Thursday, July 25, 2024


So it starts with this guy, Charles Haywood.   

We're about to hear some properly crazy shit that I didn't want to have to deal with, and you didn't want to deal with

Who's involved with Christian Nationalism?  Here's the network. 

I want to introduce to you the peculiar character not of a wolf not Steven not William but of Charles Haywood Charles Haywood manufacturer from Indiana and I remember talking with some people at some point in the movement and I don't recall who they were and I don't recall what it was some time ago telling me there was a fairly wealthy conservative who had stumbled his way into producing black hair care products I don't remember the context of that conversation I just thought it was really strange when I finally get Charles Haywood thrown in front of my experience because he decided to attack me on a Monday morning on Twitter bizarrely and then I find out he was on Tucker Carlson see I didn't want to draw any attention to this and was probably not even going to do this but then I realized Tucker put him on his shower Carlson he's definitely fair game he's it's not like I'm going to bring him an attention he wouldn't have gotten otherwise but Tucker I've heard as they as they say Schmidt killed now which is a huge concern very very big concern if true that is a very bad thing if true and I will elaborate on Schmidt and I will elaborate on Schmidt in a minute so we understand what Schmidt peeled means there's a lot going on here that you haven't been aware of in all likelihood very bizarre way like he's telling me that I'm afraid of his power and I'm not and I'm not at all sure what that's talking about and he just kept repeating the calling me fat which I'm sure he thinks triggers me I'm not particularly fat so that's actually kind of funny whatever whatever but then there's a lot of things that are jumping to mind all at once I have to say but one of the things he said to Tucker at the beginning introducing himself to make sense of this shampoo is that he was a shampoo manufacturer who had stumbled one step after another into producing black hair care products guy as I had heard about a couple years ago and put no time or effort or interest into it whatsoever Beyond now Haywood has been involved in whatever the hell that's not in question that's not in in doubt whatsoever but many people got activated but many people got activated and 2020 when they saw the cultural revolution in America kickoff

Can’t anything just be normal and organic? It doesn’t appear so. Unfortunately, in addition to having to deal with a Communist Cultural Revolution in America, we also have to deal with the rising reaction it deliberately provokes. That forces us to have to fight a two-front war if our desire is to preserve liberty and defend and maintain the United States of America. Not everyone, even on the “conservative” side of things, wants to do that, though, and this brings us back to the growing movement branding itself “Christian Nationalism.” What is it? Well, that’s a question with some legs, apparently. To see why, enter eccentric shampoo magnate Charles Haywood, who offers us “the politics of future past,” and who calls himself “Maximum Leader” of something called The Worthy House, as discussed with Tucker Carlson, and who is the originator of the secret society called The Society for American Civic Renewal (don’t miss “The Mark“). In this unhappy episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay reads Haywood’s “Foundationalist” manifesto and starts asking some uncomfortable questions about what’s really going on behind the “Christian Nationalism” movement and its apparent considerable reservoir of financing. Join him to wonder WTF alongside him.

24:00  Jay Powell can spout off and he's actually said you know that he that the job data is overstated.  He used that very diplomatic word but until the actual revisions have been made . . . so the third quarter of 2023 revisions that were made that was a swing factor of 800,000 jobs that went missing, the income that was not created by the jobs that did not exist, out of the GDP figures and backing the consumption that did not exist out of the GDP figures, because people weren't if they didn't have jobs they weren't making money.  This all takes quarters and quarters and quarters and quarters and years and years and years and years to manifest in the data.  So Jay Powell can sit on whatever laurels he wants right now about the first reported prints of certain economic data, and God bless him for doing so, because I think he's got a . . . he's answering a higher call, and that is in a nutshell--we do not have enough time to get into it--the non- banking financial system globally is $240 trillion.  The conventional banking system globally is $180 trillion.  One is regulated, one is not.  So if he can in his career what's left of it through May of 2026 at the Federal Reserve, if he can press forward with regulations that will finally begin to regulate the non-banks, then he should say that the economy, the consumer, the job market, that all of it is stronger than what it needs to be.  The only way to smoke out these kingpins of private equity is to say the economy is strong and therefore keep interest rates higher than they otherwise would be.  And we see this in REITs, Real Estate Investment Trusts, throwing up gates and preventing redemptions and buildings trading for 23 cents on the dollar higher for longer than anybody in the non-banking sector then their worst nightmare would have dictated it's the only way to smoke them out and to press through with something called Basel III Endgame, a new set of regulations that will begin to rein in these Cowboys of Finance who live outside of the purview of regulators and make their own rules.

California Attorney General [at the time, Kamala Harris] prosecuted the journalists and never did anything against Planned Parenthood

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, and Terrisa Bukovinac, founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, share testimony in a Capitol Hill panel on March 19, 2024, accusing the abortion industry of harvesting aborted baby organs. (Photo: Credit: Courtesy of Office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene / Office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)

Hosted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Georgia, on Capitol Hill, the presentation included testimony by David Daleiden, founder of the investigative group Center for Medical Progress, and Terrisa Bukovinac, founder of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAUU).


"The Mitochondria Chronicles of Melatonin and ATP: Guardians of Phase Separation," Dorish Loh and Russel J. Reiter, 2016.

PETER ST ONGE: Under Trudeau, incomes are West Virginia level, house prices are Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are halfway to the Soviet Union

Incomes are West Virginia level.  House prices are Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are halfway to the Soviet Union.