Showing posts with label French Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French Revolution. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2024

WILLIAM J. FEDERER: rights from a Creator. French Revolution you get rights from the group. And what the group giveth, the group can taketh awayeth.

Thank you to William J. Federer.

So it all comes down to one thing: rights from a Creator.  French Revolution you get rights from the group.  The social compact, the social contract.  What we all agree upon, okay, the media controls what everybody thinks.  So all you got to do is be a wealthy person that controls the media and you can control the country.  But our Founders said, no.  Rights come from a creator, and the government's job is to protect my Creator-given rights.  If there is no creator, your rights come from the group.  And what the group giveth, the group can taketh awayeth.

from David Gordon at the Mises Institute

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778, influenced the French Revolution with his political philosophy and his social contract theory. The perspective of many of today’s environmentalists can be traced back to Rousseau, espousing that all degenerates are in man’s hands. The Social Contract (1972), his most important work, outlines the basis for a legitimate political order within a framework of classical republicanism.