Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WHITNEY WEBB: With Trump's VP pick being a protege of Peter Thiel, you can kiss critical reporting from alt media on his campaign goodbye, since Thiel funds most of the big names.

Called it in March.
JD Vance chosen as Trump's VP.
thread of factoids about Vance below. https://t.co/Gd2H7jubdT

— Polly St George will never promote Crypto or NFTs (@FringeViews) July 15, 2024

JD Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio. Amplify Bio is in partnership RNAV8 Bio with creating more mRNA vaccine

So I guess the Hillbilly Elegy [I've seen the movie, but not read the book] was just a PR move to get into the big house.   

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Beautiful Words from Melania Trump

SEC vs. Jarkesy Case.  With Jarkesy and Chevron together they can't use Star Chamber administrative courts anymore they have to take people to court we actually go back through the federal court system and actually challenge all this and they can ignore it all they want but I got news for you the two things I credit Trump most for while he was in office was Powell and sulfur at the Federal Reserve and installing a lot of very good lower District Court judges and have a loud up without that happening no they're not perfect yeah some of them are a bunch of federalist Society jackasses per Robert Barnes and all the rest I get it but in the end they are not they may be flawed but they're certainly better than anything Obama or Biden were going to put on the ticket.  We are seeing the dividends of that, of those wins today and it's almost what I believe at this point the thing that gives us hope and that's why Trump needed to be taken out because when the stage is set for all of the stuff to be reversed in the second season of the Trump show.  

The Cost of a Lie . . . Five, Ten, Twenty Million Dollars