Friday, January 31, 2025

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: when the financial coup started, they started to bring down life expectancy, and it wasn't just one thing. It was opioids. It was Fentanyl. They approved Oxycontin after the budget deal in 1995 busted. Literally, the next month, [December 1995] Steve, they approved the Oxycontin and the pill mill started, mortgage fraud and predatory lending

And I started to talk about this in the late 90s.  America has been in a process that I called "The Great Poisoning," of which vaccines are a part but they're only a part, and that poisoning, the goal of poisoning the population is intentional.  And one of the reasons it is intentional is it's the only way you can balance the retirement savings in Actuarial books that I know of.  So, you know, it was . . . so I've spent a lot of time basically talking and educating people about the government's refusal to obey the financial management laws and the fact that large amounts of money are disappearing from the federal government.  And I teamed up with Dr. Mark Skidmore in 2017 to help me document all the money that's missing.  At one point, Mark kept saying "How come you don't give up on this?  How come you keep bringing this up?"  And I said, "You don't understand.  If we don't deal with the financial problem, the only way they can balance the books is to lower life expectancy.  That's the only thing that will balance Social Security and different Retirement Systems.  And so, in fact, when the financial coup started, they started to bring down life expectancy, and it wasn't just one thing.  It was opioids.  It was Fentanyl. They approved Oxycontin after the budget deal in 1995 busted.  Literally, the next month, [December 1995] Steve, they approved the Oxycontin and the pill mill started, mortgage fraud and predatory lending, all of that targeting poor neighborhoods along with an increase in narcotics trafficking, and that was bringing the life expectancy down in the lower income groups.  Now, if you look at COVID, it just accelerated that dramatically in the middle-income groups.  

So I'm sure the "Great Poisoning" is a plan and the proof of the plan, to me it's proven, is the refusal to course correct, and that's why I think Kennedy going in as head of HHS will be very interesting because he will try to course correct. 

02:11. But is that refusal to course correct because they can't come to grips with the cognitive dissonance that these vaccines they were told by the medical community are safe and effective and the randomized clinical trials claimed it as 95% effective, and all that, they can't come to grips with saying, "Oh, my gosh I made a mistake. I ended up killing people"?

02:40.  So I think you have a lot of people in the American population who don't want to face the fact of what happened with COVID-19 injections.  But the reason you haven't course-corrected to the "Great Poisoning" for 20 years is because the people who try and course-correct lose their jobs, they get fired, they get shot, they get assassinated.  They are announced to . . . one Congressman just said the other day to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head 5 times.  So, if you look at the evil and the covert operations and the financial carrots and sticks and the control files and dirty tricks that have been used to keep this "Great Poisoning" going, you know, no, this is not well-intended people just not facing facts.  This is, there is a significant amount of money and physical violence and control techniques used to keep it going.  And it's taken, you know, it's really taken a remarkable and very inspiring and beautiful effort, you know, grassroots bottom-up to force us to the point where Kennedy could have such a dramatic impact on the election and find himself nominated at HHS.  That is a groundswell, and the system cannot afford to push that groundswell aside; otherwise, they're going to destroy the credibility of the whole system.  And so they need to reaffirm their credibility, and you'll see this in Washington where the pendulum will swing back and forth, where they will, you know, they will have a sweeping reform and recalibrate because they can't afford to lose credibility.  I mean it's an the . . . , if you look at who is really suffering from that now, it's the big media.  They are literally losing their channel and part of the reason is this.

By "Great Poisoning," Austin Fitts is referring to the deterioration in the health of Americans as a result of increases in toxicity and a deterioration in general health.  And much of it is related to toxins being injected into them or the environment in a variety of ways so it's the deterioration of the food system it's things being sprayed it's pesticides many different things but included clearly injections and I was an investment advisor for many years and had a lot of clients come to me who had one or more children harmed by vaccine injury and that put me in a position of pricing out the exact cost to a family in both time and money and other costs of what one fax injury could do to a family cost it out again and again and again and that's why I felt it was desperate you know and that's why I felt it was desperate I really was desperate to get the conversation going about pricing and so then you came along and you just made my day let's dive in your dissertation was on the political economy of autism but you've written subsequent articles about it so tell us a little bit about how you came to do this and what this study did and what you found.

I had not intended initially to study autism.  When I started my PhD work I was actually working on a doctoral thesis on Adam Smith and then one year into my program my then girlfriend's son was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum and I had a passing familiarity with autism my mom was a special education teacher growing up but I never really studied the issue in depth one Saturday I decided to set aside 8 hours to read everything I could just to wrap my head around what was happening with autism.

Complete interview.

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