Thursday, July 25, 2024

01:38. One of the things that we talked about was the growing administrative State, the Deep State, whatever you want to call it, and the tentacles that they've had in [American law and culture].  One of the things about this Chevron Doctrine we had seen that the Supreme Court was going to rule on it and they did just that.  A lot of different takes on the Chevron Doctrine and the Supreme Court's ruling on it, can we start by getting your take on the Chevron Deference and the Supreme Court's?

02:00. The Chevron Deference was handed down in 1984 and as far as I'm concerned it's probably the most consequential . . . the repeal of it is probably the most consequential well okay the ruling itself is probably the most consequential advancement of the tyrannical state in the United States since Marbury vs. Madison, 1803, it was terrible, or maybe the Dred Scott Decision, 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TONY SERUGA: For a handful of these dipshidiots, a parent is a member of Congress! But most, if not all, come from wealthy elites. Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Political families

For a handful of these dipshidiots, a parent is a member of Congress! But most, if not all, come from wealthy elites. Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Political families.  --Tony Seruga

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: human experiments showed that the 1918 “flu” could not be transmitted from person to person

UKRAINE: Zelenskyy has sanctioned a pagan ritual to be conducted at the site of the destroyed 1,000-year-old Orthodox Church of the Tithes. Since the era of Saint Vladimir of Kiev, no demonic pagan rites have been performed here for a millennium.

ANNA DE BUISSERET: Article 4 of the International Covenant on civil and political rights specifically says that you can't set aside these rights even in a global Health threatening the life of the nation

00:00, ANNA DE BUISSERET. And there is confusion there because a lot of people seem to think that Collective rights outweigh individual rights and that's not the case certainly in this jurisdiction the individual rights are just as important as collective rights and it's always a balance of Rights and that's one thing . . . I want to mention actually while I think about it, a lot of people seem to misunderstand the fact that you can't set aside human rights in a global pandemic.  A lot of people are saying, "Well, you know they're allowed to do all of this because there was a global pandemic . . . ."  No.  I think it's Article 4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically says that you can't set aside these rights even in a global Health threatening the life of the nation; they're non-derogable.  [Article IV does not sound it is going to protect individual rights at all.]

00:45, DR. AHMAD MALIK. But that's the whole point of these laws and rules that actually in times of crises there's things there to protect the public I mean it doesn't make sense that oh when it's great you know that's when we apply it well no that's you don't actually need it then when you really need it is in time of War crisis to protect yourself from an overreaching government