Thursday, October 13, 2022

Federal Gov't "funds the murder of babies to fuel medical research by heinously-unethical medical professionals who are cut from the same cloth as Mengele"

The University of Pittsburgh has no morals or scruples.  What they do have is $2.7 million of your money to extract kidneys from live babies a few hours or days old. 

Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress have obtained documents from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing that the University of Pittsburgh received a whopping $2.7 million in federal funds to extract kidneys from living babies who were subsequently aborted by immoral doctors. 

It continues

Big League Politics has reported on how the federal government regularly funds the murder of babies to fuel medical research by heinously-unethical medical professionals who are cut from the same cloth as Mengele:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been spending taxpayer dollars to buy mutilated fetal parts from babies who were murdered during late-term abortions, according to emails obtained by Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch received emails showing correspondence between the FDA and the California-based Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) firm. The emails show that the FDA purchased fresh fetal parts from the ABR firm to conduct diabolical experiments that are grotesquely unethical.

The FDA spent tens of thousands on this program between the years of 2012-2018 before it was finally shut down by the Trump administration. With Trump ousted from office and the installation of President-imposed Joe Biden, it can be assumed that these types of illicit federally-backed trafficking operations will resume in no time.

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