Wednesday, May 22, 2024

RED LOBSTER: the hedge funds made the leases on that land so expensive that Red Lobster couldn't possibly continue to operate.

A hedge fund bought Red Lobster. As a condition of the sale, they made them split up their land and their restaurants.
Prior to the sale, Red Lobster owned all of the land that their restaurants were located on.  

Once they made them split that up, the hedge funds made the leases on that land so expensive that Red Lobster couldn't possibly continue to operate.  

“The only reason Red Lobster's going into bankruptcy is because a hedge fund wanted them to go into bankruptcy.” “The media will never stop covering for hedge funds while making it seem like every problem is the fault of the American people. Like, I'd be willing to bet you think Red Lobster went into bankruptcy because of endless shrimp. You know, the endless shrimp promotion they had. Because that's what the media's told you. They've been telling you repeatedly that the reason Red Lobster went into bankruptcy was that they had the endless shrimp combo and the greedy American people just took advantage of it. That's not what happened. No, what happened was a hedge fund bought Red Lobster and as a condition of the sale, they made them split up their land and their restaurants. Because up until that point, Red Lobster actually owned all of the land that their restaurants were located on. And then once they made them split that up, the hedge funds made the leases on that land so expensive that Red Lobster couldn't possibly continue to operate.


"Parasite Eggs in Vaccines," Robin Goffe, September 19, 2022.  What Robin Goffe does is connect parasites to autism and vaccines.  I have even claimed that those who've received the COVID-19 vaccine might develop adult autism.  I don't know how important it is to confirm the presence of parasites versus assuming that we all have some, both visible size and microscopic.   But it sounds like they can and do cause some horrific diseases and conditions. 

The Grumpy Gardner wrote, 

Agreed -- Borax and Oxi-Powder also seem to yield positive results. I have been fighting the little buggers for a bit now. I truly wish I knew all this a decade ago, my life would be much better. Not to mention I am sure I was pretty contagious at the worst of it -- best to get them before they become a problem -- once they set init takes quite a bit of efforts to evict them. I think Chlorine Dixoide would serve just fine for most -- good stuff. [show less]

Health_Odyssey replied,

Chlorine Dioxide has been a huge part of the detoxing of parasites with the likes of Robin, Kerri Rivera, and Andreas Kalcker. It works. As does copper sulfate, turpentine, and herbs. I use activated charcoal to also help clean up the "mess". 

On how long it takes to get rid of parasites, Health_Odyssey says, 

Yes. In fact, it might take up to 3 months and more.  

Top Khmer Rouge Leader, 84, Tells Court [in 2016] He Fought for Social Justice

This is from 2016, but stunning.  And to think that so many of the schools across the United States have Social Justice defaulted, if not in their curriculum, then in the demented minds of young teachers. 

Phnom Penh: One of the Khmer Rouge’s top surviving leaders Wednesday challenged his life sentence for crimes against humanity and said he had only fought for “social justice” in Cambodia, in rare comments made to a UN-backed court.
The brutal regime’s former head of state Khieu Samphan, 84, raised his voice to a chamber in Phnom Penh that will decide whether to accept an appeal on the guilty verdict handed down to him and another senior leader, 89-year-old Nuon Chea.
The men were convicted of committing crimes against humanity in 2014 for their pivotal role in the communist government that oversaw the deaths of up to two million Cambodians from 1975-1979 — nearly one-quarter of the population.
“What I want to say today and what I want my countrymen to hear is that as an intellectual I have never wanted anything other than social justice for my country,” Khieu Samphan told the court’s seven judges on the final day of the appeal hearing.
“I shall shout loudly that I never wanted to agree to any policy that is against the Cambodian people,” he said.
Nuon Chea, known as “Brother Number Two” to chief leader Pol Pot, did not exercise his right to make a statement.
Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea were the first high-ranking leaders to be jailed from the Khmer Rouge regime, which ruthlessly dismantled Cambodia’s modern society in pursuit of an agrarian Marxist utopia.
But their lawyers quickly appealed the ruling, accusing the court of a string of errors and the judges of failing to remain impartial due to their personal experiences under the regime.
The pair are also currently facing a second trial on charges of genocide for the killings of ethnic Vietnamese and Muslim minorities, as well as for their regime’s use of forced marriage and rape.
An estimated 100,000 to 500,000 Cham Muslims and 20,000 Vietnamese were killed during the Khmer Rouge’s brief but brutal reign.
The court, located on the outskirts of the capital, was set up in following an agreement between Cambodia and the United Nations to prosecute the Khmer Rouge leaders “most responsible” for the regime’s crimes.
The case against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan was split into a series of smaller trials in 2011 for reasons including their advanced age and the large number of accusations.

Many key Khmer Rouge leaders have died without facing justice, including “Brother Number One” Pol Pot who died in 1998. 


Nicotine indeed improves nerve conduction, and as it does that it will improve muscle control.  Your muscles will tighten.  It has also been shown to improve brain function so the claims to reverse or repair Alzheimer's could also be true.  If you're going to start, be sure to start at low dosages, like 2mgs.  As to curing COVID, I don't know.  

As to parasites, yes, everyone should be taking antiparasitics.  I've posted on the benefits of Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, and Artemisinin for excellent antiparasitics.   

Did Joe Biden get his 2021 "Dark Winter" reference from the CIA's Dark Winter Operation of 2001?

The 2001 Dark Winter Operation was a senior-level 

Dr. Robert Kadlec has been at this for 20+ years. 

Dark Winter was designed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (now the Center for Health Security), the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the ANSER Institute for Homeland Security, and the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism.

The same Johns Hopkins Center that held the now infamous Event 201. This video, just like what they did with Event 201, is a fictional newscast that was created in order to show how the scenario they created would potentially play out in real life.