Friday, May 17, 2024

At the end of the day, there isn't enough money for guns and butter.  There isn't enough money for cheap housing and cheap energy.  Nothing is cheaper than Russian pipe gas.  Net Zero is not going to work.  Oil consumption in general is going to continue rising.  I think oil is already too low at $83 a barrel.  I think it's just basing.  Uranium is coming back into the mix because I have no other choice.  Copper is your canary in the coal mine.  Copper is still your leading indicator of industrial demand for electricity demand.  You want to be long uranium?  Well, you're going to need copper.  Yeah, nuclear is coming back.  Uranium prices are cheap.  

It takes a year to get an aluminum smelting pot back up and running.  That's why they call it congealed electricity. It takes a huge amount of electricity to make aluminum.

Interest rates will rise during a recession.

Boeing hit DEI targets and climate targets but missed quality and production targets

00:15. Hello, I'm here to encourage you to support Proposal 7 regarding a DEI risk report.  I hope to clarify DEI in its related programs for you today.  Words like Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion have specialist meanings, not just their everyday meanings.  Diversity means diverse to existing standards and values which in a corporate setting can mean diverse as opposed to a standard of merit and competence in hiring and promotion.  It can also refer to implementing activist programs that are off-mission of corporations.  Inclusion means rearranging a work environment to accommodate that diversity and its politics.  Equity means redistributing shares to make groups more equal.  Sustainability is also a political program with a specialist meaning.  These are not Boeing's missions.  They are scams.  Boeing's mission is to manufacture safe, reliable, technologically superior aircraft.  Boeing prioritizes DEI, though perhaps illegally.  Evidence is provided in a proposal report and it's explicit in this year's SCC filing, which indicates that Boeing hit DEI targets and climate targets, but missed quality and production targets.  People are noticing.  DEI and ESG are not only legally risky and bad PR, but they also divert scarce resources away from Boeing's core mission in terms of production, safety, and quality.  Every dollar spent on these programs takes away from Boeing's mission and shareholder returns, and shareholders are right to question the fiduciary responsibility of these decisions.  These programs may be being implemented to check boxes and miss understanding as to what they are or do ideological drivers.  And previous SEC filings indicate executive compensation depends on them, specifically the G part of any ESG score can be increased by tying executive compensation to implementing ESG, which previous SEC filings have happened at Boeing.  This indicates the kind of naked corruption shareholders have a right to be concerned about, especially given the poor performance of ESG and DEI in making companies profitable.  I'm not here to accuse anyone though; in fact, I suspect Boeing is under tremendous pressure from large institutional investment firms on this issue, and executives' hands may be tied.  Still, DEI and ESG represent a rapidly growing risk of discrimination and fiduciary responsibility lawsuits they divert scarce resources away from Boeing's mission to build the best and safest aircraft in the world as a lifelong lover of aviation myself and a frequent passenger in Boeing jet I believe bowling represents the pinnacle of American manufacturing so I hope to see leadership make good decisions going forward including by supporting proposals 7

DEI and ESG [DEI is the S in ESG] 

Imagine having someone who hates you controlling your levers of access to food and services

WELL, AUSTRALIA JUST ENTERED A NEW LAYER OF HELL.  EXPECT LOTS OF AUSTRALIANS TO YOUR COUNTRY.  And to think that they're countrymen, neighbors are giddy over its passage.  Huh.  What do they call that?  Psychopathic?  Maybe.  Depraved indifference?  Absolutely.  

U.S. Dollar has lost 33% of its value since 2008, and 90% of its value since Nixon

2:50. But a dollar that's lost a third of its value since the 2008 crisis, and 90% of its value since Nixon, is never coming back meanwhile country is like China are watching like vultures biting their time as the dollar crawls slower and slower weighed down by trillion dollar deficits and a corrupt political system that competes to drain the treasury and hand the proceeds to activist sponsors we could fix it of course in a day pass a balance budget amendment put the FED back on gold or get rid of it all together unfortunately, if history is a guide, that will not happen without a crisis 

The term "brain death" was created by a Harvard committee for organ harvesting. How much is your body worth? Well, if you're between 16 and 30, it's worth a lot

Boy, you've got to be a special kind of ghoul to be a "designated requestor."  dresses nice, befriends the relatives, "Can I get you a cup of coffee?  Oh, I know this has to be terrible on you.  We'll do everything we can to help you."  All of that is part of getting them indoctrinated . . . procurement to get their organs.  

Whose organs do they want?  Certainly from all children but especially the people who are 16 to 30.

Is this why a steady stream of drugs continues to flow into communities across the U.S.?  

No, couldn't be.  Prolly just some hoodlums peddlin' dope is all.  

Here is the full interview with Dr. Paul Byrne, titled,

Dr. Byrne's "Brain Dead" Is a Lie and Some Other Uncomfortable Truths, February 12, 2023.