Monday, September 30, 2024

TOM LUONGO: Socialized Medicine. It's welfare all right... for paper pushers and HR nannies

MIND-BLOWING REVELATION🔥 Please stop and think about the implications of what's explained here. (1/3)

THIS is why it's IMPOSSIBLE to "vaccinate" against anything. THIS is why "vaccines" are the PERFECT POISONS. THIS is why eugenicists like Bill Gates love "vaccines." Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) describes for James Delingpole (@JMCDelingpole) how "vaccines," essentially, work in the exact opposite way as we're told they do—meaning it's literally impossible to make a vaccine that does anything but poison somebody. While we're told that "vaccines" work by giving us a small amount of a toxic substance—e.g. a bacteria or virus— in turn allowing us to create immunity against future infections, what the injections actually do is make us vulnerable to said toxins. Furthermore, "vaccines" prime our bodies to react badly to *anything* that's injected into us, including benign substances like milk or egg proteins. Hence the proliferation of allergies, such as allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, etc. Incredibly, Latypova explains how this has been known since 1913, when Charles Richet—a French physiologist and self-proclaimed eugenicist—won a Nobel Prize for figuring out that injecting animals with toxins primes them for harmful or deadly reactions if they encounter the same toxins in the environment, even in small amounts. He called these reactions "anaphylactic" reactions, but said that these reactions also included allergies. After researching this topic and analyzing Richet's work, Latypova says she's come to the conclusion that "everybody who is . . . closely familiar with this history and work cannot think that it's possible to vaccinate." The pharma insider adds, "It's impossible to vaccinate for anything. And Richet has demonstrated it conclusively and was given Nobel Prize for it...because he figured out how to poison everyone by sensitizing them to the most commonly occurring things in their environment." "It's the most ingenious way of poisoning," Latypova says. "The eugenicists never went away. They all still think that way. They all still think that they should poison us and limit our reproduction because, you know, we're polluting the earth now. We're causing climate change," Latypova adds. "They're brainwashing themselves and their followers into thinking that this is actually acceptable. It's acceptable to poison people. It's acceptable to sterilize people. It's acceptable to lie to people because it's for the greater good. So what started with Richet continues today." Partial transcription of clip: "One of the historical examples, Katherine [Watt] and I ran into, and this became a huge, epiphany for me is, Charles Richet, who was a French researcher in that time. So he worked in early 1900s. In 1913, he was given Nobel Prize for this work, and he is credited with the work on anaphylaxis, although he wasn't the only one, but so he received the Nobel Prize. And so that to me, you know, opened so much kind of I was like, of course. You know, why didn't I see this before? But, basically, you know, when you look at this work and then when you look at what preceded and what went after, you kind of understand a few things. "First of all, everybody who is, let's say, closely familiar with this history and work cannot think that it's possible to vaccinate. It's impossible to vaccinate for anything. And Richet has demonstrated it conclusively and was given Nobel Prize for it...because he figured out how to poison everyone by sensitizing them to the most commonly occurring things in their environment. It's the most ingenious way of poisoning. "He was a committed eugenicist. And at that time, you know, everyone should realize, eugenicism was a fashionable society attitude. So, you know, all the well-to-do classes were subscribing to it. The good breeding was always, you know, promoted. And, at the time, the sentiment was, well, how can we help the poor be less dirty and less numerous? Make them less humorous. And AKA kill them. Because this side of them is so offensive to us when we ride our horses through the park and, you know, and then there's like them. What can we do about it? And what can we do about it became into let's figure out how to control their, overbreeding because they tend to reproduce too much, and they tend to live in crowded conditions, and they tend to have poor hygiene and no sanitation. "So instead of working on those issues, they will decide, oh, let's vaccinate them. And, actually, the same same thing continues with Bill Gates in Africa and India for the same reason. And, you know, but all of these thoughts extended now to us, to normal people. "Now all of the globalist and this, you know, elite. [aka, the parasitic class], I don't call them elites, but they all think of us that way. That's, you know, that's what people need to understand. The eugenicists never went away. They all still think that way. They all still think that they should poison us and and limit our reproduction because, you know, we're polluting the earth now. We're causing the climate change. Whatever those ideas are, but they're brainwashing themselves and their followers into thinking that this is actually acceptable. It's acceptable to poison people. It's acceptable to sterilize people. It's acceptable to lie to people, because it's for the greater good. You know? So what started with Richet continues today."

TOM LUONGO: The desperation here is all on the part of the people who have the most to lose by Trump returning to power, and that would be Europe and the British.

9:09  No, this is a narrative that they're setting up here because they want to kill Trump but they want to blame somebody else for it, then, of course, they get the twofer with the ability to say well, Iran killed Trump, so we have to go to war against Iran.  The desperation here is all on the part of the people who have the most to lose by Trump returning to power, and that would be Europe and the British.  It's always the same people over and over again.  They need a war to cover the fact that they're defaulting.  They need to default.  They're going to default.  There's nothing they can do to stop it, even with Powell cutting interest rates by 50 basis points the other day, the markets had sold off in ways that they shouldn't have. 

TRACY SHUCHART: Grocery stores only carry 3 days of supply on average

"Grocery stores only carry 3 days of supply on average," Tracy Shuchart.  

There are thousands of Bidens in the Federal government.

SOLARI REPORT: Tennessee State Senator Bill Powers and Representative Jeff Burkhart are Solari Heroes of the Week for passing a bill that excludes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) from the definition of “money” and “deposit accounts” under Tennessee Code.

Tennessee State Senator Bill Powers and Representative Jeff Burkhart are Solari Heroes of the Week for passing a bill that excludes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) from the definition of “money” and “deposit accounts” under Tennessee Code.

It is noteworthy that this bill, as enacted, also rules out international and intergovernmental CBDCs, not just CBDCs issued by the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. This shows foresight on the part of Senator Powers and Representative Burkhart. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other international organizations have been touting the idea of a CBDC for some time, making a national U.S. entity only one potential source of this threat to financial transaction freedom.

Congressman Mark Green, a former Tennessee State Senator, also provided support for this legislation and merits acknowledgment.

Senator Powers and Representative Burkhart did an excellent job successfully bringing SB 2219/HB 1901 through various committees and securing overwhelming bipartisan support on both the House and Senate floors. Solari applauds and commends the two legislators for their leadership.