Thursday, March 24, 2022

Why would anyone think that the ruling class is lying about the Ukraine War?

Thanks to Tom DiLorenzo.

Brion McClanahan suggests an answer to this question by bringing up historical facts you’re not supposed to know such as:

President James Polk lied that “American blood had been shed on American soil” to instigate the Mexican War.

Lincoln lied that secession was illegal and that the Southern states were “in rebellion” and insurrectionists.

Republicans in 1896 lied that the Spanish blew up the U.S.S. Maine to start the Spanish-American War.

Wilson lied about “making the world safe for democracy.”

FDR lied that the attack on Pearl Harbor was “a surprise.”

Truman lied about a communist threat to America from North Korea.

Johnson lied about a North Vietnamese attack in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Bush lied about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq.

But now they’re telling us God’s Truth about Russia-Ukraine war?

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