Thursday, March 31, 2022


Unless you're buying your effs from a farmer's market, or even uf you're nor, it's hard to know the nutritional vale of eggs based on the color of the shells or the color of tbe yokes.  I used to think that an orange yoke frim an organic grower was the best guide.  It could still be the best guide.  But you really need to know how they're raised [free-ranged or farm-raised] to know if you're getting nutritional chicken meat and or nutritional eggs.  When will it be easier to know? 

I will never forget the replied to an email I sent to a pig farm in Texas when I asked if they could identify the ingredient labeled as "spices" in their sausage.  I write Mulay's back on October 12, 2012, and asked,
Hello, hello, hello,

I've been eating your Mulay's hot Italian sausage for almost 3 months now and love it.  My wife has also whipped up a couple batches of your recommended spaghetti sauce printed on the inside of the packages.  I was reviewing the ingredients with her and we both appreciated the simplicity of ingredients when my contrarian brother said that the ingredient "spices" isn't specified.  Do you mind--could I ask exactly what the collections of spices are in the term labeled "spices"?  Thanks for your time and efforts.
Their reply came
Well hello!
We are so glad that you love Mulay's Sausage!  Our ingredients are natural and the recipe very simple. However, if I gave you the recipe... You know the line "I'd have to kill you". 

Sorry, but please keep enjoying our families secret recipes!!  And thank you for taking the time to email us. 

Mulay's Sausage

She added her name and phone number in case I wanted follow-up contact, so she was nice but I was taken aback by the coy reply.  This what I mean when I say that it's hard to know what the nutritional value is on the foods we buy from markets.  

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