Sunday, September 22, 2024

SCOTT RITTER: You're letting Ukraine determine the fate of humanity? You're letting Zelensky determine the fate of humanity?

3:17. A signal that could be sent for instance is for Germany to tell the United States hell no to the missiles they want to deploy in 2026.  Because if we are fortunate enough to live between now and then those missiles will get you killed.  How about Germany it taking the lead to have Europe come up with a new pro-Arms Control agenda?  How about Germany taking the lead to bring an end to this Ukrainian conflict, to get Zelensky out of power so that he doesn't get to threaten all of our lives.  You almost died this weekend.  I don't know what you were doing this weekend, but it almost didn't happen.  If you didn't die, understand this, you will have wished you had died, because the consequences of surviving a post-nuclear war reality is worse than death.  That's my message to the German people.  That's my message to the people of Europe.  That's my message to my fellow Americans.  What are we going to do about this?  Stop the stupid discussions about missiles long-range strikes.  Stop a nuclear war it is the most existential issue of our time and the time is right now.  You almost died this weekend.  What are you going to do about it?  

5:15. Russia cannot be defeated militarily but the real question is why do you want to defeat Russia militarily?  I mean does it matter do you care that Russia can or cannot be defeated militarily?  The real question is why would you even consider defeating Russia militarily Russia doesn't pose a threat to you listen to what the reasoning was behind Vladimir Putin's decision to enlarge the Russian military because the threats against Russia have increased. The threats.  That's you, Germany, and your stupidity.  Your stupidity.  You think NATO can defeat Russia.  You've embraced an American policy that speaks of the strategic defeat of Russia using Ukraine as a proxy?  How freaking dumb can you be?  You're the dumbest people on the planet after the rest of Europe and the United States.  Sort of a toss-up.  You know, we're all stupid because we think we can defeat Russia.  We can't. Now understand this. Russia can't defeat us even with this military that they have.  It's not big enough to defeat NATO.  The Russian military is designed to do two things: win the conflict in Ukraine, and secure Russia's borders against external threats.  That's it.  It is not an offensive military machine.  So, again, the question I have to ask people is to stop talking about Russia, saying that Russia created the conditions that make sure that it can't be defeated.  Why do yo. want to defeat Russia?  Why is that an option on the table?  It shouldn't be.  From Germany's perspective you're the last country in the world that should ever articulate any notion of trying to defeat Russia you don't have a right to defeat Russia.  You don't have the right to be part of an alliance whose goals and objectives are to defeat Russia.  You lost that right in 1945.  You will never regain that right.  27 million dead Soviets assure the reality that you have no rights when it comes to talking about Russia, the military and National Defense Rush is not going to attack you Russia is no threat to you Russia actually wanted to be a partner with you in peace Russia sold you the cheapest damn energy you're ever going to get maybe you're even waking up to that fact Olaf Scholz two years too late is starting to talk about a serious investigation because he's paying a political price for this

78yo Joan McDonald started going to the gym at age 70 when she was carrying 200 pounds on her 5'3" frame. Today she is a fitness instructor with 2 million followers on Instagram.

Why the tenacity of some people! 

How many donuts equals the amount of sugar in this common 'healthy' smoothie?

Even with all of that sugar, many people will rationalize the smoothie's green benefits thinking they equal health benefits while the sugar just blows the whole experience out of the water bad. 

Prisoners to take care of pets (that would otherwise be euthanized) is remarkably beneficial for them.

DR. MARY TALLEY BOWDEN: performance incentive program for doctors, if they follow a protocol, if they follow a checklist for certain diseases, they are rewarded financially by the government