Showing posts with label Ray Epps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ray Epps. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Raskin acts like he doesn't know who Ray Epps is. They want you to forget about Epps and the Pipe Bomber

Here is the Government House page on Jamie Raskin.  The fact that he pretends not to know who Ray Epps or what his role was in January is all you need to know.  Raskin is on the January 6 Committee.   

Wow.  Did he just finish an evening class on modern fiction?  

These are the facts.  [He's lying already.  Lie #1.]  On January 6, at the direction of Donald Trump [Lie #2], a violent mob [Lie #3] stormed [Lie #4] the Capitol in an attempt to change the results [Lie #5: protestors wanted to hold their gov't accountable] of a free and fair [Lie # 6: have you seen 2000 Mules?] presidential election.  In the process, 138 capitol and DC officers were injured. [I have no data on the number or severity of their injuries]. A Capitol police officer was bludgeoned to death. [Lie #7]  And two more Capitol police officers died by suicide in the days that followed [Irrelevant unless he's saying that the protestors caused their suicide]. Many of us in this room, . . . 

The absence of shame is astounding.  

Good comment here from Charles Williams. 

Common NYT tactic. An incendiary lie is inculcated, (insurrectionists bludgeon Capitol officer Sicknick with a fire extinguisher, sources are anonymous). The quiet retraction makes little impact. The intent is to vilify & dehumanize. The lie was reinforced in the show trial.

Friday, July 22, 2022


Saturday, July 16, 2022


"We need to go into the Capitol.  Into the Capitol!"  He says it repeately.  He's so emphatic about it, encouraging other people to commit a federal crime that the crowd around him decides that he must be a federal agent, and the crowd around him begins chanting, "FED! FED! FED! FED!" 

The same paper that cheered Ashley Babbit's death, the New York Times, but this same paper is weeping for Ray Epps because people have been mean to him online?  The New York Times author of the piece was Adam Goldman who's done work for the intelligence agencies.  Wonderful.  So the FBI and other assorted intelligence agencies are writing the narrative for the January 6th protest to keep the legal indictment against innocent people airtight, while allowing their agents, Ray Epps, to run free?  

Have prosecutors reviewed Ray Epps's text to his nephew?  The New York Times doesn't tell us.  Nor does the NYT tell us whether or not Ray Epps had any contact with any federal agencies in the period before January 6th.  But don't ask more questions, says the New York Times or Ray Epps may be killed by Mexican drug cartels.  Good one, Tucker.  But according to the paper, there are people who have heard, "some cartel members talking about killing Mr. Epps."  Right, because the drug cartels are committed Trump voters and they feel betrayed by Ray Epps, maybe there are Q-Anon people too?  Hysterical.  Tucker does a great job of mocking the New York Times' farcical fiction.  Wow!  

This is the New York Times.  Wonder why no one is ever surprised by their fiction.  And it's fiction that lacks style.   

Tucker is right: if you spend more than a year looking into the protest and you ignore Ray Epps's role in the protest and then run cover for him by saying that he's the victim of conspiracy theories and cartel threats, why then it's more than strange.  It's an indictment of your motives.