Monday, March 21, 2022


There's got to be some way to reverse this, some way to restore the brain back to pre-COVID levels.  Otherwise, we're going to acquire a population that has a fixed look of consternation on its face, a forgetful population, one that has difficulty planning, forecasting, and lacks initiative.  

Unfortunately, I don't think there are quick fixes.  On the contrary, it will take maybe a year or two with adequate protein, targeted nutritional supplements like fish oils, B12, magnesium, vitamin D, and C.  This is a war on the brain.  The first concern we were alarmed to was the clotting.  We were told that the clotting was taking place in the veins, then in the capillaries where the blood runs the slowest.  Imagine if you had a blood or fibrin clot in your capillaries, that space between organs and within organs.  To treat clots, many of us ran to Nattokinase, garlic, and other enzymes that dissolve the clots and the proteins that cause them.  But what if you eliminate or get the clotting under control yet are still faced with the residual results of clotting, like shrinkage?  If your blood vessels get clotted, doesn't that mean that blood to the different organs is going to be insufficient?  And if the blood is insufficient to the different organs, won't that cause some kind of contraction to the organ, or shrinkage of it, particularly to organs with a dense vascular system like your brain?  I am not hearing or seeing anything about this in the media.  Though I am still hearing about origin stories or how the government kept the remedies like Ivermectin from the pharmacies and kept early treatments away from people.  These are the reports I am hearing, nothing about fixing things.  Doctors call it "Long-COVID" but how do you characterize that?  Wouldn't brain and organ shrinkage be part of "Long-COVID"?  

I mean I don't know about you, but shrinkage would seem to be the end result of months of poorly or untreated spike proteins and COVID.  Not only did I see accelerated aging, but I also saw shrinkage, contraction of cranial size, a narrowing let's say, of the head.  I saw ears droop.  I saw the nose droop in a man in his 60s.  This is the clotting effects or the damaging effects of poor circulation caused by the irradiated endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, the site of all of the clotting.  

So the goal then is to increase the cortical gray matter of the brain.  I've already cited B12.  At least according to the literature, that stuff preserves and protects and increases the mass of nerve cells, so you can't go wrong with starting with that.  Benfotiamine is another brain nutrient that works to re-awaken areas of the brain.  It's been called the answer to Alzheimer's by Bill Sardi before.  That dude was so ahead of his time.   

Dark chocolate may play a role in preventing shrinkage in the cerebral cortex.  A little skeptical in something that easy and simple to consume.  

The Cerebellum, the "little brain" in Latin, is that handball-sized part of the brain at the back of the Medulla Oblongata.  The Medulla Oblongata controls the autonomic nervous system, that network of nerves that automatically pulses currents to all of your vital organs that allows you to live and breathe and pump blood without you even thinking about it.  One thing that might be kind of interesting to know is that the Cerebellum has "the highest concentration of neuronal cells, more than the rest of the brain combined."  Interesting to know, so knowing how to preserve the Cerebellum and what its functions are would make for an interesting blog post. 

Meditation helps to increase blood flow to the cerebral cortex. 

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