Saturday, October 15, 2022

Scott Gottlieb, Director of Pfizer, on the Executive Committee of Pfizer . . . went to Twitter and said [Alex Berenson] is a problem and then they banned me.

Berenson opens by referring to his article on Substack

BERENSON:  Andy Slavitt was talking to Twitter about who I was and that I was a problem for the White House, and I was discouraging people from getting the vaccines which the White House wanted and asking them why they hadn't banned me.  And we know that.  And we know that in July as vaccine efficacy was fading, the Administration very publicly and privately got upset and wanted the social media platforms, including Twitter, including Facebook, and start banning people.  And President Biden said on July 16, 2021 that Facebook and other platforms were killing people by allowing people like me, who were asking reasonable questions about the vaccines on their platforms.  Okay, then Twitter struck out at me in July.  They gave me 3 strikes and I'd already had 1 previous strike which I didn't even know about, so I was one strike away from being suspended at the end of July.  And by the Andy Slavitt, who was no longer at the White House but still at the center of this conspiracy and talking to Albert Bourla, who is the head of Pfizer and talking to people inside the Administration on practically a daily basis, was very upset that . . . he was continuing to push Twitter secretly to ban me.  Still, when I came back on the platform last year in August and asking even harder questions about the vaccines at a time when the Biden Administration knew they were going to be pushing for mandates, knew they were going to be pushing for boosters, they still wouldn't ban me.  And then Scott Gottlieb, who is a Director of Pfizer, on the Executive Committee of Pfizer, which has made tens of billions of dollars from selling these vaccines, went to Twitter and said this guy is a problem and then they banned me.  

CARLSON:  So you criticized his product in which he had a financial interest and he got you censored . . . Scott Gottlieb.  

BERENSON:  Ah, that's what it looks like on the documents that we have, yes. 
Oh, wow, this just got bumped up into a whole new level. Berenson wrote this morning that Scott Gottlieb defamed him on Squawk Box this morning, and it sounds like he did by insinuating that Berenson was making physical threats. Whoa.

I stand corrected.  Berenson claims that Gottlieb claimed he'd threatened Anthony Fauci.

Instead, he claimed that I had threatened Anthony Fauci.

Scott Gottlieb, like any good Nazi, doubles down on the violence, challenges some anonymous (or presumably Berenson) to a debate.  But isn't it richly ironic that this Jewish Nazi, whose product wasn't rested and subsequently killed and maimed people, that hw should with clenched teeth challenge anyone to a debate given that his only style of communication has been that of a serial liar.

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