Showing posts with label Zinc Carnosine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zinc Carnosine. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2021

Want to Treat Gastric Ulcers? Try ZINC CARNOSINE

The world of disease is complicated, unknown, with so many receptors, binding proteins, epithelial cells on membranes that it's quite difficult to make sense of it all.  Sometimes the best we can do is rely on the old standbys, like vitamin D3, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and others to keep ourselves free of pathogens--viruses, bacteria, etc.  And oftentimes the fearmongering around diseases seems interminable.  You find out one thing about a pathogen, and you panic.  Doctors love it when they can cause you to panic when they give you or a loved one a diagnosis of cancer or some other progressive, degenerative, even debilitating disease.  For this reason, medical doctors have lost me.  Recently, I'd learned that the spike proteins that are invading our bodies via the vaccines or transmission of exosomes are recking havoc on our cells and cell membranes, and the quality of our blood.  And given this nightmare, I don't see how folks are still worried about COVID.  COVID seems to be the last of our worries. Was recently reading about prion disease, proteins that cause other proteins to fold and malfunction.  The kinds of conditions caused by prion disease are Parkinson's, Mad Cow Disease, Alzheimer's [I thought this was caused by amyloid plaque], and others.  John Hopkins Medical reports that

A prion is a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain to fold abnormally. Prion diseases can affect both humans and animals and are sometimes spread to humans by infected meat products. The most common form of prion disease that affects humans is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

Which is frightening enough.  Science can be fascinating, but if you get a talented scientist placed under the influence of mass murders, like Ralph Baric of North Carolina University, then the world is doomed.

But maybe, just maybe there are some small, insignificant interventions that people can take to either prevent disease or outright cure it into non-existence.  Zinc is one such powerful compound as to elicit respect for what it can do to restore and maintain health.  Here is what PubMed has to say about zinc

Zinc (Zn) is abundantly present in the brain, and accumulates in the synaptic vesicles. Synaptic Zn is released with neuronal excitation, and plays essential roles in learning and memory. Increasing evidence suggests that the disruption of Zn homeostasis is involved in various neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, a vascular type of dementia, and prion diseases. Our and other numerous studies suggest that carnosine (β-alanyl histidine) is protective against these neurodegenerative diseases. Carnosine is an endogenous dipeptide abundantly present in the skeletal muscles and in the brain, and has numerous beneficial effects such as antioxidant, metal chelating, anti-crosslinking, and anti-glycation activities. The complex of carnosine and Zn, termed polaprezinc, is widely used for Zn supplementation therapy and for the treatment of ulcers. Here, we review the link between Zn and these neurodegenerative diseases, and focus on the neuroprotective effects of carnosine. We also discuss the carnosine level in various foodstuffs and beneficial effects of dietary supplementation of carnosine.

The complex of carnosine and Zn, termed polaprezinc sounds interesting.  What is that exactly?  It's Zinc Carnosine, and it's used to heal gastric ulcers.   

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Bill Sardi has a March 19, 2019 article on the value of zinc supplementation posted at Martie Whittekin's site, Healthy By Nature.  

Sardi alerts us to a serious health condition: zinc depletion or zinc deficiency.  It's not that we're all born deficient, but certain environmental exposures puts some of us at greater risk of becoming zinc deficient.  And given the importance of zinc in regulating our immunity, in development, and in its role in certain intellectual abilities, like reading, and composing one's emotions, zinc deficiency becomes quite a serious social health issue.  So how do we know if we're deficient in zinc?  If you've had a serious illness or if you're chronically ill, chances are you're zinc deficient.  There are, however, signs of zinc deficiency.  See the list of symptoms below.  There are so many things in our lives that can make us deficient in zinc.  Sardi points out a major culprit: arsenic.  So somehow too many of us are getting exposed to arsenic, but how?  Through our food.  More specifically, from Glyphosate: i.e., RoundUp.  
The first culprit that comes to mind is arsenic as blood concentrations of zinc and selenium, two essential trace minerals, drastically decline with exposure to arsenic.  The widespread use of glyphosate weedkillers [e.g. Roundup] in crops may be the hidden source of arsenic [or for some other reason glyphosate lowers zinc].
Dr. Derrick Lonsdale made a similar point, citing the pathology that arises from consuming non-organic foods that are sprayed with RoundUp.  He said if your food is not organic, then it has glyphosate in and on it.  Which means that we're all susceptible to zinc deficiency.  Sardi presents it thus:
Something has happened in America.  In retrospect, it appears zinc in the American diet has vanished or is not getting absorbed.  Either way, too many Americans exhibit overt symptoms of zinc deficiency.  A blood test is notoriously inaccurate as zinc may be locked up with a binding protein and be biologically unavailable.  Here are some signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency that may help you determine if you are zinc deficient [you don’t have all or even many of these]. 
Here are the symptoms.   
·         Are you losing your sense of smell?
·         Are you losing your sense of taste?
·         Do you crave salt and habitually to add salt to your foods?
·         Do you have adult-onset acne?
·         Is your hair prematurely turning grey?
·         Does your nail bed show white flecks?
·         Do you heal slowly from cuts?
·         Do you have a low sperm count?
·         Do you frequently experience cold sores on your lips?
·         Do you have an upset stomach, air, and gas, after meals?
·         Do you have skin problems like fungal infections (Athlete’s foot), yellow toenails?
·         Do you have chronic diarrhea?
·         Do you have thin or sparse hair, vanishing eyebrows?
·         Do you have moles on your skin?
·         Do you experience eczema (atopic dermatitis; red, itchy skin)?
·         Are you lethargic or irritable for no apparent reason?
·         Is your testosterone level low?
·         Do you experience a rash around your genitalia or mouth?
·         Do you regularly consume alcohol?
·         Do you take an ACE inhibitor blood pressure pill (lisinopril)?
·         Do you have stomach ulcers?
·         Do you or your children have difficulty reading due to dyslexia (letters are backwards)?
Who exactly is at greatest risk of zinc deficiency?  No one is immune.  

Food alone either takes too long to restore sufficiency or it lacks the ability altogether.  So supplements are required.  Sardi poses the questions, "How do we correct the shortage of zinc?"  Oysters is the food with the highest concentration of zinc.  You'll have to eat quite a bit.  Sardi explains, 
Aside from oysters, there is no single food that provides enough zinc to correct a deficiency.  Typical zinc intake levels are 10 milligrams/day but maybe only 1-2 milligrams are actually absorbed.  Older adults with low stomach acid levels typically have difficulty absorbing zinc.  And wouldn’t you know, zinc is an important co-factor in the internal synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the gastric tract. 
It was important for me to hear that "very high concentrations of zinc are found in the liver, muscle, brain, and testes."  Men, take heed.  "it is no wonder that zinc sufficiency has something to do with brain function, testosterone synthesis, and liver health."
Sardi explains that "There are ~2000 milligrams of zinc stored in body tissues."  Yes, but what happens if you get seriously ill, like say you contract measles or scarlet fever or chickenpox.  These drain your zinc stores.  For older folks, it's low stomach acid that keeps us from getting enough zinc.  So if it's not environmental issues, like Glyphosate, then it's low stomach acid due to age or some kind of illness, maybe diabetes, that depletes us of adequate zinc.  Sardi points out that "The trace mineral selenium helps to release zinc so it is biologically available."  What this means is that for zinc to be more absorbent, you'll need to take selenium with it.  
Zinc shortages cause loss of smell and taste, including mental decline.  
Zinc is responsible for a strong immune system.  It regulates the size of your master immune gland, called the Thymus gland.  Sardi says that "Zinc is required to activate T-cells, those memory white blood cells that confer life-long immunity via memory T-cells that produce antibodies against various pathogenic germs."

I wrote recently how OptiZinc reduces the incidence of acne by 50%.  There are different forms of zinc that seem to provide different kinds of protection.  Zinc Carnosine heals the lower intestine.  Sardi points out other parts of the body that are aided by supplementation of zinc carnosine.
Fortunately, there is a form of zinc that protects the nervous system, promotes the health of the digestive tract, aids in wound healing, normalizes gut bacteria, promotes liver health and helps restore the sense of smell and taste to individuals with these symptoms.  It is called zinc carnosine.
Zinc Carnosine is also important for the heart.
And no one would have guessed that supplemental zinc would help restore healthy heart pumping after a heart attack.  The amount of blood pumped (ejection fraction) after a heart attack improves with the provision of zinc carnosine.
Zinc is a great wound healer. And it helps diabetics.  I cannot get diabetics to listen to me.  
Zinc is known to promote wound healing.  And the preferred form of zinc to heal up gastric ulcers is zinc carnosine.   Zinc carnosine is the form of zinc commonly used to protect and heal tissues following cancer radiation treatment or to aid antibiotics in the kill off of H. pylori, the bacterium that causes gastric ulcers.  Zinc carnosine is the trace mineral of choice for nutritional support of hepatitis (liver inflammation). 
Helps fight aging. 
Zinc carnosine has also been demonstrated to stabilize genes that become fragile with advancing age. 
A typical two-week course of zinc carnosine, taken as directed on the label, may help you become zinc sufficient.