s lie:

And from Turkey:

Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer on Thursday denied an announcement by the World Health Organization (WHO) that a man’s death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu that had never before been found in a human.

During a morning briefing, Alcocer rebuffed the WHO’s announcement and assured that the 59-year-old man, who was reported to have died from the A(H5N2) strain of avian influenza, “died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure.”

Alcocer urged people to remain calm and to take the WHO’s announcement with caution because it is “not accurate.”

MM Comment:

The WHO has an agenda of fomenting fear and consistent record of creating panic.

Please don’t get sucked in and – please – share this with all those you care about.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

JASON HELMES: You develop confidence and strong mental health by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy.

Thank you to Karen de Coster's "The Therapy State" @ Lew Rockwell.

Find Abigail Shrier's website here. And her Twitter feed here.

Some takeaways:

1. We incessantly ask kids how they're feeling, if they're happy, how their mental health is, etc, and this is creating kids who think they're fragile instead of resilient.

2. Trying to solve every problem for kids has caused a generation who can't do anything for themselves.
We (Gen X) were told to "suck it up" or "you'll live" or "rub some dirt on it" all the time. Many of us came to the conclusion this is "bad parenting" because our feelings were neglected, and we vowed not to do this to our own children. Because of that, kids immediately over-dramatize everything that happens to them, making mountains out of molehills, and thinking the world must revolve around their emotions and feelings.
3. You develop confidence and strong mental health by doing things, not by thinking or via therapy.
You can't think your way out of anxiety. You don't gain confidence by analysis of your thoughts or mental health issues. You gain confidence and eliminate anxiety by doing gradually more difficult tasks, excelling at them, and realizing you are a competent, capable person.
4. One of the best ways to decrease your happiness is to chase it.
Our society constantly tells kids they should be "happy" and asks them if they are. Happiness isn't a state you should be in 24/7. That's not realistic. Joy and bliss aren't permanent states - they are fleeting. Contentment, stillness, and being even-keeled are much better goals to aim for mentally.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Friday, December 29, 2023

what drove those young men to burst the gates of Gaza?

Thank you to Lew Rockwell for this video interview between Russell Brand and Norman Finkelstein.  

Israel imposed a brutal economic blockade in 2006 on Gaza.  The effect of that blockade was that nothing could go into Gaza, and nothing could come out of Gaza; no person could go into Gaza, and no person could leave Gaza without Israel's permission.  Israel imposed in the course of that blockade a regime of starvation plus a diet on the people of Gaza that literally calculated the caloric intake of the people of Gaza and then allowed food to enter Gaza at a starvation-plus level.  Gaza has suffered from among the worst economic deprivation, in particular, unemployment in Gaza.  Among Gaza in general, it's about 50% of the population.  Among youth, namely the people who burst the gates of Gaza, the unemployment is at a level of about 70%.  About 97% of the water in Gaza is poisonous; it can't be drunk by the people.  Now, if you add up all of these factors what do you get?  And I really just skimmed the surface I haven't mentioned that half the population of Gaza comprises children.  I haven't mentioned that 70% of the population of Gaza comprises refugees who were expelled from Israel in 1948 and their descendants I haven't mentioned that Gaza is among the most densely populated places on God's Earth I haven't mentioned that the young people who burst the gates of Gaza.  Most of them were born into that place, which suffered from this economic blockade since 2006.  So what do we get when we put all these factors together?  Well, we take your own former British Prime Minister David Cameron, who now I understand is your Foreign Secretary.  David Cameron described Gaza as an open-air prison.  If you take Israel's senior security establishment officials he was the head of Israel's National Security Council, his name is Giora Eiland.  And in March 2004, Giora Eiland  described Gaza as "a huge concentration camp."  And so what you saw on October 7th was young men who had been born into a concentration camp and had lived for 20 years of their lives in that concentration camp.  But that's only half the story.  The other half of the story is Israel periodically "mows the lawn" in Gaza.  And what is "mowing the lawn"?  "Mowing the lawn" is these high-tech massacres that Israel launches against Gaza.  And a lot of people nowadays express the opinion that if Israel is conducting such massive death and destruction in Gaza, it's because of what happened on October 7th.  Well it is true, it is true that the quantitative magnitude of the death and destruction in Gaza is at a new level.  I wouldn't argue with that.  No sane person would argue with that.  But it's not true that the methods that Israel is employing in Gaza are new or that they suddenly emerged after October 7th.  So I asked your colleagues to just print out, you have in front of you, a list taken from not a human rights report, not from the United Nations, but just random testimonies of Israeli soldiers who fought in Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Now I want you to bear in mind that this list comprises not soldiers who are peacenicks, not soldiers who feel guilty or remorseful about their actions; on the contrary, these soldiers just randomly describe what they did in Gaza.  And I want to reiterate for your listeners, this is before October 7th.  This is Standard Operating Procedure for Israelis each time they "mow the lawn" in Gaza.  So I'm going to ask you, Russell, because by profession you're an actor, so you have a much better voice than me.  Just for each testimony I'm going to ask you to go Soldier.  Read one soldier, read the next because I think it's important for listeners to understand what drove those young men to burst the gates of Gaza, and, we have to be honest, committed atrocities.  So if you don't mind, just read it for the listeners.

9:02.  Reading page 219 from This Is How We Fought in Gaza: Soldiers Testimonies' and Photographs from Operation Protective Edge 2014, Breaking the Silence.  I'll be asking you with the oppositional of you to everything that we are discussing here is you know when people say that Israel is the only country that has ever shown any sort of clemency to Palestine that there never was a nation of Palestine free 1947 all all of the common arguments so that we can even if that come up so that we can even have a conversation that has some tenacity and integrity to it these are the sources that Norman has requested that I use it.

Soldier 18: When we left after the operation, it was just a barren stretch of desert.  We spoke about it a lot amongst ourselves, the guys from the company, how crazy the amount of damage we did there was.  I quote, "Listen man, it's crazy what went on in there.  Listen man, we really missed them up, fuck, check it out, there is nothing at all left . . . , it's nothing but desert now.  that's crazy."

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Dr. Madison Oak: Relief From Vertigo: An Excellent Resource That Many People Need


Vestibular migraine is the most common cause of neurological dizziness in vertigo.  So that is what got me started on what is now the Vertigo Doctor, which is my Instagram website.  I am everywhere.  She references BPPV, which stands for Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.  And Epley or vestibular neuritis .  Her site is  

Saturday, December 16, 2023

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: Iran will not stand by and allow Hezbollah to be destroyed.

Americans used to be people who'd say, "Wait a minute, what's this go to do with us?"  They don't do that anymore.  --Col. Douglas MacGregor

Iran will not stand by and allow Hezbollah to be destroyed.  --Macgregor

Netanyahu wants to expand the war.  

Israel doesn't have any friends in the Middle East, but now it has serious enemies.  And the populations are going to shape the destiny of Israel in the future.  

Is this an American national security interest, or an American domestic politics reality? 

It is a reality of domestic politics.  The American people have been conditioned for decades to see Iran exclusively as an enemy that had to be destroyed.  

I mean I could take you into WalMart or CVS, and ask somebody, "What do you think about those Iranians?"
Oh, they're bad.  They're terrible.  
It's worked.  It goes back to our discussions about why are all of these people so quick to swallow the line about Russia being evil and corrupt, dangerous, and invading everyone?  Well, you fell back on the Cold War.  There is still that underlying consciousness, and there is a willingness to accept what is being taught in academia, what comes across the airwaves on television, 

Americans used to be people who'd say, "Wait a minute, what's this go to do with us?"  They don't do that anymore.  They have been brainwashed, and conditioned.  Intellectually and socially to say, "Iran is evil and bad, therefore, get rid of it.  Now, there are younger people who don't share that assumption. And I don't think that Americans really understand what war means.  A friend of mine who fought in Vietnam was a helicopter gun pilot as a warrant officer, he's a great person and worked for years in the intelligence committee.  Worked for me when I was at the Supreme Headquarters of Light Powers Europe.  And he was telling me, you know, Americans have no idea what's going on.  We had Army groups in Europe between 1944 and 45, from June of 44 until the war ended, that sustained 756,000 casualties, more casualties more losses than we could replace.  We have forgotten that war involves a lot of killing.  The Israelis are experiencing that now, and they are not insensitive to it.  But imagine it on a regional scale and Industrial scale.  We lost 19,000 casualties a month from June of 44 until the Battle of the Bulge broke out, and then it went up to 100,000 a month.  I'm just talking about American forces in Europe, you know, but we never bring these things up.  That's war.  And we have played with this war thing and now we've watched what the Russians have done who understand war.  They have a grasp of it.  Look at what they have done; they built a force for war.  This is not some boutique, specialized army or Marine Corps designed to go into third-world countries where nobody has air defense, where nobody can defend themselves effectively, where they have very little organized military power.  That's [Russian force] a force capable of waging scientific industrial war in the 21st century.  We don't have that, and if we drag ourselves into this thing by provoking a war with Iran, this thing will spread because the Russians will not stand by and watch us destroy Iran.  China has an enormous interest in the Persian Gulf in the Arabian Peninsula.  It Imports most of its oil and gas from there. Russia has tried to make up for some of it when it could not reach it, but today it's impossible to feed the Chinese industrial machine without the Persian Gulf, without the Middle East.  They are not going to stand by and watch us annihilate Iran.  And we talked before about the Turks . . . the Turks are, you know, that nation is ready to fight.  Mr. Erdogan has talked himself into a real corner, and my judgment because people there are enraged and ready to fight, this is a large gasoline storage site that simply needs the right match at the right time at the right location and it will blow up.  That's the problem.  

25:57. I want to talk with you later in the week about Russia, Ukraine, and China before we finish today, and thank you for that superb analysis of where we stand. Here's a clip from a former colleague of yours, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who shares your views and my views on nearly all these things, being pretty critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu.  I wonder if you agree.
26:24. Since Netanyahu took over, indeed probably since Ronald Reagan had to really bash the Israelis when they went into Lebanon in 1982, but it certainly been their policy since Netanyahu took over, he is the most Draconian leader Israel has had in its short history since 1948 he is der Fuehrer.  He is der Fuehrer.
26:53. Fair?  

26:54.  That may be true but I don't think at this point it's terribly relevant, because this situation has moved well beyond Mr Netanyahu.  The forces in play now will not be easily arrested; they will not be contained.  The so-called Genie is out of the bottle.

27:12. Even if Netanyahu were to go for domestic political reasons your view is the genie STAYS out of the bottle.

27:20. Yes, I think we're in a position now that I've tried to describe in the regional sense with all of the Islamic world, and I don't see any easy way through this at this point.  If we were to stop supplying the Israelis, that might have an impact in the short term but in the long term.  Their strategic position now requires support or they will go out of existence, even with our support potentially in the next 12 months.  Given what I see emerging on the horizon, that may be very questionable. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

“They want everyone to be completely isolated and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where you feel at home,” Müller continued.

from LifeSite.  Thank you, Lew Rockwell

“Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying national identity,” Müller said. “They say that national identity is nationalism, which has caused all the wars, so they say they are against nationalism, but they are really against the nation.” 

(LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Gerhard Müller has said that “self-appointed” globalists are using mass migration to destroy the national identity of countries.  

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Müller talked about the ideologies behind globalism and their dire consequences. 

“Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying national identity,” Müller said. “They say that national identity is nationalism, which has caused all the wars, so they say they are against nationalism, but they are really against the nation.” 

“If nationalism is the reason for wars, we must ask who is financing the wars and what interests are behind it.” 

“They want everyone to be completely isolated and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where you feel at home,” Müller continued. 

“They want to destroy all that. They want everyone to be atomized, without cultural and religious roots and identity,” he concluded. 

Müller also believes the elites are committing a “genocide” by promoting abortion and euthanasia. 

The German cardinal said many globalists believe that there are “too many” people on Earth who are causing “climate damage.” 

 “And at the same time, anyone who criticizes this is called a Nazi by those who themselves promote the murderous Nazi ideology of ‘might makes right’… The genocide that is now being carried out is protected through propaganda by equating its critics with the people who committed the genocide in the past,” the cardinal added. 

“The perversion of their logic is to portray the victims as the perpetrators. What is the depopulation program other than a plan of reducing people through violence?” 

Müller explained that the “Nazi” accusation is often used as an “instrument of power” to suppress dissent. 

“They [the globalists] don’t care that suicide rates among young people are growing worldwide. It’s just right for them.” 

This low regard for human life comes from the philosophical position of materialism that the globalists subscribe to, Müller told LifeSiteNews. According to the materialists, “human beings are just matter, just a mass of people that can be manipulated,” he explained. 

Editor’s note: LifeSiteNews journalists Maike Hickson and Andreas Wailzer conducted the interview with Cardinal Gerhard Müller in German and translated his words into English. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ireland immigration statistics: 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase over 2000. 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase over 1995, . . .

Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  The immigration in Ireland has been building for 20-plus years and has recently turned into chaos.

Writes Tim McGraw:

Recent riots in Dublin after a migrant stabbed children and adults on Parnell Street are in the news. Lots of blah-blah-blah. But what are the numbers? Why would the Irish be upset about migrants seeking to migrate to Ireland?

Ireland’s population is a bit above 5 million.

Here are the migrant numbers:

  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2015 was 746,260.00, a 2.15% increase from 2010.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2010 was 730,542.00, a 24.02% increase from 2005.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase from 2000.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase from 1995.

The numbers for 2020 aren’t even listed. But the numbers above add up to around 2.3 million.

So HALF of Ireland’s population is foreign born? Is that true? Is Ireland even a country anymore?

In 2021, 27% of California’s population was foreign-born.

These are huge migrations of people and changes in demographics. There’s bound to be some friction.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

American Soldiers Growing a Conscience

"I'm returning my medal today because I want to live by my conscience rather than being a prisoner of it," American veteran soldier of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan
Wait, what? American soldiers stepping out of their woke cloak?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza

How Israel Was Created.
Be sure to check out the interesting links at the end.

Thank you to Gary D. Barnett's "A World Where a Genocide of Civilians Is Not Only Accepted But Cheered," November 3, 2023, at Lew Rockwell.  
“In Gaza, some of us cannot completely die.  Every time a bomb falls, every time shrapnel hits our graves, every time the rubble piles up on our heads, we are awakened from our temporary death.” Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza
I wish I could say that this world of genocide, democide, torture, terror, and slaughter of innocents was something new, but of course it is not. The story of mankind is one of horrible brutality, and it is never-ending. The latest atrocity is the ethnic cleansing and slaughter of innocents in Palestine, and the majority are children. This is the purposeful slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of the Zionists; this after 75 years of ruthless savagery levied against them. My comments here are in no way meant to support Hamas, or any State, government, or terrorist organization, but then that is repetitive, as all States, governments, terrorists, and those who control them, are cut from the same cloth, and are pure evil. That is the nature of all States, organized ruling governments, and criminal terrorists.

Because of the history of man, many would think that his natural state would be that of evil, and given what has occurred over thousands of years, one might be justified in accepting this conclusion, but I think it is much more complicated than it appears. On the other hand, one comment I hear consistently, at least by Americans, is that most people are basically good. I think this incorrect as well, so where does that leave us? It seems to me that the natural state of man, at least psychologically, is more sympathetic and peaceful than is evident, but the stoking of hate and division by very nefarious forces, and the purposeful instilling of great fear, has been voluntarily accepted by the majority, and this has caused constant turmoil among nation-states, leading to horrendous nationalism. Because of this intentionally structured antagonism among peoples, constant war has been the result, and this has led to a common behavior that would be best described as dual hatred. What is meant by this statement, is that governments and rulers are certainly evil, but due to the intentional instilling of nationalism, the majority supports State evil due to false ‘patriotism,’ apathy, and fear; this greatly enhanced by the collectivist nature of nationalism.

Friday, November 3, 2023

‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’

Thank you to Michael McKay @ Lew Rockwell.  And thank you to Jerri Lynn Ward.

“Once we cross that line, all sorts of unethical misery ensues. As it has. The Christian sacrament of marriage states, “Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder!” – there is no small print that reads, “Unless there’s a nasty bug going 'round, in which case forget it.”

From Bob Moran ❤️:

“Disturbingly, out of all my artworks, this is the one most suppressed by Twitter. They really hate it. Likes and retweets are regularly removed. It can’t seem to get over 10,000 likes – even though it’s had more than 1.5 million impressions. The fact that they clearly view it as dangerous disturbs me every day. But it also gives me hope. It reminds us that we have something they not only lack but which they fear. Genuine, meaningful love. Something worth fighting for. Right to the very end.

“This black and white ink drawing was done some time in 2017 I think. I just doodled it on a postcard to raise money for an epilepsy charity. Someone, somewhere owns the original. I just liked the idea of this elderly couple. Perhaps this is where they first met. Perhaps it’s where he asked her to marry him. That might be their house down in the valley, where they’ve raised a family. At the time, I was living in a town in Hampshire but I was about to move back to the Somerset countryside where I grew up. I was probably thinking about returning home and staying there. I nearly put their initials carved into the tree trunk but decided it would be a bit much. You can imagine them on the other side.

“When all of this nonsense reached a certain point: When stories were coming out of married couples being kept apart, parents being forced to die without their children by their side, grandparents kept from their grandchildren for months on end as the children were told they might kill them if they saw them – I just couldn’t believe that people were agreeing to it. This image came back to me and I decided to recreate it in color. I thought it conveyed the power and significance of lifelong love quite well. But also, had a sense of freedom and embracing life with all it could throw at us.

“Finally, I thought perhaps the tree could remind people of the fleeting nature of our lives. It’s probably been there since before these two were born. And it will be there after they’ve gone. Our lives are short and we have to live them. Not just survive and exist. This, of course, was when I was still very much in ‘optimistic cuddly Bob’ mode. I still felt that it could all be stopped if enough people remembered some vital truths about the human experience.

“Once it was finished I tweeted it and wrote,
 ‘Never surrender your right to be with the people you love.’ I hesitated because I felt that it was a statement of the obvious. But that was the whole point. People had forgotten the obvious. I realised that this had, in the space of a few months, gone from being a universal moral truth to a highly controversial statement. It certainly struck a chord with people. It’s the most popular image I have ever produced.

“As I expected, it angered a lot of idiots on the other side. “Unless being with the people you love might kill them.” They replied, clearly feeling like they had absolutely destroyed me. This total abandoning of logic and ethics really astonished me.

“I realized that these people could not see the difference between deciding, as a family, not to see each other because you are genuinely scared of a novel cold virus, and being ordered to stay apart by the government.

“What’s more, they clearly believed that this was the first time in human history when seeing your loved ones put them at some risk of a potentially fatal viral infection. What world did they think they had been living in?

“My message was deliberately absolutist and unconditional because that is how I have felt about all of this from the beginning. No circumstances, no level of threat, no risk of death can ever justify somebody in authority banning families from being with each other.

These comments remind me a bit of what Tom Woods said"democracy hates real friendship, because [friendship] . . . is an exclusion from the mass of society."