Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Is "Wake Up" really the best call to action?

When do we stop asking people to wake up?  Is that really the best message, particularly when not just the country but the world was, and continues, suffering from mass psychosis?  Are we asking people to break out of the mass psychosis, the one place where they drew comfort from global uncertainty?  And if they were afraid of the mass insanity, surely their personal relationship with their boss couldn't be trampled upon, right, certainly that relationship help as something sacred in trying times, right?  Waking up from what?  From a state of nit knowing?  That is odd indeed coming from the Facebook or Twitter poster who only in the last 5 minutes found a post from a friend that they retweeted, an ever more anemic expression than cut and paste.  So these folks who are calling all of us, and no one in particular, to wake up, they themselves are just learning specifics and are actually blaming and indicting their audience for them not knowing things that they just 5 minutes ago didn't know either.  But this is the world of social media.  Sharp repartee, quick-witted slaps, and acerbic indictments of a lack of insight.  Anyone asking its audience to wake up is also emerging from the stupor of ignorance.  Besides the occasional tweet, ee never learn of their activism, who they're writing to, the content of such letters, or productive responses, if any, that they receive.  The one guy who has pushed on the vaccine mandates is Robert Barnes.  He's been active.  He's gotten traction and he reports on his successes and in-roads on the legality or illegality of the mandates.  So has Peggy Hall.  Of course, we're thankful for all the doctors who've been pushing back in their industry, like Richard Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, the great Houston, Texas doctor whom the establishment loves to hate, the heroic, Dr. Mary Bowden

The genocide of the west the targeted population is forbidden to discuss

Just thankful that this can't happen in America.  

I like freedom as much as anybody, but don't ask me to pay for your way into my backyard on my dime.  Which means fund your adventures on your own dime.  Don't guilt the federal and state governments over their numerous sins to try and force compliance on welfare programs so that Paco and his children's lives in Zacatecas are treated as more valuable than my life or my family's lives.  One year I wrote 33 letters of recommendations on behalf of 9th graders who were selected to go on a weeklong trip to New York.  That meant hotel fare, air fare, 3 meals a day, entertainment money, educational tours, and so on.  The works.  For a week.  For 9th graders.  Do you think that American kids growing up in the 1960s had such a field trip paid for them? Don't make American tax-payers and its citizens guilty either for the sins of our government.  We didn't steal your land.  On the contrary, in two generations you've completely taken over our country and threatened our values and way of life.  The American government must build a welfare wall by ending welfare benefits to any and every immigrant. This reduces the incentive to raid the treasures of America.  

Hoisted by her own petard

Thank you to Robert Barnes and the Justice Centre.

Dr. Hinshaw knowingly withheld evidence from the court regarding her knowledge of the dangers and harms of forced masking on children

CALGARY: The Justice Centre today announces a court application has been filed to compel Dr. Deena Hinshaw to re-attend court for further cross-examination in the constitutional challenge to her lockdown orders. The application alleges that Dr. Hinshaw knowingly withheld evidence from the court regarding her knowledge of the dangers and harms of forced masking on children. The Application is brought jointly by Leighton Grey, Q.C. – on behalf of the Justice Centre for Heights Baptist Church, Northside Baptist Church, Erin Blacklaws, and Tory Tanner – and Jeffrey Rath, counsel for Rebecca Ingram. A court hearing is scheduled for Friday, August 26, 2022, to reopen the case based on new evidence.

The application also requests that the Court require Dr. Hinshaw to produce all of her recommendations to the Kenney government related to her own Covid lockdown orders, as well as to require Dr. Hinshaw to answer all questions which were previously objected to by counsel for the government of Alberta on the basis of Cabinet Confidentiality.

According to the Application, the Alberta government-generated memo states that:

  • There is insufficient direct evidence of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing transmission of Covid in educational settings;

  • That there are harmful effects of mask wearing on children; and

That masks can:

  • Disrupt learning;
  • Interfere with children’s social development;
  • Interfere with children’s emotional development;
  • Interfere with children’s speech development;
  • Impair verbal and non-verbal communication;
  • Impair emotional signalling; and
  • Impair facial recognition.

During her cross-examination in April, Dr. Hinshaw was specifically asked whether she was aware of any evidence of harms to elementary school children from being compelled to wear masks. Dr. Hinshaw answered this question before the court in April in the negative. The Application contends Dr. Hinshaw’s answers to this line of questions were false, and that she failed to disclose her knowledge of the harms to children from forced masking.

The application asserts that it is clear that there were a significant number of studies in Dr. Hinshaw’s possession or control which in fact did show evidence of harm to children from forced masking. Dr. Hinshaw’s health orders required forced public masking, including masking of elementary-aged children in all schools.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

9 Best Foods to Get All Your Fats

Fat Soluble vitamins: A, D,E, K1, K2 . . . Fat soluble vitamins in vegetables, things like carotenoids (like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for your eyes and have anticancer properties)  chlorophyll.  

With fat soluble vitamins, like dissolves like: you need to add fats to absorb fat soluble nutrients.  Add olive oil to your salad to extract phytonutrients.  When you take fat soluble vitamins it's important to take them with a meal or add oil or fat to them to increase their absorption. Food manufacturers don't use fats: they use solvents, like Hexane found in "oils" like Canola oil, Sunflower oil, 

Absorption of fat soluble nutrients is dependent on bile from your gall bladder.  Now your liver makes bile and it is stored in the gall bladder. Without bile you cannot absorb fat soluble nutrients.  If you have your gall bladder out.  If you have a sluggish gall bladder or problems with your liver, that's going to diminish your bile and diminish the absorption of fat soluble vitamins.  You might not know that you've had a subclinical deficiency for quite some time . . . .  bile is produced in your liver, your gall bladder breaks down the bile fats or kind of emulsifies them.  So then your pancrease, specifically the enzyme Lipase, can come in and dissolve the bile fats further so that you can absorb it in your intestines. If you have problems with your pancreas and you're not producing adequate Lipase, that could be another reason why you're not absorbing these fat soluble nutrients.  And one of these symptoms 

It's Deja Vu All Over Again