Sunday, September 15, 2024

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else.

Houthis fired a hypersonic missile into the Centre of Tel Aviv yesterday - evading Saudi and Israeli AD (obviously).

The missile covered 1,300 Miles in less than 12 min. These are ground/air-based hypersonics - approaching Mach 9. There is no defense against this attack - none. Then, the Russians reportedly also have space based MIRV multiple independent reentry rocket payload mounted on hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV) hitting speeds of Mach 25. (Avangard Platform) Meanwhile, President wants to waste more money on the old force structure when we should scrap much of it and begin fielding a new force. At this point the DOD is the DMV (department of military vehicles) They are great at moving hardware and Personnel around but not at much else. They remain stuck in the WW2/Cold War paradigm. It’s time to retrench and build for the future. Ending the conflicts in Ukraine and the ME is vital for the US and our friends.

ZOWE SMITH: Patients on ventilators for over 30 days [hospitals got] over $1 million . . .

 "In 11 years of medical coding I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days, and all happened around the COVID [testing/bonuses.]"

"Patients were on ventilators for over 30 days...[that's]...over $1 million..." Medical whistleblower, author, and former medical coder Zowe Smith () describes for Weezy on the What is TRUTH? PODCAST (@WhatTruthPod) how hospital protocols changed once COVID testing and bonuses were implemented due to the CARES Act. (Which was signed into law by President Trump in March 2020.) "If you go through the CARES Act line by line, you're not gonna see something that says, 'If you put a patient on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus.' However, if you understand the payment system of coding, it's there," Smith says. The whistleblower adds that patients who were put on a ventilator for 96+ hours were placed into the highest payment category. "If your DRG [diagnosis related group] was COVID and you're on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus just for having COVID, and then you also get the bonus because you're bumped into the highest paying category for that diagnosis related group because of the ventilator use," Smith adds. Furthermore, the whistleblower notes that "there was [also a] bonus for [use of] Remdesivir." "They considered Remdesivir a new-tech drug and it was Gilead, Fauci, and the NIH that developed Remdesivir and decided we should be using it...So every single dose, every individual dose that they gave you of Remdesivir, gets them a 20 percent bonus. So that was hella money for them [the hospitals]." Indeed, Smith notes that these bonuses were the saving grace of hospitals who were in severe need of revenue, as the COVID "lockdowns" in 2020 starved them of patients. "Imagine being bankrupt and all of a sudden you see all these bonuses coming at you. If you're a hospital admin and you're responsible for the financial health of that hospital, and you see all these bonuses coming in, I bet you're gonna be telling your other buddies in admin to use those those protocols so you can get those bonuses so you can keep the doors open." Smith adds: "During the scamdemic, especially before the vaccine, I think they were practicing these hospital protocols that were killing people. Because before COVID, if you came in with pneumonia or cold or flu, you would you'd be home within 3 days probably. You almost never be put on a ventilator. We never treated it like that. There's never been I've never seen in 11 years of medical coding, I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days. So something very, very different happened and it all happened around the COVID testing and the COVID bonuses." Partial transcription of clip: "Because patients were on ventilators for over 30 days, some of them. So that's an extremely long stay. That all I mean, that's very rare to have a stay like that, and they're almost all over a million dollars when you get to a stay that's that long. "And and when you couple that with. So, yeah, I believe it was up to 30,000 dollars in just bonuses, like, on top of their regular payment. Because what so this is kind what what people don't understand about the bonuses and and one of the things that I can't explain really well about bonuses is the ventilator bonus. So if you go through the CARES Act line by line, you're not gonna see something that says, if you put a patient on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus. However, if you understand the payment system of coding, it's there. So, it for an inpatient, it goes to what's called IPPS, which is inpatient prospective payment system. It's a Medicare system. DRG means diagnosis related group. So what they do what Medicare's done is data mined all of these diseases. They've data mined all the treatments that it takes, and they've come up with, like, an average or a standard of care. And so they're like, a DRG for a heart attack, for example, they're gonna say these are the average day is x amount of days. "The average treatment is, you know, bypass CT scan, these certain labs, whatever, you know, kind of standard treatment it is, you know, whatever the drug standard treatment is. They know the average cost of all of that. And so they'll say, okay. This is the basic charge we're gonna pay you for that. So for an inpatient stay, they can't nickel and dime you for everything.
So you're not gonna see a charge for every single lab they do. You're not gonna see a charge for, you know, every single drug they give you or every band-aid they put on you like you will on an outpatient case because those are all individually charged if you're an outpatient.
When you're an inpatient, it's all, like, one bulk payment. So they've averaged out what all of this is, and they have a 3-tier payment system. "So for a heart attack, there will be, like, level 1, which is the lowest, level 2 where you get, like, a cc, which is called the comorbidity. You get more payment for that. And the third high or third one is the highest tier, and that's where you have the MCC or a major comorbidity, and that will get you the the highest payment that you can for that diagnosis. So ventilators are broken into the code itself, the procedure is broken into 3 different times. It's broken into less than 24 hours. That puts you in the lowest tier. Above 24 hours to 96 hours, that puts you in the middle tier for the CC. And then if you're over 96 hours on a ventilator, doesn't matter how many more days after that, there's one procedure code for over 96 hours.
"And, that will put you in the highest payment category. So they were getting 20 percent bonuses on top of their DRG. So if your DRG was COVID and you're on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus just for having COVID, and then you also get the bonus because you're bumped into the highest paying category for that diagnosis related group because of the ventilator use.
And then there was the bonus for the Remdesivir. So there's something called new technology and when a new technology code comes out, it's a new procedure that we haven't done. Medicare hasn't data mined all this information. So it's considered high risk. So they're they usually pay a lot higher because this is kind of it's considered experimental until they have years and years of data saying what safety is. "So they considered Remdesivir a new tech drug and it was Gilead, Fauci, and the NIH that developed Remdesivir and decided we should be using it. What was Gilead that applied for the new tech bonus? So every single dose, every individual dose that they gave you of Remdesivir gets them a 20 percent bonus. So that was hella money for them. So imagine being bankrupt and all of a sudden you see all these bonuses coming at you. If you're hospital admin and you're responsible for the financial health of that hospital, and you see all these bonuses coming in, I bet you're gonna be telling your other buddies in admin to use those those protocols so you can get those bonuses so you can keep the doors open. "So...during the scamdemic, especially before the vaccine, I think they were practicing these hospital protocols that were killing people. Because before COVID, if you came in with pneumonia or cold or flu, you would you'd be home within 3 days probably. You almost never be put on a ventilator. We never treated it like that. There's never been I've never seen in 11 years of medical coding, I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days. So something very, very different happened and it all happened around the COVID testing and the COVID bonuses."

The CIA doesn't serve the U.S. President? Then who do they work for? The College of Corporations

 The College of Corporations. 

OWEN BENJAMIN: I respect Henry Ford. He was a builder and hated usury and the financial undercutting of the American worker by the banks.

I was not aware that Ford created Fordlandia in Brazil in an attempt to escape the controlling influence of Jewish businesses.  Wow. 

KEVIN RYAN: What Really Happened to U.S. Air Defenses on 9/11/2001?

Thank you to Lew Rockwell's "What Really Happened to U.S. Air Defenses on 9/11/2001?"  September 12, 2024.

17:50, RYAN.  Communications to NORAD went to General Montague Winfield

The entire military chain of command was missing on 9/11. 

General Montague Winfield, a general at the National Military Command Center, was missing. 

General Tom Canavan was missing. 

President George W. Bush was missing, attending an elementary school or preschool reading session.  The Secret Service was not protecting him.  He was there for 35 minutes after the attacks began.  It was highly publicized in there.  So he was taken out of the picture by just sitting there reading "My Pet Goat" to the children.  

The Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, 2001-2006, was the next line in the military chain of command, and he went missing as well.  He didn't know anything about what was going on, he said, until the Pentagon was attacked at which point he went out into the parking lot and tried to help with stretchers for more than 30 minutes and couldn't be contacted.  These are incredible stories but they're true.  

19:00  And the next person in the military chain of command was Hugh Shelton, 14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1997-2001, and he was out of the country, just gone to Europe mysteriously.  And then Winfield Montague and Canavan were out, everybody was out just for that morning, just for those hours.  So that's another reason why things didn't go very well, but . . . .  One of the more important reasons was that there were military exercises going on 9/11 that not only mimicked the event but they obstructed the response. 

19:40, RYAN.  So before 9/11 and a couple of years before 9/11, there were 28 hijack exercise scenarios that the military practiced.  And about 1/4 of those were suicide missions into high-value targets.  So people don't hear about this very often but if you research you'll find out that the information is there, that the military practiced this and they practiced this on 9/11.  There was an exercise called Vigilant Guardian 2001 that was practiced on 9/11 and had been going on for a couple of days when on September 9th, they had practiced the hijacking for a suicide attack against the United Nations Building in New York City just a few blocks from the World Trade Center.  That's 2 days before 9/11.  On September 11, they conducted similar hijacking events in which they were inserting simulated hijackings into the live air surveillance system, so they called it SIM Over Live.  The simulated injections were confusing the people who were supposedly responding, they all thought it was an exercise.  In their testimony with the 9/11 Commission, they say, "We thought the exercise had started early." The evidence shows that the simulated injections continued until after the attacks and definitely disrupted the response.  

21:13, MORRIS.  So you have all of these high-ranking members of the military, the chain of command, gone, missing; all of these folks at the FAA, missing, gone.  You have these simulated attacks being injected and being run on that particular day, 9/11, which seems like the perfect, you have what many believe, we on this show as well, with the experts that we've had on this show, what many believe that these aircraft were remote-controlled.  They were not piloted by these morons.  They couldn't pilot a Cessna.  They didn't know what they were doing . . . with precision guidance . . . absolutely not.  So these were remote-controlled aircraft being manipulated on that particular day and that's why we don't have jets scrambling to get close to the cockpit to confirm that these pilots are not actually piloting the plane.  It all seems, I mean you look at Occam's Razor, all of these things point to a massive, massive cover-up, no? 

22:05, RYAN.  It definitely does, and you can see the different ways that the 9/11 official account is false and they all look very much like it was a cover-up.  You may know that in the 9/11 Commission Report, they didn't even mention some of the major events that happened that day, like the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.  Didn't even show up in the report.  The testimony of 9/11 hero, William Rodriguez.  Or the FBI whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds.  These are critical testimonies that never showed up in the report.  And this cover-up of the air defenses was really had to come down to just "Well, everybody was just lying.  They weren't tracking the planes."  I can say that 2 years after the 9/11 Commission Report came out, they justified this new account through an article in the magazine called Vanity Fair.  And you may remember something they called 9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes.  They suddenly found some tapes that somehow explained away that they didn't really know about it, and the communications failures were the big problem.  This reporter had gotten privileged access to these NORAD tapes that apparently NORAD didn't even know about.  That's amazing in itself.  So they tried to years later to justify it, but really they never came down to the explanation of why would all these people be lying in order to make themselves look bad?  So if you think about this, that's exactly what it is.  If they were never notified, they would have just said "We were never notified.  How can we have possibly intercepted the jets."  But that's not what they said.  They said, "Yes, we were notified with 20 minutes on Flight 175, 14 minutes on Flight 177, and 47 minutes on Flight 93."  And we were tracking these planes in detail; they give detailed testimony to this, and generals and colonels, people we just wouldn't expect to be lying for any reason, particularly for a reason that makes them look bad ultimately. 

24:27, MORRIS.  Also, I remember on that day news stations were reporting about the flight over Pennsylvania and tracking it in real-time.  It had gone missing.  Where was it?  It wasn't over Pennsylvania, so even news reports.  Even if you want to discount NORAD or being notified, even NBCNews, The Today Show, and others were reporting about this flight.  So they would have been fully aware of this. 

24:54, RYAN.  That's right.  Not only that but air-traffic controllers were taking notes.  So FOIA released documents that showed that air-traffick controllers were writing notes about having been, like Flight 93, having been hijacked and where it was going on the Ohio and Pennsylvania border long before it crashed.  So why would they all create these fictional accounts?  It makes no sense whatsoever.  It really . . . unless psychology you really need to believe the official account, which is the case for a lot of people.  I think psychologically, they really need to believe the official account, so whatever way they can do that they're willing to accept.  

25:48, MORRIS.  Yeah, I think there's a cognitive dissonance out there, they want the official story to be one particular way, the one shooter, and they don't want discussions about a conspiracy, which we now know verifiably is the case, whether it's the assassination attempt on President Trump or the 9/11 attacks.  So it's unbelievable to me that the American populous would sit back and say, "That's okay.  In this 9/11 Commission Report, you've left out critical testimony on purpose, FBI whistleblowers, and others about these pilots, all sorts of critical information, you've purposefully left out of the 9/11 Commission Report, or you purposefully didn't interview individuals or ask them critical questions.  That's all missing from the official 9/11 Report, and I remember the time when the 9/11 Report came out [July 22, 2004]