Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pathologist Ryan Cole explains the Harms caused by the spike protein including the reactivation other viruses because of immune suppression

Blaylock's protocol is good.  

Glutathione and Melatonin are a must along with vitamin D3.  FYI, when you increase the dose of  melatonin it then becomes a supreme antioxidant but does not increase its sleep inducement. 

Probiotics are a must: unsweetened yogurt.  

Prebiotics are a must: Resveratrol. 

If you took the vax, you'll need to take the supplements above to keep yourself and others healthy.  All vaccines shed: all of them.  And since these mRNA reverse transcriptase vaccines can disrupt your immunity, it means you've got to fight to maintain immunity.  And as your immunity is compromised, it means you'll be shedding toxic cellular debris along with the spike proteins themselves.  

The spike proteins cause clotting.  So you'll need to preserve circulation while you bust the clots.  Nattokinase dissolves fibrin clots and platelet clots.  Niacin, B3, is referred to as a "clot buster." 

Because the spike protein is the destructive agent in the body, you want to find ways that neutralize it, dissolve it, denature it.  The items I list above help in that regard.  

Ozone therapy is also another effective tactic. 

A Weston A. Price nutritionist, who goes by the tag Wejolyn on Twitter says

I think its the spike protein. And yes, I use medical ozone therapy regularly.

Dr. Shallenberger has come recommended. He practices out of Carson City, Nevada. Call him for a referral in your neighborhood. You can find him on YouTube and elsewhere. The blood of the vaccinated has been reported to be sluggish because the blood cells clump together which they generally don't do. This causes the loss of energy and fatigue. Ozone therapy rectifies this blood abnormality.

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