Friday, June 7, 2024

PAUL SALADINO: In 2018 I began a carnivore diet (meat, organs, salt, eggs) curious if this would help my long-standing autoimmune issues - eczema and asthma.

Eating a carnivore diet led to a full resolution of my autoimmune condition, eczema, itchy rashes and asthma that I had for my whole life.  But after a year and a half, I quit the carnivore diet and I will explain why and talk about the pros and the cons of carnivore.  

From the outset, a carnivore diet eating only animal foods--meat, fish, chicken, eggs, animal fat, organs, salt, plus minus coffee some people is an incredibly powerful way of eating it's an Elimination Diet and it's helped so many people including myself

Liver . . . everyday?

BRETT WEINSTEIN: If you wanted a force that was capable of acting on behalf of tyranny against Americans, then a force that doesn't have a deep history with the rights of being an American, that force would potentially be more complaint

Let me put this into plain language. After spending some time in the Darien Gap with Michael Yon he now knows that the US is bringing in the future UN blue helmet forces that will act against US citizens to force them into compliance with WHO world health doctrine, including forced vaccination and forced removal to detention camps. This will not be done by US military forces but by UN military conscripted forces under WHO/US fake treaty doctrine and you must stand up against this if you want a US for your kids to live in that remotely resembles what we have today. They have 6 years to meet their goal— this is the forced and illegal supposed ratification of the IHR amendments. Do not let them go forward with this! We need local Sheriffs to stand up! We need Congress to stand up!

Fauci is not going to get prosecuted. It's not his policy. He is given full immunity from any liability

The entire COVID-19 policy does not belong to Fauci.  It belongs to the US government, and the Department of Defense, and no one from the DoD will ever stand trial.  Have you noticed the conspicuous absence of any reference or indictments to the U.S. government?  

Here is the full, 33-minute interview

FITTS ON ATLANTA WATER CRISIS: every city in this country in the United States run by rackets, and the rackets are there to make money for the rackets. Rackets are not there to provide proper management of municipal infrastructure.

Atlanta is America's 38th largest city in population.  

00:10. This is what happens when you let Psychopaths run things.

01:21. [tongue in cheek] The problem is communication.

01:25. You have no water, and you know what that means?  Your city's aquarium is closed, and a pop star's concert was cancelled.

01:50. Oh, I don't think it's ineptitude.  I think you have Atlanta and every city in this country in the United States run by rackets, and the rackets are there to make money for the rackets.  Rackets are not there to provide proper management of municipal infrastructure.  They are there to drain the wealth, not maintain it. So they want incompetent mayors because that allows them to . . . for the rackets to operate in Atlanta and in all of these cities. 

02:40. Right, because you want your society run by psychopaths.  Now what I have to tell you is that psychopaths are not incompetent.  They are highly competent doing what they do and draining the wealth.  The parasites are doing a great job.  The tapeworm is doing a great job of eating the host alive. 

03:16. They are chosen for their obedience to the rackets, to the psychopaths.  

03:28. If you were going to "fix the problem," you would have to have a rebirth of a culture of responsibility and people would be allowed to rise in the chain by their willingness to take responsibility and to perform according to reality.  But that doesn't fit with the rackets and the psychopaths' plan.  And that's the conflict.  Do you want to have the psychopaths run things and the rackets make money, and remember a lot of Americans have made money on the rackets, or do you want to have the country run on any sane, realistic responsibility-taking basis?  Do you want a great civilization or do you want wealthy rackets?  What do you want?  

Whenever I hear stories of how Society is structured around rackets I'm always reminded of Sean Connery's character, Jim Malone, in The Untouchables where he indicts Elliot Ness by asking him "What are you prepared to do?"