Monday, March 3, 2025

EUROPEAN OWNED SENATOR FROM MAINE, ANGUS KING: ending the war in Ukraine to preserve millions of lives would be the “greatest geopolitical mistake that this country has made since World War 2.”

U.S. politicians owned by Europe?  Exhibit A: Senator Angus King. 

Sen. Angus King tells 60 Minutes that ending the war in Ukraine to preserve millions of lives would be the “greatest geopolitical mistake that this country has made since World War 2.”

SENSE RECEPTOR: Debbie Lerman describes how Calley/Casey Means are the new Deborah Birx—they're here to corral us into the idea COVID was a public health response & mRNA jabs aren't the problem, the "chronic disease epidemic" is.

Here is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s speech where he declares his intention to join the Trump campaign in August 2024.

And the same way that I had a jaw-dropping moment with Deborah Birx when I started reading her book, and I realized that she was covering all this stuff up, I had a jaw-dropping moment when I listened to RFK, Jr.'s speech which I had never heard before that he had given, because in that speech he spends half of the speech, it's a 50-minute speech, he spends literally exactly 25 minutes talking about what he really cares about, about the Ukraine, about his uncle and his father, the state of democracy, censorship, all the things that he wants to change in this country.  Minute 25, all of a sudden, he says, "On the night of July 13th when Trump was almost assassinated, I got a call from Calley Means.  He mentions him by name.  Very strange.  This guy never, nobody ever heard about.  He's nobody.  Why would he be mentioned in this historic speech?  Then he says, "Calley Means is the, probably the most prominent advocate for food safety, soil regeneration, and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is devastating this country, and I thought, "THE leading advocate" for these things, the leading . . . ? I've never heard of him.  No, how is he the leading activist for these things?  That was jaw-dropping.  So, RFK, in this major speech, is saying something that is false, right?  Why would he do that?  Then he proceeds to say I highly recommend that you watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Kelly and where's Kelly and Casey Means.  Again, this is a huge speech, probably the most important speech of his life because he like put everything he had into running for president; that's probably the biggest effort he made in his life.  Now he's dropping out of that effort, and in the speech, he says, "Listen to a Tucker Carlson podcast"?!  Like, are you kidding me?  That, that's just mind-boggling weird. I've never heard a big political speech where somebody all of a sudden like recommends a particular podcast with particular names of people that nobody's ever even heard of.  So that was a fall-off-my-chair moment. Then he says, "And Casey Means was the top graduate of her medical school class from Stanford."  Also false.  I don't have definitive proof because I asked Stanford to fact-check, and they never got back to me.  But nothing on her, even on her LinkedIn, on her resume, like she never mentions that she was a top graduate.  She wasn't the top graduate.  She, she doesn't even have any awards from her medical school year.  She had a few awards from when she was an undergraduate at Stanford, that's it.  So two things he said that were, you know, at best inaccurate about these two individuals; at, at worst they were, you know, intentional falsehoods.  Two people we've never heard of, major speech, listen to the Tucker Carlson podcast.  I was like, okay, well, something's obviously going on with these people.  It's another Debra Birx moment.  

03:14.  Now, what's important about Debra Birx is that she was put in to change the narrative or to control the narrative, to say that the COVID-19 response was a public health response.  So her job was to come for the National Security side of things that was running the pandemic and to represent it to the public as if it was a public health event that was her job so to turn it from bio defense, you know, intelligence military into public health.

What Calley and Casey's job is is to take people like me and people in the medical freedom movement who now realize that it was a military intelligence operation and that the vaccines were the unregulated countermeasures that have killed and injured lots of people all over the world right that's what we've been fighting about, one of the things.  And to take us and turn us back from that realization into channel us back into the channel of Public Health.  So she tried to divert us and so Debra Birx . . .  I see them as two sides of the same operation.  So the operation starts with the military-industrial complex saying, okay, we need to convince everybody that this is Public Health.  They try to convince us it is Public Health.  Most people are convinced.  Some, there's a little bit of a resistance, and we aren't convinced.  Now, Calley and Casey have to take those of us who weren't convinced and shove us into the public health bubble that everybody else has already been shoved into.  So that's what I mean when I say both sides.  So once I was already in the bubble that said, "Oh, this is Public Health, and it was just Public Health measures," we said, "No, it's not Public Health.  We don't believe that."  We know it's military.  We know it's intelligence.  We know it's biodefense.  We know it's unregulated, and we know that it's killing and injuring lots of people, and so now we need other handlers, Casey and Calley Means, for example, to take us and handle us and put us into the public health bubble that we refused to get into.  We refused to be shoved into the public health bubble because we understood that it wasn't public health during COVID-19, and now they're shoving us into the public health bubble and saying, "Oh, it's the 'chronic disease epidemic.'"

BEN@USMORTALITY: Since 2000, measles vaccines may have caused 16 times more deaths than measles itself!

GROK: An Indian immigrant buying a rural gas station can access roughly $50,000 to $200,000 more in government-backed financing than a white American man

An Indian immigrant buying a rural gas station can access roughly $50,000 to $200,000 more in government-backed financing than a white American man, assuming both have similar credit and income.  The Indian qualifies as a minority for MBDA-facilitated [Minority Business Development Agency] loans, like SBA (7a) with minority priority or CDFI Fund [Community Development Financial Institutions Fund] targeting underserved groups, while the white man doesn't get that edge unless he's in a rare distressed-area exception.  Add in informal Indian Community loans (say $20,000-$100,000), and the gap widens.  Total extra?  Potentially $70,000 to 300,000, depending on the deal.

DR. HEATH: The Problem with Men: (Broken? Misunderstood?) Masculinity Psych 101

Men commit suicide 31% more than women.   

Men tend to think inside the skull; women think outside the skull in conversation.