Sunday, September 8, 2024

POLLY ST GEORGE: Map of where the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) relocates people that they bring across the border. They just started in Colorado and Connecticut in October 2022. Where are those Venezuelan gangs again?

USAID funds the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which 'resettles' immigrants all around the US.  --Polly St George

1964, Merck produced Adjuvant 65 that contained 65% peanut oil plus Arlasel A, aluminum stearate. Beginning in the 1970s, INJECTING peanut oil became common in vaccines

“History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.”  James Joyce, Ulysses

Saturday, September 7, 2024

1953, Congress passed a resolution calling for the termination of all Native reservations, the ending of recognition of Native tribes, and the forced relocation . . . to inner city housing projects

TRY BAKED PORK RINDS: Is this the best collagen supplement in the world? Pork Skins are a great source of: 1 Glycine: Glycine is a key component of collagen, making up about one-third of its structure. It is critical for maintaining the strength and flexibility of connective tissues.

Pork Rinds for Collagen?  Who knew?  I'd have thought that the seed oils would wreak havoc on the gut, but who am I?

Baked pork rinds are out there.

ROMANIA, 2020: Went down a [young] man, came back a legend