Thursday, October 20, 2022

Kobe’s court date against Big Pharma was scheduled 3 days after his death

Jeff Stibel owns high shares in pharmaceutical stocks and companies Teva Pharmaceuticals and Novartis both were involved in the largest cartel case in history involving price fixing of their drugs.  This was so huge it involved 44 states.  Apotex is a Canadian pharmaceutical company created by Barry Sherman, a member of the Jewish Congress in Canada.  Barry Sherman and his wife were involved in a honeypot scandal of sending a woman to Teva Pharmaceuticals in Israel to seduce a high-ranking executive to get him to extract information about the patent for Azilect, the cure for Parkinson's Disease.  [Kind of a bold statement, eh?]  They were successful in stealing the patent, and although they didn't admit to patent infringement, he dubbed himself the Robinhood of Pharmaceuticals.  As a result, Teva, out of Israel, lost billions of dollars over this loss.  Barry and his wife, Honey, were found strangled to death in their home in 2017.  Apotex was a partner of the Clinton Foundation, and they provided generic vaccines to the Clintons' Haiti project.  Whether they knew too much about the Clintons or were murdered by the Mossad, you be the judge.  Speaking of murder, Patrick Soon Shiong [here and here] was a mentor to Kobe Bryant, bought the LA Times, and owned lots of stock in Teva and Novartis, the companies Kobe was going to expose.  

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