Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Ask yourself why are they pushing those 2 options on you?  

Why are they trying to restrict nuance, why are they trying to put you in one camp versus the other and taking all the other options away?    

Whenever someone gives you an ultimatum, it's because they're in a weak position.  By saying, "You're either with or against us," "You're either pro-Putin or anti-Putin," you're either this, or you're that, by doing this they're giving you an ultimatum.  You have 2 choices: you can either submit to what I say, or you're going to oppose me.  And by defining everything that is not their position as wrong, it takes away all possibility for negotiation, resolution, and everything else.  And diplomacy is the art of negotiation.  Diplomacy is the art of "Alright, I hear what you want, you hear what I want, let's work out an agreement that no one is happy with."  That's what diplomats are supposed to.  That is the mechanism of a bully, the mechanism of a tyrant, and the mechanism of someone with an opposing agenda which is just not going to be tolerated.  So now they have their goal, and now it's just a question if they can beat into our heads long enough and hard enough until we go along with their goal.  I've got news for you.  F@#$ you.  I'm just going to keep saying, no, there are other options.   

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