Thursday, June 13, 2024

JUST IN: Donald Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports, per CNBC.

JOHN BEAUDOIN: they made an example out of [Meryl Nass] in Maine. They suspended her license. Why? Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills heard Meryl Nass mentioned the word Ivermectin on the radio

The CARES Act, again a central, centrally planned device.  It's a behavioral modification device, and it modifies the behavior of the hospital administrators.  The CARES Act funds through  If you type into duckduckgo search and NCTAP program, that's the COVID payout program, you'll find a 20% adder for the use of Remdesivir, Barisythinib, and it's not expressly stated.  But I talked to an accountant within the system, and she said "Oh, ventilators too."  I'm like well it doesn't say that.  She said, "No, no, that's in the program too."  So it's not just getting $400 a dose for Remdesivir.  If you have a million dollar ICU stay over a month, then the entire hospital bill gets jacked 20%. That's an extra $200,000 to run Remdesivir through your veins just based on a positive test walking in the door. 

So they got 60% compliance through solicitation, right?  So they solicited administrator; that's an inchoate crime term. solicitation right like conspiracy the solicitation gathers in estimating let's say 60%.  You get 60% compliance.  Well, that's not enough.  You know, there's 40% that are going to speak out and they're going to crush the whole program.  Well, they get the next 30% through coercion.  You get the Federation of State Medical Boards, FSMB, American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM, American Board of Family Medicine, ABFM, American Board of Pediatrics, ABP, and all the other boards to coerce.  And if you go on the web right now you can look up joint statements ABIM, ABFM, and ABP.  And what will come up is a joint statement from 2021 from the CEOs of those three certification boards.  These are NGOs.  These are not even the government.  They are not State Licensing boards but you can't operate in a hospital without having board certification from ABIM, the American Board of Internal Medicine.  So the joint statement says any doctor spreading vaccine misinformation will have his license suspended or revoked.

01:57.  Misinformation?

Yeah, and they don't define it.

02:00. Or just stuff that they don't like?

Stuff that they don't like.  Exactly.  That's exactly right yeah.  So they basically get a bunch to comply, another 30%.  So now they're up to like 90% compliance well over the 10% stragglers.  Then they go out and make examples of a couple of people who are pretty well known, like Meryl Nass, who wrote some books on anthrax.  And she's very well known, and they made an example out of her in Maine.  They suspended her license.  Why?  Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills, heard Meryl Nass mention the word Ivermectin on the radio.  So they made an example out of her publicly.  They made an example out of Dr. John Littell [who was kicked out of a meeting where hld of the benefits of Ivermectin, treating patients with Hydroxy, and excess miscarriages] in Florida very publicly, and a number of other doctors.  So that gathers in another 5%.  So 60, 35 now you're up to 95%, 

02:45.  And can I say there was a tweet by another doctor who was being just decimated by the Texas Board of Medicine.  Her name is Mary Talley Bowden, and she tweeted,

If I had vaccinated the 6,000 patients I treated for COVID, I would have made $1,500,000.

CALLEY MEANS: tens of thousands of scientists, as the cigarette industry declined in the 1980s, went to food companies

The speaker is Calley Means, brother of Casey Means. 

ALEX JONES: But then you've got this huge building right beside Towers 1 and 2 that did catch on fire but nothing collapsed. The difference between that building and the new Building 7 is that Larry Silverstein doesn't own that building. Larry Silverstein doesn't own the Millennium Hilton

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

KATHERINE WATT: Naomi Klein, who [. . . supported] those pro-sovereignty/anti-globalist street-level fighters, collapsed under the Covid propaganda and lined up to call for starvation of vaxx refusers.

I just wanted to drop this here.

Latypova asked: “Can this be viewed as invasion, i.e. takeover of legislature of sovereign states by the DOD-Pharma cartel?  Are the buyers effectively signing away their rights to make laws in their own countries?”

I replied:

Yes. But also, there are many, many precedents for that signing away of sovereignty over the last few decades, especially through the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (1947) as updated and institutionalized in the World Trade Organization (1995) to override laws protecting domestic industrial production rights, labor and environmental standards and intellectual property rights held by formerly-sovereign nations and people.

It can and has been viewed as invasion, mostly by people like the 1999 Battle for Seattle, anti-WEF, anti-WTO organizers and demonstrators and those who still try to demonstrate at Davos every year. 
But the Soros team captured and marginalized most of those groups, especially by infiltrating and weakening the Occupy Wall Street movement just at the point OWS on the left was starting to make common cause with the Tea Party on the right through their shared critique of the corporate-state. 

And then most of the public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, who were supporting those pro-sovereignty/anti-globalist street-level fighters, collapsed under the Covid propaganda and lined up to call for starvation of vaxx refusers. (Klein wrote a 2007 book about how the Shock Doctrine works in every country around the world, and then couldn’t see it when it happened to her in her own country in real time: she condemned the Canadian truckers for fighting for humans to be free from corporate-government oppression.)