Sunday, March 20, 2022


Putin is the only hope that any of us have.  He is trying to restore traditional cultures in Russia while indicting the collapse of cultures in the west.  We can’t just keep muddling along in a world bereft of convictions.  We need to be able to learn our religions, learn our customs, find the sacred in life, understand the sacred behind rituals, and be prepared to defend them against any enemy.  We can’t live in a world that denies the sanctity of motherhood by redefining mothers to birthing persons or think for a minute that a man can get pregnant, like a woman, and deliver life the way a woman can.  Nor can we permit a criminal education system that disarms and renders children defenseless with mocking calculations like 2 + 2 = 5.  We’ve got to stop this desecration and degradation, for it don’t what we learn is that all life of a sovereign people has always been sacred and without the sacred life is not worth living.  Just as survivors of Stalinism or Mao’s 

There are a few decent documentaries out there on the Iraq War.  The last one I saw maybe the best.  It covers the deliberate effort by the architects of the war who deliberately caused Iraq to descend into the chaos that brought millions of deaths.  This is the most recent documentary I saw, the 2007 Iraq War documentary, "No End in Sight," by Charles Ferguson.  

Democrats: the Party of Goebbels.  Whenever I hear people complain to me about Democrats, which is too often, they always tell me "Democrats accuse others [meaning Republicans/Conservatives] of doing the very thing that they do."  That's when I tell them that Goebbels did the same thing.  But calling a Democrat a Nazi is a bit of cultural appropriation and they wouldn't get it anyway because they're so invested in their narrative that it would confuse them.  They'd stop and think, "Wait a minute.  Nazi is what we call WASPy Republicans.  That's our phrase, the one that we use against you guys."  It's funny but this is how political arguments take form sometimes.  



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