Monday, July 22, 2024

11:45. Somebody on Substack explained this concept well.  The whole Globalist One Health is basically labeling not health as health.  For example, the energy that's not clean, or clean, depending on who is opinion it is, which is not health is now health.  Plants, which is not health, are now health.  So everything . . . war is health.  They're announcing that Ukraine is a health issue.  Yes, Ukraine is a health issue!  If you're lonely it's a health issue.  So they claim that the entire world, every aspect of living existence, is health. And these local bureaucrats that have no business and no authority to make law actually make law about your health.  So your Health Department now makes de facto law because they're going to say, "Oh, no, you need to drive on this day not on this day.  You need to go lock down here," and this is all health regulation that has nothing to do with laws but the deprivation of your rights.  That's how they are claiming the world capturing the world while everybody is talking politics and distracted.  

I will never forget the scene in the 1987 movie, Escape from Sobibor, starring Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer, where after a trainload of Jews arrived and departed into formation, the German commander explains that typhus [at the 12:04 mark] has spread in some of the camps and that the residents will have to take showers.  So totalitarians are always using "health" to get compliance from you, and why not?  We know that health is good for us.  We know that we don't do enough for our own health.  And none of us like disease, and if disease is prevalent we want to wipe it out completely for the greater good.

13:10, BREGGIN. One of the first things I did when the whole thing started is I got a couple of textbooks on public health and one of the things that was very interesting to me who were writing the articles were for themselves planning the future of the world, each one of them.  And they would talk about how they were going to have to do this and that.  And never did these individual articles say we might run into trouble with the Supreme Court and there was a Bill of Rights that would tell us you can't do any of these things.  It's gone. It's not in their minds and they've succeeded, as you brilliantly just described, at going around the whole thing bypassing government. 

14:04. LATYPOVA. By administrative diktat, the Administrative State.  Yeah, I published on this very scary authority that they give themselves, the CDC and then down to every Health Department including in your county, they give themselves the authority to arrest anyone without any cause or due process through quarantine measures.  And they already did that in 2020 when they arrested and put into Federal detainment into military bases about 3,000 people from two cruise ships on absolutely a secret PCR test that only the CDC had in their possession at the time and didn't allow anyone to validate it.  So they secretly tested everyone, told them that they were positive or exposed to somebody who was positive based on their own hand-waving rules, and took those people and put them into military bases indefinitely.  And people could appeal their quarantine imprisonment to the same people who put them there the CDC and the medical orders for quarantine were written up by PHDs, not by MDs.  So that's how they do it and they can do it at any time there are laws in the United States that allow them to do it freely any time and there is no recourse so that's the scary part and people have no idea that this exists in your health department can do it to you.  We recently FOIA'd so I had a CHD fellow help me to get the FOIA from CDC.  They only gave us partial response but even in the partial response this is very clearly spelled out.  These are the papers that they gave to these people, and they said, "We CDC have this authority under these rules, and you must go," and people have no understanding.  Of course, they were scaring them with things like "This is a novel virus," "It's very deadly," "You might not feel anything right now, but it's very very deadly and very scary," and "You need to follow us and we'll give you the best treatment."  And then in that military detention, 10 people died.  But we don't know from what.  

16:41. I think they gave them Remdesivir, put them on ventilators, and that's how they died.  And then they called it COVID, and then disposed of the bodies, paid off the family members.  And remember, it all comes back to money. Throughout this whole time, FEMA would give $10,000 to people whose relatives were killed in the hospital as long as they called it COVID-19 and shut up about it.  Most people took the money, burial money.  I know Ernest Ramirez's son, Michael, was murdered by vaccines and he was also offered $10,000 and he refused.  And some people did refuse.   That's probably how we know about these payments.  

24:00. BREGGIN.  You said that the largest deep state agency in the world is our Department of Defense.  Is that what you said?

24:18. LATYPOVA.  Yes, the largest globalist organization is our Department of Defense because they have something like 900 military bases with weapons, serious weapons, occupying various countries. They had a number of them all over Europe, most recently Sweden and Finland, who remained for a long time independent.  Now they have signed up to a Defense Cooperation Agreement, DCA, where the US now can occupy about 15 military bases in each country.... 

25:00. BREGGIN. Now is that part of joining NATO?

25:05, LATYPOVA. Yes. 

25:06. BREGGIN.  If you join NATO, you come under our Department of Defense?

25:08. LATYPOVA.  Yes, and the US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden, which are small countries.  It's occupation, and occupation has been ongoing since the end of World War II.  U.S has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense in exchange for protection, and this protection also is basically the role, the globalist, of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government's head so that they accept the petro dollar, the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.  You're right the structure is shaky and collapsing.  It's not clear how long the collapse is going to take.  But up until this point the whole point of having a globalist army enforcement via the US Department of Defense was so that everyone takes the US Petro dollars, or the reserve currency, as a main global transaction mechanism, and that's the power that the US exerts on the entire world: the power of U.S. money and forced by US military.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

BARBARA O'NEILL: How many remedies involve the juice from lemons? So so many. Fun fact - The Chinese believe your ‘soul’ resides in the Liver.

Barbara O'Neill.   

DR. PAUL HEROUX on the Harms of Electromagnetic Radiation

Everybody's on their cell phone.  These are addictive.  Only about 20% of the radiation from a cell phone goes to communication.  The rest is diffused into your body, which explains a lot of things.  Children are, of course, very vulnerable to these things because their brains are developing.  

Yeah, some cell phones are better than others.  

The Apple phones are the worst.  We need somebody like yourself to put a bit of order in the house. 

Dr. Paul Heroux is probably the top expert in the field of bioelectric physics and radio frequency.

Over 10,000 studies raised concerns about wifi radiation and showed indeed there are some miracle impacts that the cells in your body act as little antennas that regulate electric and energy currents, the flow of all of the functions of your body.  And the way that you think, the way that you feel, your immune system.

WILLIAM J. FEDERER: rights from a Creator. French Revolution you get rights from the group. And what the group giveth, the group can taketh awayeth.

Thank you to William J. Federer.

So it all comes down to one thing: rights from a Creator.  French Revolution you get rights from the group.  The social compact, the social contract.  What we all agree upon, okay, the media controls what everybody thinks.  So all you got to do is be a wealthy person that controls the media and you can control the country.  But our Founders said, no.  Rights come from a creator, and the government's job is to protect my Creator-given rights.  If there is no creator, your rights come from the group.  And what the group giveth, the group can taketh awayeth.

from David Gordon at the Mises Institute

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778, influenced the French Revolution with his political philosophy and his social contract theory. The perspective of many of today’s environmentalists can be traced back to Rousseau, espousing that all degenerates are in man’s hands. The Social Contract (1972), his most important work, outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republicanism.

JAMES MADISON: Charity is no part of the Legislative duty of the Government

Davy Crockett said, 
Congress has not the power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member on this floor knows it. We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity.  But as members of Congress, we have no right to appropriate a dollar of money as charity.  
Calvin Coolidge said this, 
It does not follow that because something ought to be done, the national government ought to do it.  
Random but common complaints,
"But we need to take care of the poor."  Yes, we do, but it's not the government's job. 
"We need to help the immigrants."  Yes, we do but it's not the government's job.  
Gerald Ford said, 
People say why don't you expand that program and spend more federal money?  I look them in the eye and say, you realize that a government big enough to give us everything we want is a government big enough to take from us everything we have

From The American Minute.  "Not Yours To Give," Davy Crockett, Free Market Economics: A Basic Reader, compiled by Bettina B. Greaves (Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education, 1975).