Showing posts with label Bill Sardi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Sardi. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Given the latest terror with which we are supposed to process our concerns with the Coronavirus, Carlin offers some relevant and welcomed comic relief.  

N.B. profanity. 

If you're at all concerned about the Coronavirus, the best assessment again comes from Bill Sardi.  He asserts that the widespread fear could be a contrived pandemic designed to sell vaccines.  

Your chances of developing symptoms or dying from the menacing Coronavirus that now threatens global human populations is 0.0000017482% for developing symptoms and 0.0000001137% for dying from it.  I think you're safe.  

Hope you're enjoying the Superbowl.  3rd Quarter at 3:47: it's 49ers, 13, Chiefs, 10.  If not, then enjoy the George Carlin show. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Bill Sardi has a March 19, 2019 article on the value of zinc supplementation posted at Martie Whittekin's site, Healthy By Nature.  

Sardi alerts us to a serious health condition: zinc depletion or zinc deficiency.  It's not that we're all born deficient, but certain environmental exposures puts some of us at greater risk of becoming zinc deficient.  And given the importance of zinc in regulating our immunity, in development, and in its role in certain intellectual abilities, like reading, and composing one's emotions, zinc deficiency becomes quite a serious social health issue.  So how do we know if we're deficient in zinc?  If you've had a serious illness or if you're chronically ill, chances are you're zinc deficient.  There are, however, signs of zinc deficiency.  See the list of symptoms below.  There are so many things in our lives that can make us deficient in zinc.  Sardi points out a major culprit: arsenic.  So somehow too many of us are getting exposed to arsenic, but how?  Through our food.  More specifically, from Glyphosate: i.e., RoundUp.  
The first culprit that comes to mind is arsenic as blood concentrations of zinc and selenium, two essential trace minerals, drastically decline with exposure to arsenic.  The widespread use of glyphosate weedkillers [e.g. Roundup] in crops may be the hidden source of arsenic [or for some other reason glyphosate lowers zinc].
Dr. Derrick Lonsdale made a similar point, citing the pathology that arises from consuming non-organic foods that are sprayed with RoundUp.  He said if your food is not organic, then it has glyphosate in and on it.  Which means that we're all susceptible to zinc deficiency.  Sardi presents it thus:
Something has happened in America.  In retrospect, it appears zinc in the American diet has vanished or is not getting absorbed.  Either way, too many Americans exhibit overt symptoms of zinc deficiency.  A blood test is notoriously inaccurate as zinc may be locked up with a binding protein and be biologically unavailable.  Here are some signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency that may help you determine if you are zinc deficient [you don’t have all or even many of these]. 
Here are the symptoms.   
·         Are you losing your sense of smell?
·         Are you losing your sense of taste?
·         Do you crave salt and habitually to add salt to your foods?
·         Do you have adult-onset acne?
·         Is your hair prematurely turning grey?
·         Does your nail bed show white flecks?
·         Do you heal slowly from cuts?
·         Do you have a low sperm count?
·         Do you frequently experience cold sores on your lips?
·         Do you have an upset stomach, air, and gas, after meals?
·         Do you have skin problems like fungal infections (Athlete’s foot), yellow toenails?
·         Do you have chronic diarrhea?
·         Do you have thin or sparse hair, vanishing eyebrows?
·         Do you have moles on your skin?
·         Do you experience eczema (atopic dermatitis; red, itchy skin)?
·         Are you lethargic or irritable for no apparent reason?
·         Is your testosterone level low?
·         Do you experience a rash around your genitalia or mouth?
·         Do you regularly consume alcohol?
·         Do you take an ACE inhibitor blood pressure pill (lisinopril)?
·         Do you have stomach ulcers?
·         Do you or your children have difficulty reading due to dyslexia (letters are backwards)?
Who exactly is at greatest risk of zinc deficiency?  No one is immune.  

Food alone either takes too long to restore sufficiency or it lacks the ability altogether.  So supplements are required.  Sardi poses the questions, "How do we correct the shortage of zinc?"  Oysters is the food with the highest concentration of zinc.  You'll have to eat quite a bit.  Sardi explains, 
Aside from oysters, there is no single food that provides enough zinc to correct a deficiency.  Typical zinc intake levels are 10 milligrams/day but maybe only 1-2 milligrams are actually absorbed.  Older adults with low stomach acid levels typically have difficulty absorbing zinc.  And wouldn’t you know, zinc is an important co-factor in the internal synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the gastric tract. 
It was important for me to hear that "very high concentrations of zinc are found in the liver, muscle, brain, and testes."  Men, take heed.  "it is no wonder that zinc sufficiency has something to do with brain function, testosterone synthesis, and liver health."
Sardi explains that "There are ~2000 milligrams of zinc stored in body tissues."  Yes, but what happens if you get seriously ill, like say you contract measles or scarlet fever or chickenpox.  These drain your zinc stores.  For older folks, it's low stomach acid that keeps us from getting enough zinc.  So if it's not environmental issues, like Glyphosate, then it's low stomach acid due to age or some kind of illness, maybe diabetes, that depletes us of adequate zinc.  Sardi points out that "The trace mineral selenium helps to release zinc so it is biologically available."  What this means is that for zinc to be more absorbent, you'll need to take selenium with it.  
Zinc shortages cause loss of smell and taste, including mental decline.  
Zinc is responsible for a strong immune system.  It regulates the size of your master immune gland, called the Thymus gland.  Sardi says that "Zinc is required to activate T-cells, those memory white blood cells that confer life-long immunity via memory T-cells that produce antibodies against various pathogenic germs."

I wrote recently how OptiZinc reduces the incidence of acne by 50%.  There are different forms of zinc that seem to provide different kinds of protection.  Zinc Carnosine heals the lower intestine.  Sardi points out other parts of the body that are aided by supplementation of zinc carnosine.
Fortunately, there is a form of zinc that protects the nervous system, promotes the health of the digestive tract, aids in wound healing, normalizes gut bacteria, promotes liver health and helps restore the sense of smell and taste to individuals with these symptoms.  It is called zinc carnosine.
Zinc Carnosine is also important for the heart.
And no one would have guessed that supplemental zinc would help restore healthy heart pumping after a heart attack.  The amount of blood pumped (ejection fraction) after a heart attack improves with the provision of zinc carnosine.
Zinc is a great wound healer. And it helps diabetics.  I cannot get diabetics to listen to me.  
Zinc is known to promote wound healing.  And the preferred form of zinc to heal up gastric ulcers is zinc carnosine.   Zinc carnosine is the form of zinc commonly used to protect and heal tissues following cancer radiation treatment or to aid antibiotics in the kill off of H. pylori, the bacterium that causes gastric ulcers.  Zinc carnosine is the trace mineral of choice for nutritional support of hepatitis (liver inflammation). 
Helps fight aging. 
Zinc carnosine has also been demonstrated to stabilize genes that become fragile with advancing age. 
A typical two-week course of zinc carnosine, taken as directed on the label, may help you become zinc sufficient. 

Monday, June 3, 2019


Let's start with a quotation from the following video: 
Using amalgam for the first filling requires removing a lot of tooth substance [one-third of the tooth], not only diseased tooth substance but healthy tooth substance as well.  So in making the undercuts, you sacrifice a lot and this results in a weakened tooth.  The next thing you know the tooth breaks off and you need a crown, then you need to repair the crown.  So it continues to the stage where there is no more to repair and you pull the tooth
Undoing all the damage that was done to us growing up can be a life-long endeavor. And even our uninformed attempts at restitution only make it worse, which is why most of us would rather just leave well-enough alone.
The sponsor of the video is the or the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.  Linked here is the longer version of the presentation, Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas.  

But when you see this mercury vapor emitting from the slightest chafing or abrasion, say, of a pencil eraser, one can only imagine that amount of vapor emitted from chewing during a single meal or even a snack.  Even drinking a cup of coffee or grinding teeth at night or during the day or chewing gum?  Each of these activities releases mercury from the fillings.  It does tend to make one sick, not just the chemistry of it but the conspiracy of it.  Who can deny the conspiracies within dentistry?  The training of dentists has to be the most abominable study with cures exacted via extraction, drilling, filing down, capping, chemically dosing up patients, taking advantage of patients while prostrate.  What kinds of monsters would define this work as a service to your fellow man or to the community? 

So, what's the big deal about vapor?  What harm can it produce?  Because I answer that question, you should know that all dentists will treat the extraction and then replacement of fillings as though they are certified members of the Atomic Energy Commission.  

Mercury accumulated in the jaw, stomach, liver, and kidney of the sheep in just 30 days.  Then they learned that the sheep's kidneys dropped by 60% to clear inulin, an indication of kidney malfunction.  Whole body imaging of monkeys found exactly the same thing.  Proponents of amalgam fillings claim that sheep chew too much.  But what's the problem with monkeys?  They had mercury in their jaw, kidneys, liver, intestine, and heart.  
"Mercury released from dental silver fillings provokes an increase in mercury and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in primates oral and intestinal flora." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Volume 37, pp 825-834, 1993
That's more than 26 years ago that they've known this.  This certainly seems to me would take away some of the plasticity of brain function.  And what I noticed is that the comparison between the sheep and monkey that at least in the graphs presented that very little of the mercury saturated on the brain, yet the brain is the cite first and most-cited as being affected by mercury vapors.  Isn't it really the justification for the removal of the amalgam fillings and replacing them with polymers that are more eco-friendly to your mouth?  
In 1991, the World Health Organization, WHO, acknowledged that the predominant source of human exposure to mercury is from your fillings . . . 
Not seafood or other foods, not air or water but from the fillings inside your mouth.  Oh, what wonders!  And yet people are always and everywhere discount the existence of conspiracies.  Does your dentist inform you of this?  Does he even know?  Is he an idiot?  Probably.  If this hasn't scared you yet, then you're not paying life-saving attention.  Check this out: the mercury in the mother's amalgam fillings is passed onto the child, rendering that child, ah, compromising that child's inherent intelligence.  "Maternal-fetal distribution of mercury released from dental amalgam fillings."  Is anybody looking out for the health of loved ones?  Does it make any sense at all to look to the mouth and teeth, the orifice and enamel fixtures that are so close to the brain, teeth which are, in fact, lodged right between your heart and your brain?  I mean is anybody paying attention?  I know that dentists are not.  You want cleaning or something fixed?  Ha!  The best that you can hope for is a nutritional compound that removes mercury and minimizes the effects of the vapors.  

Experiments on sheep showed that mercury from sheep's fillings transferred immediately to the placenta, to the unborn fetus, and to every conceivable portion of the fetus' body.  It even increased in the lamb higher after birth from mercury in the mother's milk.  There's no such thing as a safe mercury filling.  All mercury fillings leak mercury.  

An article is pictured just as he finishes this point.  The title of that article is "Combined Effects in Toxicology--A Rapid Systematic Testing Procedure: Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead" by Jack Schubert found in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Volume 4, 1978, Issue 5-6.  

Mercury and lead is more toxic than just mercury alone.  These black, corroded, pitted mercury fillings are used where you must drill away a third of a tooth in order to fill a pinhead-sized cavity.  Even if you love mercury, it's the wrong thing to do to the children.  It leads to broken, diseased, root canal, extracted throughout the rest of their life.  It's a blunder that costs the child all through [their] life.  Millions and millions of dollars are spent annually fixing teeth again and again.  And dentists don't follow the manufactured recommendations.  The use of [mercury] amalgam [fillings] is contraindicated in the following circumstances:
In expectant mothers.In children 6 and under. In proximal or occlusal contact to dissimilar metal restorations. In patients with severe renal deficiency. In patients with known allergies to amalgam.For the retrograde or endodontic filling. As a filling material for cast crown. 
They pack mercury in children, around gold crowns, underneath bridges, they stuff it around the gum line in contact with tissues.  There's mercury spreading from this gold crown to every tissue in that patient's body.  Even if you like mercury fillings, putting mercury in the tooth is simply the wrong thing to do.  

Dr. Harald Loe, Director of The National Institute of Dental Research, wrote back in 1993, the first filling is a critical step in the life of the tooth.  Using amalgam for the first filling requires removing a lot of tooth substance, not only diseased tooth substance but healthy tooth substance as well.  So in making the undercuts, you sacrifice a lot and this results in a weakened tooth.  The next thing you know the tooth breaks off and you need a crown, then you need to repair the crown.  So it continues to the stage where there is no more to repair and you pull the tooth [root and all].  With the first filling, you should do something that can either restore the tooth or retain more healthy tooth substance.  Use new materials, or composites, or materials that can bond to the surface without undercuts.  You can do this with little of the tooth substance so that the core of the tooth is still there.  I would add that the cost of all that dental repair over and over again, makes the cost of mercury fillings enormous even if you don't consider the neurological impairment and the brain damage that they surely cause in dental personnel and the infertility and the heartbreak that they cause to so many families.  

"Urinary Mercury After Administration 2,3 dimercapto propane 1 sulfonic acid: Correlation with Dental Amalgam Score," FASEB Journal, Volume 6(6): pps, 2472-2476, 1992 Aposhian, H.V.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, V. 51, 28-34, 1994.
"The Effect of Occupational Exposure to Mercury Vapor on the Fertility of Female Dental Assistants," Rowland AS, et al.  

The conviction at the end of this video went horribly awry.  Here they were pointing out horror after horror of mercury amalgam fillings, and then at the end offer up an opinion, a hope really, that the government will fix the problem?  Talk about your disappointment. 
It is the opinion of this academy that responsible government agencies should prohibit the use of these fillings until such time as their manufacturers produce the alleged evidence of safety. 
Garlic might be your most reliable compound for leeching mercury and other toxic metals out of the tissue of your intestines, kidneys, brain, heart, etc.  Bill Sardi points out how garlic may be even more potent at removing toxic metals than metal chelators. 
Garlic controls heavy metals such as leadcoppercadmium  and  iron.  Garlic is a remedy for fatty liver by virtue of its ability to remove iron. Garlic removes some heavy metals better than mineral-chelating drugs.  While some herbal dietary supplements may increase circulating lead levels, garlic does not.   
Sardi adds that
Garlic’s active ingredient is not generally yielded from garlic pills because stomach acid negates the necessary enzyme needed to produce allicin.  A buffered allicin pill that resists stomach acid has been shown to yield real allicin.  
Find mercury-free dentistry in a city near you here.  
Find the Holistic Dental Association here.  
Find the Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions here
Martie Whittekin recommends a Dallas dentist, Dr. Phillip KozlowHe says that the alcohol in mouthwashes, like Listerine, dries out the gum tissue which makes it easy for bacteria and plaque to form.  Instead, use hot water and salt to clean your teeth in the morning or after every meal.  Remember how you did that after you lost a tooth as a kid?  Then . . . . Dr. Kozlow recommends the use of O3, ozone water.  

Sunday, June 2, 2019


I thought I'd send along the latest findings from Bill Sardi with his "34 Ways to Stay Healthy that Costs Next to Nothing."  I figure that with 34 different ways to stay healthy, there ought to be something in here for everybody.  In section #5 on Teeth, I found an article that Sardi links to on the connection between magnesium and dental health.  On the link to the NCBI summary, it states that
increased serum Mg/Ca was significantly associated with reduced probing depth . . . , less attachment loss . . . , and a higher number of remaining teeth . . . .  Subjects taking Mg drugs showed less attachment loss . . . and more remaining teeth than did their matched counterparts.  These results suggest that nutritional magnesium supplements may improve periodontal health.

That means that the greater the amount of magnesium in your blood, the longer your teeth will last in your mouth AND the harder your teeth will be.  Without magnesium, your teeth will produce only soft enamel.  Further, increased magnesium means fewer craters or fewer "probing depth[s]" in your teeth, fewer lost teeth or "less attachment loss," meaning that a greater number of teeth remain in your head.  All this thanks to magnesium.  Will your dentist ever tell you this?  He can't.  Or she can't.  Or it can't.  Magnesium supplements are a much better option than having to deal with that idiot in a white coat who asks you to lie prostrate in a chair and, after shooting you up with novocaine, commands you to say "Aaah." 

So more magnesium in your blood keeps your teeth.  

Big deal, right?  Big whoop!  You already knew that, right?  Well, you might also want to know that applying magnesium onto your toothbrush is also an effective way to remineralize your teeth.  

Yep.  First time I ever heard of remineralizing your teeth was in 2013 and I thought it was a hoax.  But it sounded like something was possible.  But the dentist was promoting Xylitol, a sugar-free, sweetener found in gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, and other products for its anti-bacterial capabilities.  But it was still sugar.  So the recommendation to use Xylitol gum from a dentist meant most likely that this was another dentist trying to sell me something to pay down his beach-front condo and boat docked in Mazatlan instead of directing me to the nutritional compounds that would nourish my teeth.  [Mike, you're so cynical.]  

With nutrition, we're never going to achieve corrective or therapeutic levels of nutrients by eating the right foods unless you're eating all day.  Who has the time or the energy for that?  To get daily amounts of vitamin C, you need to eat like 3 oranges.  Good luck with that.

What really remineralizes teeth and corrects periodontal disease is magnesium--magnesium that you ingest in the form of a supplement and magnesium that you apply topically to your teeth.  

But what about calcium, you ask?  (You were thinking that, weren't you?)  You don't need to supplement with calcium since the dairy industry fills up one to two aisles in your supermarket where folks get plenty of cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, butter, and the list goes on . . . or does it?  So you're getting plenty of calcium already.  

If you want hardened teeth, you'll want to use fluoride toothpaste.  The fluoride-free toothpastes were a craze that I bought into because of reports of toxicity with fluoride.  There is fluoride in municipal water supplies (in your tap water) and that fluoride is probably there to lower IQ more than it is to protect your teeth as the authorities, ahem, claim.  The amount of dental protection from fluoridated water is next to nothing.  So if it doesn't really protect people's teeth, then what the heck is it doing in your tap water?  Even worse perhaps than fluoride in the city water supply, if that weren't bad enough, is the chlorine in the water.  Over a lifetime, chlorinated water does raise the risk of colon cancer.  Thank God for the free market that bottles water.  If you use only fluoride-free toothpaste, it might make you feel like you're doing the right thing, but it render weak enamel and weak roots later on.  So fluoride toothpaste, my brothers and sisters, fluoride toothpaste.  

One Dr. Carolyn Dean [whom I've not followed] writes
I think the following report is even more amazing. “I want to tell you a wonderful thing about Magnesium. I had pyorrhea and gingivitis for years. When I started taking magnesium the pyorrhea and gingivitis cleared up. Then I noticed my right front cuspid was thinner than the left but there was also a diagonal chip in the left cuspid. I began a regimen of brushing my teeth with magnesium and within 3 months the tooth had remineralized. Both teeth are fine and the right cuspid that was thinner is now normal. It truly is a miracle mineral. I told my dentist about it but really, he didn’t pay attention. Professionals think it’s some kind of idiocy. When will they wake up?”
The type of magnesium to use on your toothbrush is magnesium oil. This is a supersaturated magnesium chloride (from seawater) in distilled water.

Not all magnesium is created equal, despite what Nancy Pelosi says.  Magnesium Oxide is ubiquitous.  It's in all of the Magnesium Complexes, and it is poorly absorbed, only about 4% of it is absorbed because it is mainly a powerful laxative.  Hello!  The preferred forms of magnesium are malate, magnesium chloride, and taurate.  I've used Citrate but learned just recently that it's not the best.  My favorite magnesium is Magtein, the brand name for Magnesium L-Threonate, which is great for the central nervous system.  Wow.  I've tried the magnesium malate but didn't like the effect for some reason.  o I will try the taurate.

Final word, vitamin D hardens enamel.  
Vitamin A supports tooth pulp.  
Vitamin C feeds blood vessels that protects your gums.  
Add magnesium as a topical and keep your pearly whites shinin' like the brightest stars in the universe.  

ReMag is a product formulated by Dr. Carolyn Dean.  Find her website here.  She's branded herself as "The Doctor of the Future."  Hello!

For more information on this product, please take a minute to watch this.  

Friday, May 10, 2019


Fluoride gas or liquid mixed into your water supply, without your permission, is none too nice.  Who gave the county or municipal water authorities permission to put a chemical, a drug, into the water supply for everyone to ingest?  Good question.  Who authorized such a move?  

Without ever getting an answer to that question, what we usually hear is that fluoride was put into the water supply because the city deemed it beneficial for consumer's or resident's teeth.  Well, thank you very much.  Can I have another?  So as city or county officials bide their time while residents debate the benefits to their teeth of fluoride in the water, that helps to deflect any accounting or criticism thereof.  So one antagonist is the city or county.  So let's test this theory that fluoride in the water supply protects teeth from getting cavities or the more technical term, caries.  And just because dentists provide fluoride treatments, does that ensure that fluoride is of benefit?  Let's see.  At least at the dentist, we have a choice.  We can say no thank you to Dr. Eagan, whereas the government forces their edicts on residents in a given territory whether they want the stuff or not.  

Ardent researcher, Bill Sardi, points out that very little fluoride from fluoridated water is consumed.  
Why it’s even been shown that fluoride in tap water never reaches saliva levels to prevent dental caries. [Journal Environment Public Health 2013]  And was the rational to fluoridate tap water to prevent dental decay just a cover for population control? [Journal Toxicology Environmental Health1994]
So, fluoride in fluoridated water does not prevent cavities.  Does this mean that the amount of fluoride that we ingest from fluoridated water is okay for us?  Not exactly.  From the article that Sardi cited, it ends with this, "Blood levels during lifelong consumption can harm heart, bone, brain, and even developing teeth enamel."  So the concern then is the amount of fluoride you consume in fluoridated water OVER A LIFETIME.  My recommendation?  Drink bottled water.  This way you'll get less fluoride, less chlorine, less lead [by the way, lead poisoning is the 4th leading cause of death], and other heavy minerals.  

Though it's animated, this review on how teeth grow isn't bad.  Consider it a review.  And I think that because too many of us don't take the best care, either from negligence or bad information, of our mouth, teeth, and gums that it doesn't hurt to start somewhere even if it is review.  

Bill Sardi points out that
Severe dental caries (cavities) in preschool children are more related to low blood levels of vitamin D rather than lack of use of fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated drinking water.  (Fluoride helps harden dental enamel and thus makes teeth resistant to acid-forming bacteria that induce cavities.)
So fluoride is important to protect your teeth; that, and vitamin D.
Vitamin A is good to maintain tooth pulp.  Vitamin D, like fluoride, hardens your enamel.  Vitamin C works to keep your gums healthy.  

So, to recap: D to harden enamel.  A to maintain tooth pulp.  C for gums. 

Saturday, November 24, 2018


from CNET via Drudge Report
Thirty years ago, George Paxinos noticed an unusual assortment of cells lurking near the brain stem--but he didn't think much of it.
Going over the region in 2018, he was once again struck by it. Now Paxinos' new research suggests that the cluster of cells is definitely important. In fact, it appears to be a completely unknown region of the human brain. The early suggestion is that this bundle of neurons may be responsible for fine motor control, dictating our ability to strum the guitar, write and play sports.
Professor Paxinos is one of the world's most respected "brain cartographers". He creates atlases of human and animal brains that allow neuroscientists, brain surgeons and clinicians to get a better grasp of just what makes up the thinking boxes in our skull.
Coming back to the region that he was originally interested in before publishing his first atlas 28 years ago led to the discovery of the tiny grouping of brain cells. He's crowned the new region "the Endorestiform nucleus" because of its location at the base of the brain in the restiform body.
"One intriguing thing about this endorestiform nucleus is that it seems to be present only in the human, we have not been able to detect it in the rhesus monkey or the marmoset that we have studied," he explained.
It's location, between the brain stem and the spinal cord, is the only inkling we currently have about the brain cells function. As Paxinos has been unable to locate the same region in other apes, he guesses that it must be useful in the fine motor control that humans are so uniquely good at.
You can hear professor Paxinos discuss the finding in the video below.

However, while the structure does appear to be important, further work will be required to understand how its function relates to its form. Paxinos only journeys into the brain to craft a map so it will be up to other intrepid brain explorers to journey back to the center of the neural bundle and learn more. 
The oft-repeated line about our brains containing as many neurons as there are stars in the galaxy doesn't quite ring true--but with some 86 billion neurons pulsing away upstairs, improving our understanding of the brain is still a mammoth task. Discoveries like this allow scientists and researchers to understand normal brain physiology, providing great insight on how or why things go wrong in pathologies such as Alzheimer's or motor neuron disease. 
By the way, if you're concerned about the fears of Alzheimer's, be sure to read Bill Sardi's work [herehere, and here] on the one molecule that is poised to eradicate that disease.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


It is said if foods with added sugar are removed from a grocery store, only 20% of foods would remain.  Added sugars and carbohydrates that turn to sugar in the body are as addictive as opiod drugs.  Bill Sardi
In 1998, I began reading Dr. Barry Sears' Zone Diet books, and a lot impressed me about Dr. Barry Sears' Zone Diet and his recommendation of fish oil supplements.  In addition to the great science that he provided, I also appreciated his terrific insights on eating behaviors. One thing that he noticed was that, with the exception of vegetables, kids will eat anything their parents put in front of them.  And I thought that's because parents, as individuals themselves, never recognized the purpose of certain foods beyond satisfying pangs of hunger or cravings for taste.  Put a bowl of Captain Crunch cereal with milk in front of a kid, and the parent feels like their service to their child for that one meal is done.  But there was no science, no systematic approach, no knowledge of the kinds of foods one should eat or serve, or even of nutritional value itself, forget foods that promote weight gain or set the stage for metabolic catastrophe.  One of the first books I'd read on nutrition recommended olive oil for headaches.  So I tried it, and immediately my headaches were alleviated as though I'd never suffered from them.  I'll never forget growing up how certain foods were put in front of me that passed for quick energy foods.  Inevitably, these were chocolate bars, like Powerhouse, Chunkie, Snickers, etc.  Will never forget how Snickers began pitching their candy bar as a nutritional snack packed with protein from all of the peanuts.  Well, if Snickers was healthy, wouldn't that make a PayDay bar even healthier?  So advertising can be funny; nutrition, on the other hand, is a deadly serious regime.  Then I remember being addicted to Corn Nuts.  During the morning break period at school, called Nutrition, I'd consume, as would my friends, a large Coke poured from the fountain paired with a HoneyBun.  I don't know how much honey it had in it.  But these were our nutritional foods.  One of my enduring memories of high school came from sports.  I ran cross country and track.  There was often downtime waiting for the race to start or waiting for your friend's race to finish.  Well, some of the kids would inevitably find a bush grown over with fruit, hanging over a fence.  And one kid would start in by grabbing an orange or a cumquat, peel it, and consume its fruit.  To this day when I bite into an orange, I am transported back to when I was 15 enjoying a "free, fresh-picked orange or the tartness of a cumquat.  It was moments like that I had my greatest nutritional awakening: in this case vitamin C and perhaps some Hesperidine from the fruit's skin.  Even when we were called to the Christian Breakfast Club at Pasadena's Lake Avenue Congregation Church, they served French Toast, sausage, milk, and orange juice, and coffee to anyone who asked for it.  Why not eggs and bacon?  Nutrition information in the public sphere was predicated more on fear than any positive information.  I heard only about nitrates in bacon, cholesterol in eggs and to limit your intake of them, ignoring completely the nutritional value of cholesterol, the protein in each one of them, or the benefits of saturated fats for young, growing brains and vital organs.  And then if you grew up into adulthood in the 1980s, as I did, then you'll recall the craze or insistence with the low fat, high carbohydrate diets.  Eat lots of pasta said the nutritional experts.  That instruction set the nutritional trends for the 1980s.  Again, if you were young and had a healthy metabolism, you could survive the onslaught of highly refined, high-glycemic starches.  I ate my pasta with butter and pesto sauce.  Not a bad combination.  And so I was on the pasta bandwagon.  Talk about your metabolic disaster waiting to present itself.  Fatty liver is one of the damages from such a diet.  Bill Sardi points this out:
Fatty liver was a rarity decades ago.  But now that so much refined sugar and carbohydrates (bread, pasta and rice) are consumed, 35% of Americans have a fatty liver condition that is related to over-consumption of alcohol.  
I assert that what physicians have been treating with cholesterol-lowering drugs over recent decades is only indirectly arterial disease and more directly liver disease.  And while statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are widely used to treat fatty liver disease, they are not particularly effective and they are a liver toxin.  [Medical Science Monitoring Dec 2009]  Some statin drugs actually increase deposition o fat in the liver. [Journal Physiology Pharmacology June 2013] 
Know what eradicates fatty liver?  Eggs.  [See the list of references under "The Single Nutrient that Eradicates Fatty Liver Disease."  Sardi also points out that Choline, Inositol, Betaine, IP6 Rice Bran, Garlic (or the allicin in garlic), and Resveratrol eliminate fatty liver.
We've learned, too, that limiting your intake of food actually extends life, but I don't think that the scientific and government community proposing restrictions on bacon or eggs actually had your longevity in mind.  A lack of healthful nutrition ran through every meal.  Does nutrition, or lack thereof, have an effect on us as adults?  It seems so.  Dr. Barry Sears did say that any one of us can turn things around with our next meal.  So, if you've got kids, try to steer them clear of junk food.  A junk food diet on kids can generate erratic feelings and thought, including behavior, you know--those actions that our friends and coworkers remember quite easily.  Some can do it, but try getting your child on task with productive habits at home after feeding him a whole day of junk food--French Fries, donuts, pizzas, etc.  And if one's feelings are erratic, then he's not going to have the wherewithal to make smart or beneficial decisions; instead, he'll automatically hand that over to those in authority in his environment.  Imagine if your son's breakfast consisted of pancakes, bacon, syrup made with HFCS, and lunch is a cheeseburger, and dinner is a Swanson's TV dinners in the form of a Salisbury steak?  Not the best, but the protein contained therein isn't horrible for young, growing kids.  
Large Study Reveals That Junk Food Really Does Increase Your Risk for Cancer
Natural News, November 21, 2018, from Intellihub via What Really Happened? (November 21, 2018: 19:40)
We all know that junk food is terrible for us, but there may be occasions when you’re tempted to give in. Perhaps the vending machine is the social center at your office and you find yourself chatting and snacking more often than not, or you’ve given in to your kids’ requests that you buy the same trendy chips their friends eat. Or maybe you think that you can get away with eating junk food because you’ve got your weight under control. If you believe that eating some junk food can’t do that much harm, you need to know that a sizable European study recently found that eating such food raises your risk of cancer.
The study used a system that was developed by the British Food Standards Agency known as the Nutri-Score, in which foods are scored based on their nutritional quality, with A representing the most nutritious and E signifying the poorest quality in terms of nutrition.
Under the guidance of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, the scientists used the scale to grade the diets of almost half a million people in ten different European countries. Then they looked for trends by comparing the rates of cancer noted among participants during a follow-up period that spanned roughly 15 years.
They made adjustments for other factors that can influence your risk of cancer, such as family history, BMI, and smoking, and they found a link between a diet of nutritionally-poor food and higher risk of developing some types of cancer.
In particular, those who ate the most junk food had a higher risk of stomach, respiratory tract, and colorectal cancer. In men, a diet of junk food was strongly associated with lung cancer; in women, it was linked to higher risks of post-menopausal breast cancer and liver cancer.
Consumers need to be more informed and make better choices
The Nutri-Score and similar systems can be handy tools for helping consumers quickly determine the nutritional quality of food so they can make better choices. It uses colors and grades to show foods that are high or low in sugar, saturated fat, salt, and other ingredients. It has been used in the U.K. since last year to regulate food advertisements.
Although the Nutri-Score has gained the official support of French and Belgian health authorities, EU labeling regulations mean that its application can’t be made compulsory. Nevertheless, 33 food manufacturers have already voluntarily adopted the system. The EU plans to review and debate implementing a standard nutritional labeling system for its member countries, the study’s authors say that similar discussions are taking place in North America, South America, and Australia.
The study is supported by different research that was recently published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that showed a link between a high-calorie diet that is devoid of nutrients and a high risk of cancer – especially in women older than 50 of a normal weight. After examining the data of more than 92,000 women and following them for 15 years, they found that those who ate a lot of junk food had higher risk of cancer.
Even if you’re blessed with a fast metabolism and weight isn’t a concern, you should still avoid junk food like the plague. Cancer is a devastating illness that will strike many people in their lifetime, and nutrition is one of the biggest risk factors that you can control. You owe it to yourself and your family to cut junk food out of your lives right away.
Read for more science about junk, processed food.  

For behavioral addictions, try NAC or N-Acetyl L Cysteine.