Sunday, October 30, 2022

Parasites (Tapeworms) in Fish from High-End Sushi Restaurant. Yikes!!

The other day I posted about parasites in pork, a pork chop to be specific.  I've loved pork through the years--bacon, pulled pork, carnitas tacos, and ribs even after knowing what they feed the pigs in farms.  

Parasites show up at about the 6:30 mark.  I haven't eaten sushi in years.  It may be difficult to eat sushi or sashimi ever again after this.  It's one thing for someone to warn you against parasites in food; it's quite another thing for you to see them . . . live burrow into the meat of a fish.  And I couldn't imagine going into a sushi joint where a chef didn't like you.  LOL.  

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