Sunday, March 27, 2022


This really is quite incredible.  Let's start with this statement by Martin Armstrong, 

Based upon reliable sources, the Pentagon has launched a full-scale attack against the Neocons in the State Department and that includes Blinken. My sources confirm they have prevailed and warned the White House to STOP this "bullish" calling for regime change in Russia and war. I have NEVER witnessed this type of infighting since the 1987 Crash when the SEC was blaming the CFTC.

Next, let's backtrack and see what led to this internal war between the State Department and the Pentagon.  This time Armstrong answers a reader's question from EH who asks,

QUESTION: You said that the Pentagon has been trying to prevent confrontation with Russia. I believe you mentioned that it was the Pentagon who said no to Poland handing jets to Zelensky. Yet reading between the lines, Biden seems to disagree with what you are suggesting. Not to criticize you, for I think you have far better contacts than anyone I read. Is Biden just senile? My nephew studied your Economic Confidence Model which was taught in the military institution, the Citadel.

Thank you


Armstrong answers,

ANSWER: No, there is actually an internal war going on in Washington. The State Department is in full control of the Neocons. They are pushing for World War III right now. Their personal hatred of both Russians and Chinese is what is driving this game. The Pentagon realizes the TRUE  consequences of what is going on. This pretense being fed to the Media that Putin is on the ropes and the stories of chemical weapons are all coming from the White House and the State Department - NOT the Pentagon. The object here is to get the people behind a NATO invasion and Zelensky is doing whatever the Neocons instruct him.

It is as I have said before, the Pentagon who is trying to keep throwing cold water on this fire that the State Department is fanning. It is not that Biden is senile. That poses a separate risk for he could easily just order a full attack even though that is not legal under the Constitution without a declaration of war issued ONLY by Congress.

I am hoping that Putin can achieve his goal by the week of April 18th. That is the ONLY hope we have against the Neocons in the State Department who lead Biden around by his diapers. That will not eliminate WWIII. But it may buy us until 2023. These Neocons are totally insane and they are writing the script and Biden just reads the words. These Neocons are determined to destroy Russia and now Putin along with China have come to see the true nature of their adversary.

This time it is NOT the military. They know this is NOT an easy victory with a ticker-tape parade at the end. Yes, the Citadel came to me and asked permission to teach the ECM as the motivation and timing behind wars. That was a great honor. I hope it has infiltrated the military so that they do stand up to the State Department's Neocons who have no problem spilling the blood of everyone else for their dreams of hate.  

"I got type 1 autoimmune diabetes when i was a kid from the MMR vaccine"

With the passing recently of the Foo Fighters' drummer, Taylor Hawkins, and a host of others from elite athletes to government officials and entertainers, all tagged as "sudden deaths," I couldn't help but ask about the deaths of young people in the 25-48 age group who traditionally tend not to die of natural causes at that age: it's usually due to accidents or some other unnatural ones.  But I wondered, how many of these deaths had one or two or all of the shots in the schedule of vaccine shots for children?  I wonder how many of these who have died were predisposed to illness, metabolic or otherwise,  by the schedule of vaccines.  For clearly, not everyone who opted for the C-19 shot has died.  Too many are sick and experiencing creepy, life-threatening side effects from myocarditis to stroke to spasms to muscle atrophy and shrinkage, however.  Are those dying of "sudden death" or "unexpected death" or "died suddenly" the result of metabolic changes brought on by the childhood vaccines?  

Then I find this,

Then this.

In answer to that, a scribbler observed, 

Though the child's biology is the most precious of all gifts and needs to be meticulously attended to and cared for, know, too, that the parents and family life get degraded by the vaccines' effects on the child.  The sense of future responsibility is suddenly narrowed to this single focus of caring for their baby even as she becomes a legal adult. Most parents do this lovingly and with great courage.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Trudeau the Tyrant

Thank you to Martin Armstrong for the video.


Thank you to Science Defies Politics.  Wow.