Friday, May 3, 2024

QUINONES: Lack of engagement on your part to an incompetent government hurts them more than a hopeless revolution would.

As the days pass, it's hard to deny that it looks like what this occupied government desires is that the Right would react to their pronouncements with violence.

What they seem to not understand is that they're just creating more apathy. Lack of engagement on your part to an incompetent government hurts them more than a hopeless revolution would.

Jared Bernstein is an American economist who is the chair of the United States Council of Economic Advisers. He has absolutely no idea how money works.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Are organ meats the true health food?

Organ meats are the true health food, particularly liver.   

It’s easy to tell when your gut bacteria are doing the work, instead of your digestive enzymes: you pass wind. 10 foods that rot in your colon

Here is a list of those 10 ten foods.  Brussel sprouts?  I love Brussels sprouts.

Contrary to popular belief it’s not actually meat that rots in the colon but instead beans, grains, and vegetables. The function of digestion is to break food down as far as possible which can then be absorbed through the intestinal wall and used by our bodies.

On average, a meal takes 4-5 hours to completely leave the stomach. The surface of the small intestine absorbs anything that our enzymes have broken down into sufficiently small components.

Our gut bacteria go to work and digest some of the remainder, sometimes producing waste products that we can absorb. The remaining indigestible plant matter 'fiber’ and other waste emerge as feces.

The primary reason we need our gut bacteria is to digest the sugars, starches, and fiber found in grains, beans, and vegetables that our digestive enzymes can’t break down.

It’s easy to tell when your gut bacteria are doing the work, instead of your digestive enzymes: you pass wind. That is why beans and starches make you pass wind, but meat doesn’t. The vegetables, beans, and grains are rotting in your colon with the decomposition material including methane and carbon dioxide gases.   

The Fed screwed up so bad JP Morgan’s now warning we could see 8% rates. 8% at these current prices?