Saturday, March 19, 2022


have a buddy who works for a PMC. They have one guy on the ground in Ukraine. They got a brief today.

Its a shit show. He said every Israeli arms dealer in the world is in Ukraine buying weapons:

Stingers/Javelins/NLAWS/small arms/etc.

He said Ukrainian commanders are selling and using the money to take their families to Poland. He said the stuff we send to other countries is supposed to have RFID on it, but we don't do for our forces and since we are sending our weapon stores its easy pickings with zero accountability. He said even if they do, you just put on a plane with a faraday basket inside the hold and you're good to go. Western countries just rush dumped a bunch of arms there and they are getting bought for pennies on the dollar and shipped out.

Zelensky admin is in charge of nothing. He said "Why would he be? He's a CIA puppet". Therefore Ukrainian forces are doing what they want, meaning its already a failed state. He said our CIA is working hand in hand with the installed Ukrainian psych operations group (no surprise) and Zelensky's only role is pushing the western/social media operation.

Russia is in control but it hasn't been easy. He said they have a lot of conscript units and those guys get picked off. If Ukrainians run into real soldiers like Alpha group, they just bug out. He also said the senior Russian commanders that have been killed did not die because of direct action, they were assassinated. Did not keep training standards, diverted and pocketed money meant for maintenance, this was born out so they got killed for it.

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