Friday, October 7, 2022

This is Rochelle Walensky's custody database . . . shows 700,000+ doctor's visits. 6.4 million health impacts. Over 2 million serious adverse events, serious side effects. 

Therry, the guy who got the original Pfizer documents released under court order, he filed another lawsuit on behalf of Del Bigtree and the V-Safe database got released the last and it's big, big news.  This is Rochelle Walensky's database, this is what she's criminally liable for.  So this is absolutely shocking and it confirms again independently what Ed Dowd and his datasets have been showing you, which is disabilities and injuries of Americans at an industrial scale that you cannot even imagine, and I can't stress enough, Steve, this is the government database of what happens when you get injected with these vaccines.  This is Rochelle Walensky's custody database.  It shows 700,000+ doctor's visits.  6.4 million health impact.  Over 2 million serious adverse events, serious side effects.  And this is adverse events like I can't work, I can't engage in my normal activities, I'm disabled.  So these are injuries of Americans at a massive scale.  And remember, this is what Ed Dowd showed you when he said that there's a huge jump in the rate of disability claims per his datasets, which were insurance industry datasets.  And the people who are being harmed are working age Americans.  So this independent V-Safe dataset confirms that in absolutely horrific detail severely injured to the point of not being able to work, having to see their doctors, going to the Emergency Room, subsequent to the injections.  This is not random.  This is what happened after you got vaccinated.  And Rochelle Walensky didn't just know, she was in charge of it and she kept . . . this is why I say it was mass murder on a massive scale.  She knew and she kept saying "safe and effective."  She knew and she kept saying "No serious side effects.  Maybe you'll feel tired.  Maybe you'll get a headache."  She knew that millions of Americans were going to the Emergency Rooms, seeing their doctors, too disabled to work.  You know, hundreds of thousands having serious adverse events.  She knew it . . . 

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