Saturday, December 7, 2024

WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION: Similarly, Polio is not caused by a contagious virus. It reduced after DDT was banned, not as a result of vaccination. The focus should be pesticide toxicity, not contagion.

The insecticide, DDT, was in use during WWII to fight insect-born diseases, like typhus and malaria, and was put into use in the United States after WWII, 1945-1972.  

Decreed on June 14, 1972, DDT was officially banned on December 31, 1972.  

1894, the first U.S. Polio epidemic.

1908In Vienna, Karl Landsteiner, MD (1868-1943), and Erwin Popper, MD (1879-1955), announced that the infectious agent in polio was a virus.

1921, Polio strikes FDR.  Odd statement of uncertainty for a president assumed by the world to have been paralyzed by polio, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), former New York State Senator, Assistant Secretary to the Navy, and future U.S. president, fell ill with what most historians think was polio."

So polio cases began in the 1930s?

1930s, The falling price of the Iron Lung enabled mass distribution and widespread use from the end of the 1930s onwards. The cost of one iron lung in the 1930s amounted to US-$1,500, which is the equivalent of approximately US-$26,000 in 2016 when accounting for inflation.  

1931, more than one type of poliovirus proposed.

1936, Growing poliovirus in human nervous tissue.

1938, March of Dimes was born.

1941, Poliovirus in the digestive system, what Suzanne Humphries calls commensal poliovirus.  She says "The poliovirus is a normal commensal that lives within healthy human intestines.  It's been shown that Indian tribes in South America where they have all three strains [of polioviruses] in the intestines.

1949, Bodian finds three types of polioviruses.

1950s, Poliovirus itself would not be visible to researchers until the 1950s when the electron microscope was available.  

1953, Salk gives polio vaccines to his family.  Salk injected himself, his wife, and their three sons with his experimental poliovirus vaccine.

1954, Massive polio vaccine trials in the United States. 

1955, Announced the results of the Salk poliovirus vaccine trial. The vaccine, they said, was 80-90% effective against paralytic polio.  The U.S. government licensed Salk’s vaccine later this same day. The press conference and licensure paved the way for widespread distribution and use of the vaccine.

1959, Soviet trial of Sabin's live poliovirus vaccine.

1960, Sabin's polio vaccine was licensed.  

1972, DDT was officially banned.

1985, Goal set for polio elimination in the Americas. 

1988, Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

1994, Polio was declared eliminated from the Americas. A three-year-old Peruvian boy, Luis Fermín, had the last registered case there.

1997, Mass vaccination efforts in India.

1998, Polio immunization efforts in Sudan.

2002, Polio eliminated in Europe.  W.H.O. declared polio eliminated in Europe.  

2014, Southeast Asian region polio-free.

2016, Type II Oral Polio vaccine discontinued.

2022, Vaccine-Derived Polio is found in London's wastewater surveillance samples.

2022, Polio returns to New York City.  

THERESA M. LONG, MD: The JAG at the Pentagon was ensuring that . . . accountability for the murder and destruction of our national defense via the vax fell on lower level

from Theresa M. Long, MD,
Where to start here....when a JAG attorney confronted a senior JAG at the Pentagon about Frago which the responsibility was pushed to commanders to ensure there were enough "FDA approved vaccines" for all servicemembers, the Pentagon senior leaders knew NO FDA-approved vaccines were ever going to be available. The JAG at the Pentagon was ensuring that . . . accountability for the murder and destruction of our national defense via the vax fell on lower level
from Rob Green,
Sources within the Pentagon report that VADM Chris French, the Navy’s Judge Advocate General, has submitted his resignation to , Carlos Del Toro, and that the SECNAV has already accepted his resignation. This comes only 92 days after taking command from now-retired Vice Admiral Darse Crandall. VADM French was one of the driving forces behind Navy COVID policy and the legal defense of Trident Order #12 which was declared unlawful by a federal court in Texas in 2022. 

It is also reported that VADM French engaged in other conduct unbecoming and may be the subject of future investigations. 

TOM DILORENZO: Every government bureaucrat is inherently an empire-builder, and fabricating public health scares has become an ideal technique for garnering political support for bureaucratic empire building

we hear in public health circles that "We need to restore faith in Public Health."  He says, "I don't want to restore faith in public health."  He said, "Public Health deserves to be distrusted."  --Dr. Vinay Prasad of the University of California San Francisco

01:40.  Our topic today: when I heard that we were going to be Loosely basing the talks around the theme, "Our Enemy, the State," I came up with a title, "Our Enemy: Public Health," because, I think, since 2020, any thinking person is now aware with some of the problems with so-called, "Public Health."  As a matter of fact, just days ago, Dr. Vinay Prasad of the University of California San Francisco was speaking about this theme we hear in public health circles that "We need to restore faith in Public Health."  He says, "I don't want to restore faith in public health."  He said, "Public Health deserves to be distrusted."  Good man.  

02:20.  Public Health in general is an intellectual train wreck.  It's a wholly politicized branch of so-called medicine that involves a seemingly endless series of false claims and ideological gobbledygook.  I mean remember racism is a public health issue as justification for why otherwise you have to be locked in your house, but you can go out to protest what happened to George Floyd.  No self-respecting discipline speaks or thinks that way.  Now we should have denounced public health sooner and written books about it sooner, and I think before COVID we just didn't pay enough attention to it.  We certainly weren't paying enough attention as much attention as it deserved.  Now that's partially because its overreach wasn't quite so great in those days, but also because we have a lot to criticize.  We have the Fed, we have the IRS, we have all the cabinet departments, we have civil liberties violations.  I mean it's exhausting being us.  You can't do everything.  So let's not reproach ourselves too much.  But beyond all this, they also want to impose their plans on you without having to deal with such mundane things as judges, courts, and laws.  So, for example, you'll recall how unhappy Anthony Fauci was when a federal judge overturned the mask mandate on planes.  By the way, the reason they were unhappy that the mask mandate on planes was overturned was not that they thought we'd all get sick.  The reason was that they knew we wouldn't get sick.  And then we'd start wondering, "I wonder what else has been pointless that they've been pushing on us."  That is a very important question to start asking.  But he was very unhappy . . . he said, "This is a matter for public health to decide and not properly a matter for the Judiciary."  You know what, Tony, nobody actually consented to a dictatorship run by, I shudder even to think about it, public health officials, whose 24/7 barrage of false claims survives only because no mainstream media outlet bothered to question them. 

04:35.  Now let me read you a passage from a book you may not have read but whose author I am sure you know.

We believe that an insidious agenda is being pursued in the name of public health, the use of the coercive power[s] of the state by special interest groups who use health issues for two broad purposes.  First, public health matters are a smoke screen to camouflage self-interested behavior, or what economists call rent seeking.  Put simply, health activists lobby for legislation, primarily tax increases, that are earmarked for their particular causes and regulations at all levels of government that benefit them financially.  Second, health issues are used to advance an ideological agenda, an agenda which without exception fosters an enhanced role for the state in every aspect of our lives and in our lifestyles.  Every government bureaucrat is inherently an empire-builder, and fabricating public health scares has become an ideal technique for garnering political support for bureaucratic empire building, and increased budgets to alleviate the crisis.

05:50.  Now the book in question is called From Pathology to Politics: Public Health in America, James T. Bennett and Thomas DiLorenzo, 2000, and it sounds like it was written last week, but, in fact, it was written a quarter century ago and it's co-author is our own Tom DiLorenzo.  When Tom is not busy predicting the future, he is president of the Mises Institute.  

After COVID and the magnifying glass we've had on public health establishment, we are much more aware of, shall we say, its Imperial intentions.  And that it foolishly considers itself qualified to weigh in on every issue under the sun that might potentially impact Health but here is what Tom was already writing a quarter century ago about the American Public Health Association, APHA, I'll make a future reference to it, the trade association of the public health movement has used its resources to develop a platform for the promotion of government-controlled medical care, the abolition of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, a governmental takeover of child care, and expansion of government's role in economic planning and other social and economic issues. The public health movement is no longer interested in primarily in the eradication of disease it claims to offer expertise on virtually every social issue from poverty to human rights.

So that has actually been going on for a long time.  It didn't just start in the past 5 years now I have bad news Tom's book is out of print so you have to buy my book Diary of a psychosis which is available over on The Book Table I had to get a used copy for $40 so I got to sell a whole bunch of these just to break even.

07:50.  Now several months ago, our Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared, "Firearm violence is a Public Health crisis in America that poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of our country."  He then proceeded to lay out every debunked claim on behalf of gun control that you've ever heard, but as Tom pointed out in that passage just a moment ago, this is nothing new for Public Health.  It's just that a lot of us haven't been paying attention.  We haven't noticed because we've been busy.  

Now let's take a brief look at the theme of APHA's annual convention in 1996.  I guarantee you would much much rather be at the Mises Summer Institute than be at that thing.  Their annual convention was called "Empowering the Disadvantaged: Social Justice in Public Health."  Now was the keynote speaker a physician?  Maybe a professor at a medical school something you might think would belong there?  No, guess who the keynote speaker was.  The president of the AFL-CIO, John Sweeney, told everyone there that he wanted them to "help us rejuvenate the labor movement."  Now that is a bit far of a stretch to attach that to Public Health but that is what it's about, and incidentally, the conference also called for "radical redistribution of wealth," because "Living in an unjust society damages physical health."  These people are crazier than you thought.  Tom [DiLorenzo] also found in the August 1996 issue of Health Education Quarterly, widely circulated within the CDC, . . . this quotation, "Policy advocacy skills for creating social change must be provided to community groups rather than, for example, providing individuals with skills so that they can make better personal choices."  So in the old days that was more or less what they thought their role was: we'll try to give you the information you need to be informed and make good decisions about your health.  Well, what we need to teach now is how to agitate for political change.  

One of the things that public health has claimed to really be oh-so concerned about is children, your children in particular.  They care so deeply about them.  Nothing concerns them more than the health of your children.  Now I will say in parentheses there was a moment over the past few years when there was a desire to get parents on board with getting the COVID shots for their kids up insanely during that time.  We began to hear a report, and this was echoed by the White House, by professors at Harvard, by the Surgeon General, everybody was repeating it, that COVID-19 was a top five killer of children.

W.R. SCHOCK, QBD: The CEO of United Healthcare was set to testify against 👉NANCY PELOSI👈

I get nervous about publishing salacious, unconfirmed, uncorroborated information, for if you're caught simply reposting a story without the facts or evidence you can look foolish.  

This just gets curiouser and curiouser. Monday, December 9, 2024. 

DR. JACK WOLFSON: The Higher Your Cholesterol, The Longer You Live