Friday, October 21, 2022

Contrast These Two Impressions. Melinda French Gates: the Pinnacle of Moral Virtue?

Though I'd like a little more evidence than the headline provides regarding who made the COVID vaccine, it is in the zeitgeist.  It is out.  It is in the culture.  We're all in tune to the malfeasance.    

So we're supposed to believe that the gals giving the psychopathic sneer is somehow appalled by Bill Gates' sexual indiscretions?  That somehow her stalwart bravery from the emotional turmoil of a divorce is supposed to reconcile the psychopathic nature?  I've got some beach front property on the dark side of the moon that you might be interested in . . . a real bargain.

I find it funny that Melinda Gates could possibly have any morals or ethics given her expression in this clip.  Remember when she announced her divorce on CBS to Gayle King back in March 2022.  Her journey in healing?  Melinda French Gates?  Melinda French Gates?  I have to say that the photos presented in the interview give me the impression that the woman in the interview is not Melinda Gates.  Conspiracy stuff, I know.  But take a careful look for yourself.  The face of the woman in the interview is swollen.  Would that be the face of a billionaire?  Really.  And then in her replies, she squints and scrunches her face and moves side to side to avoid full front facial and you only get a profile view to distort it to animate it and distract but also to obscure the fact that they could be two different faces.  

KING, 1:58:  There was one report that said it was multiple affairs.  Do you care to say anything about that?

GATES:  You know, I think those are questions that Bill needs to answer for that. 

KING:  It was also widely reported that Bill had a friendship or business or some kind of contact with Jeffrey Epstein and that you were not . . . that was very upsetting to you.  Did that play a role in the divorce at all . . . in this process?  

GATES:  Yeah, as I said, it's not one thing, it was many things, but I did not like that he'd had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, no.  And I made that clear to him.  I also met Jeffrey Epstein, exactly one time.  [putting up the index finger to emphasize the frequency of her meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, given how her hands have been clasped throughout, is suspicious to me.]  Yes, because I wanted to see who this man was.  And I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door.  

[Most people go "through doors," not "in the door."]  So here she is trying to assert some higher moral credibility.

GATES, 2:44  He was abhorrent.  He was evil personified.  I had nightmares about it afterwards, so my heart breaks for these young women, because that's how I felt and here I am an older woman.  My God, I felt terrible for those young women.  It was awful.   

KING, 3:03 And you shared that with Bill, and he continued to spend time with him?  

GATES, 3:07  Any of the questions remaining about what Bill's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein was, those are for Bill to answer.  [So here we're given the impression that Gayle gently presses only to be rebuffed by Melinda to which Gayle gently retreats on the sharper questions.  We're supposed to think that it is the delicate nature of the topic that forces King to retreat.  No, this is bad acting and bad script writing.] 

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