Wednesday, July 10, 2024

VBL's GHOST: Oil is needed every month every day every minute. You can push gold and silver out on the timeline. Can’t do that with oil.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

$21 Trillion Missing from the DoD?

In 1994, the New York Fed and the Federal Reserve bought shares in the Bank of International Settlements.  The Bank of International Settlements is the Central Bank of central banks, located in Switzerland, and operates above the law; they have sovereign immunity and enjoy it in many respects and they can receive and hold money secretly.  They can keep money on their balance sheet secretly so the FED box shares and made the relationship with the BIS much closer in 1994.

In 1995, a budget deal basically crashed and burned in October, and it was then that one of the largest pension funds . . . the president of the largest pension fund in the country, he said to me, "They," whoever they is, "have given up on the country and moving all the money out starting in the fall."  And it was that fall, October 1997, when money started to go missing from HUD, as well as the Department of Defense.  As of today, there is $20 trillion between 1998 and 2015 that are missing from the DOD and $1 trillion from HUD.  The other thing that started to happen when that money started to go missing, Polly, was what I called the Great Poisoning.  So literally, it was the next month after the budget deal crash that the Oxycontin was approved and the HUD predatory lending started and the pill-mill started and really the targeting of the low-income neighborhoods started including the roundups coming from the private prison movement.  So undocumentable adjustments then skyrocketed coming into 9/11 we had been working with a reporter in Washington who was writing story after story about the missing money and we had a huge spread coming out in Insight Magazine, the cover story going to all the Congressional and Senate offices talking about what was then $3.3 trillion missing and demanding accountability including who were the private corporations and Banks running all those payment systems and we expected that story was going to be run on September 15, 2001.  That Monday, the day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld gave a press conference at the Department of Defense.  You can see the video on the missing money website at Solari and he announced that the Department of Defense was missing $2.3 trillion.  Well, we know that wasn't true.  The next day, 9/11 happened.  James Corbett has a wonderful video called "911 Trillions," where he describes how many of the offices that were blown up at the Pentagon of the World Trade Center related to Securities and other financial operations very much connected to the money that was disappearing, in fact, we were told that the office is at the Pentagon was blown up or one of the offices was the location for the Office of Naval Intelligence Research Group that was investigating the missing money.  And so the rest is history, the PATRIOT Act had passed, and then the DoD got huge appropriations, and nobody really cared about the missing money.  

3:22. So let me go back to the chronology again.  So fast forward, Carolyn and I kept tracking the missing money and kept tracking and tracking, and then in 2015 the financials came out and it was the greatest missing money in one year.  The DoD was missing $6.5 trillion in one year, and I started to talk about it publicly you know.   I kept talking about it but needless to say, nobody was really picking up on it after James Corbett made that great video and so Dr Mark Skidmore who was a professor expert in budgeting at Michigan State University heard me and said oh wow she must be wrong.  You can't possibly be you know the Department of Defense can't be missing you know $10 plus trillion times its total budget in a year.  And so he went to the financials on the DoD website and discovered actually that I was right there was $6.5 trillion of undocumented adjustments at the Army and the Department of Defense, and so he called me and he said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"  And I said yes.  We've never done a complete survey of all the financial statements in all the years from fiscal 1997 to 2015.  Would you get some of your students and do a complete survey, and sure enough, he did.  And to his shock and amazement, I had the number of missing money at $12 trillion.  He got it to $21 trillion.  Interestingly enough, Holly, when he published his big report in 2017, again, up at, what did we discover?  We discovered that the amount of money missing from the U.S. Treasury was the same amount as the total debt of the United States on the books of the United States.  When Dr. Skidmore published that report, there was $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government and there was $21 trillion of outstanding debt, and I'll explain why that's important in a second.  A lot of pressure was brought on the Department of Defense to produce audited financial statements.  Once again they refused, and when they refused, remember the Kavanaugh hearings, remember, Polly, during the Kavanagh Republican and the Trump White House got together and issued a policy called Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Statement 56?  I refer to it in short as FASAB 56.  We have a great article that describes this in detail.  Maybe if you could bring that up, Lou.  So, FASAB 56 you can find that at the missing money and in the links for the show, and what does FASAB 56 say?  It says very shortly, that secret books are a matter of administrative policy, thus, refusing to obey the financial management rules, regulations, and laws including the Constitutional provisions for disclosure of financial operations.  They extended it along with classification laws to private companies in banks doing business with the federal government, which means when you look at the U.S. Securities cap section of the U.S. market, you know, most of the disclosure is meaningless.  You have no idea how the money works at many of these companies and the government because they're so intertwined.  That was an astonishing event.  In my opinion Polly the COVID-19 operation could never have happened without that because I put the Department of Defense and some of the agencies in a position amount of secret money.  It was a so somebody once told me it was a wet dream secret money for secret operations and if you look at the money that flowed out, it was interesting it was I think one month after that FASAB 56 passed that suddenly raised $500 million dollars.  Quite a coincidence,

Full video.  The "Missing Money" segment begins at 28:48.

W.A. PRICE FOUNDATION: The teeth tell the tale

The teeth tell the tale ... and a picture—or three—is worth a thousand words! These photos captured by Dr. Weston A. Price illustrate what he discovered wherever he went in the 1930s in his quest to learn what a healthy diet is. Traditional diets of those he observed varied quite a bit, but there were no industrially processed foods of any kind in any of them. The first photo is of those on their traditional diet in Africa with wide palettes and healthy teeth. The second photo is of those who started on a traditional diet and as such still had wide faces, but later incorporated so-called modern foods that led to the destruction to their teeth. The third photo is of boys who were born to parents who had replaced their traditional diet with a modern diet that included refined sugar, white flour, vegetable oils (primarily cottonseed oil, which is, of course, a seed oil), canned fruits and vegetables and canned and condensed milk. This list of what Price referred to as the "displacing foods of modern commerce" is relatively short in comparison to what is on our shelves today. Notice how narrow the faces have become, and the crowded, crooked teeth with overbites. They were the second generation on a modern diet. We link to the succinct article "The Teeth Tell the Tale" via that is published on Nourishing Our Children's website, one of our projects! Go read it! We also recommend you purchase and read Dr. Weston A. Price's seminal book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" that we link to as well.  
Photos courtesy of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. 

BREAKING: The Socialists/Communists that won the French elections has revealed a new plan of 90% tax on the rich. This means all smart people will leave and productivity will collapse.

Peter Sweden

VINCENZO VINCIGUERRA, GLADIO OPERATIVE: “You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. The reason was simple, force the public to turn to the state and ask for greater security…People would willingly trade their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains, or enter a bank.

“You (NATO) were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena."
'Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies'. "Newly declassified British files shed disturbing light on the origins and internal workings of Operation Gladio, a covert NATO plot."
"The covert operation was uncovered in 1990 when the public learned that the CIA, MI6, and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe... As Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative jailed for life in 1984 for a car bombing in Italy that killed three police officers and injured two, explained: “You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. The reason was simple, force the public to turn to the state and ask for greater security…People would willingly trade their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains, or enter a bank. This was the political logic behind the bombings. They remain unpunished because the state cannot condemn itself.” It was not until 1993 that the public learned how the US and British gifted munitions to Gladio operatives to foment bloody acts of terror across Italy. As Francesco Fulci told his NATO friends at the “super-restricted” meeting, Washington and London supplied the perpetrators of mass casualty attacks including the 1980 bombing of Bologna Centrale railway station, which killed 85 people and wounded over 200.

The extensive experience British intelligence obtained in Operation Gladio raises questions about the lessons the MI6 has applied to current covert operations in theaters of conflict." 

Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio operative jailed for life in 1984, is interviewed here in 1992.