Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Baltimore public school student passed only 3 classes in 4 years, had a GPA of only 0.13, and yet was ranked near the top half of his class. Baltimore spends $21,606 per student.

Cost per pupil in 2020 wasn't much less than in 2022.  The Census Bureau states

Public school systems in Alaska (14.6%), New Mexico (13.9%), South Dakota (13.9%), Mississippi (13.3%), and Montana (12.4%) received the highest percentage of their revenues from the federal government, while public school systems in New Jersey (3.7%), Connecticut (3.9%), New York (4.3%), Massachusetts (4.5%), and New Hampshire (4.7%) received the lowest.

The five states that spent the most per pupil in FY 2020 were New York ($25,520), the District of Columbia ($22,856), which comprises a single urban district, Connecticut ($21,346), Vermont ($20,838), and New Jersey ($20,670). 

Funny.  Los Angeles Unified School District doesn't even get a mention in the list of the Top 10 Largest School Districts.  Enrollment shrunk that much?  The source is taken from the 2016 Annual Survey of School System Finance.  






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