Monday, September 16, 2024

BREAKING: Announced job cuts totaled 75,891 in August, 193% higher than July, per CNBC.

Planes Involved on 9/11 Remote-Controlled?

The entire story of the 9/11 hijackings and the hijackers being able to fly the airplanes into their targets is a wildly improbable myth.

If you want to know why, don't miss our "Aviation Impossibilities" symposium this Sunday: For a primer, this is what retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp has to say about the improbability of each part of the story: · The improbability of all eight airline pilots voluntarily giving up control of their aircraft to individuals stating they have box cutters. · The improbability of all eight airline pilots not entering the hijack or emergency code into the transponders alerting air traffic control of a serious problem. · The improbability, if the above events occurred, that the marginally trained hijackers would be able to operate the navigational systems and fly to specific points in airspace. · The improbability of maneuvering the airliners above 400 knots airspeed and precisely striking comparatively small WTC 1 and 2. Professional pilots in simulators have about a 1 in 3 chance of accomplishing this maneuver. · The improbability of maneuvering American Airlines Flight 77 from 35,000 feet, descending to hit the Pentagon, specifically a 330° turn from 7,000 feet, descending at a controlled airspeed of 290 to 300 knots, to precisely strike the Pentagon at ground level by a minimally trained unqualified hijacker.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

PROF. FUKUSHIMA: We demand that the Health Ministry provides appropriate victim compensation based on the vaccination law

Press conference out of Japan - Investigation into vaccine harms. - Huge number of reports have been released - If Health Ministry refuse to acknowledge, “we will FILE LAWSUITS!” Journalist says: “EXTRAORDINARY ALARMING SITUATION” This doesn't suprise me. Japan is one of the rare countries that takes vaccine injuries very seriously and actually listens to its citizens. They don't gaslight, shame, deny and call it a coincidence. They halted the HEP B vaccine when it killed several infants, same goes for the HPV vaccine and the MMR.

PROF. FUKUSHIMA: We have already started to study vaccine harms basically in cooperation with various experts. This is the first topic. So we will find out later on what happens after vaccination as a mechanism, in other words, as a pathological and cytological process.

Around April last year the pathology and forensic societies have already issued the statement that in the future autopsies should be done on people who have died after vaccination.

In the future we need to urgently establish guidelines on what kind of medical treatment should be provided for victims injured by vaccines and we need to develop diagnostic techniques.

Given the situation we carry out these tasks.

One more thing. Pathological autopsies have already been conducted on people who died after receiving the vaccine. However, the Health Ministry is still unwilling to acknowledge the causal link between the vaccine and death. If the Health Ministry maintains this unjustified position, we intend to file additional lawsuits in consultation with our lawyers.

We demand that the Health Ministry provides appropriate victim compensation based on the vaccination law. In other words, victim compensation based on the vaccination law is properly stipulated by Japanese law. So it is not necessary to create a new law to compensate for the vaccine harm. Scientists like us are taking responsible actions in every respect to ensure that the vaccine victims are compensated.

JOURNALIST: Let me ask you a few questions.

In your editorial Professor Fukushima you wrote two strong statements to all health care workers a warning about the safety of vaccines and a request to stop vaccinations. For example, medical societies are flooded with case reports of various diseases in addition to myocarditis and shingles all over Japan. A huge number of case reports more than 300 reports by medical experts have been released all over Japan. I consider this is an extraordinary alarming situation. What is your message to the medical professionals?

PROF. FUKUSHIMA: I want to say one thing very clearly to the Health Ministry in addition to the medical professionals. They should distribute a Vaccination Victim's Handbook to everyone who has been vaccinated. The Vaccination Victim's Handbook is similar to the Atomic Bomb Victim's Handbook which was distributed to survivors of the atomic bomb. After Distributing the Vaccination Victim's Handbook to vaccinated people, medical institutions should be encouraged to properly follow up with the vaccinated people. It is necessary to examine whether there is a link between the disease and the vaccine. Biopsy tests should be performed on sick people suspected of vaccine-induced illnesses.

OWEN BENJAMIN: The future is very bright. Everyone has a unique and incredible mission here. And be grateful for everything the entire time

People's dopamine is so empty and so many are completely drained that they have to keep doing these assassination attempts just to keep anyone paying attention to the election.

When you have a drunk lady known for BJs bickering with an Orange guy ranting about people eating dogs there’s not much left in the tank. The ear shot is already a distant memory and no one actually cared so they just did a remake with Ukraine and golf apparently. It’s like being on cocaine for days and days. You just need more and more to keep your eyes open. That’s how the script is getting.
The real answer is at home. Keep your hope and faith in what actually matters and it will grow. The future is very bright. Everyone has a unique and incredible mission here. And be grateful for everything the entire time. This life is a gift. Cherish it and the people around you.

Much love.
Hope is good. Never forget that. Despair is a sin and it’s weak.

HEALTH RANGER: If Homeland can't eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia.

A source tells me the leak of Trump's whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security, not USSS. Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it. Homeland Security and US State Dept are full-on treasonous criminal ops at this point. If Homeland can't eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia. If they fail, hundreds of top people within FBI and Homeland are going to either flee the country or be criminally prosecuted under a Trump presidency. This is what's at stake.