Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Just glad that America is not subject to any foreign influence

Monday, April 29, 2024

When people agree to lie together...the results can be impressive.

Low-carb "fatty melt" with grilled onions

Getting drones to block surveillance cameras. I sure hope this idea doesn’t spread.

DR. ALFONS WEBER: . . . emphasized that micro parasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have. And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.


The claim that cancer is some micro parasitic infection and not some random development of your body's own healthy cells actually goes back centuries and more recently to the late 1800s, when German scientist named Dr. Alfons Weber conducted experiments in the early 1860s in which he captured photos of cells being invaded by microparasites.  He also discovered that these cells were in tumor tissue and blood of all cancer patients.  Experts today will tell you that not only is cancer a micro parasitic infection but that we all have it inside of us at any given time.  Why would the allopathic system, standard medical doctors, and healthcare system hide this from us?  The current thinking says that your cells just went crazy and that the treatments, consisting of chemotherapy and radiation, both highly toxic, is a $300 billion industry, and given the revelation of the history of medicine recently in the United States how it was hijacked by the oil barons, the architects of the private inauditable Federal Reserve that is crushing our country currently, they're propensity to create the pharmaceutical industry a cash cow fed by the waste products of their oil processing plants the story actually extends to their control over what really causes disease and keeping the American public hidden causes from the real causes this was designed to maintain control over the treatment of disease as you will see you can't sell a multi-billion dollar industry if you don't control what the public thinks is the etiology and the diagnosis of the disease.  

2:55.  So take a look at slide one.  These are the two current paradigms for cancer--our genetic paradigm, meaning that our genes are turned on, oncogenes are turned on just out of nowhere, and the second is the viral paradigm.  Viral etiology is fast coming under scrutiny and being debunked after the recent COVID scam.  Countless experts now stand on the premise that cancer is caused by microparasites and that it is a microparasite infection that the stages of cancer progression are related to the lifecycle and proliferation of these microparasites and the ultimate incoming cause of cancer, a wasting disease that becomes overpowering when these microparasites are, what Dr. Lee Meritt calls them, intracellular parasites what happens when they become too prolific across the body and too powerful.  But clearly from some of the video clips I'm going to show you can see these microparasites are in and out of our various cells, including our blood cells, depending on the stage of their lifecycles can be seen, and slightly different forms of themselves.  Now these doctors go about treating cancer in a whole different way, which makes sense if you're positive that something other than viral or genetic is the cause you will approach parasitic infections, or cancer caused by parasitic infections, in a different way.  More on that in the second half of the show.

4:40. The genetic dogma is blown apart by the reality that DNA does not exist as a whole thing, only chromosomes, and chromosomes do not mutate. This is something that you can do your own research on for validation.  

On the virus paradigm related to cancer, given the modern approaches to electronic or electron microscope and its incredible magnifying capability, viruses we now know have never been isolated, or identified.  And still, to this day, they're not really well characterized, they're not measured, they are not really specifically separated as we know from the SARS-CoV-2 itself that has never been isolated in its pure and whole form from an ill individual.  Now the pictures you see in the media at all levels--mainstream media, alternative media, new media, whatever you want to call it--are all nothing more than cartoons created on a computer it now appears that viruses are only tiny protein fragments or what we are calling viruses they are only tiny protein fragments resulting from the asexual micro parasites or bacterial proliferation of themselves.  In other words, what is being called a "virus" is really a piece of dead flesh or genetic material proteins.  It's the toxins from their waste matter, as Dr. Lee Merritt has said over and over, that create illness and disease states across many different diseases.  

So you can see why, at the turn of the century, while hijacking the entire medical model to create the pharmaceutical industry, these oil baron criminals, you know, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Warburgs, you know all their names now, these criminals buried the parasitic story in humans, and then, when you think about it, you know, you are deworming your dog regularly.   What makes you think you are not vulnerable to parasite invasion?  Well, Dr. Weber's work is based on thousands of biological in vitro and in vivo experiments with tissues and blood samples collected from cancer patients during their lives and even after their deaths.  Many experts like him have found that all these blood and tissue tests were confirmed to have microparasitic infections.  Weber also emphasized that microparasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have.  And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.  This is mind-blowing. 

7:39.  Here is a slide of a human blood smear.  It shows some normal red blood cells it shows some damaged red blood cells but you also see three specific large egg sacs full of parasites these are in a mature stage called gametocytes, and these can cause a lot of human illnesses, as I said microparasites are the cause of many different human diseases.  In 2011, Alan Cantwell published a paper called "The Return of the Cancer Parasite: Bacteria and the Origin of the Cancer Cell," Alan Cantwell, October 26, 2011.  And the origin of cancer itself.  Now here are some interesting photos from his incredible collection and they're related to different types of cancers.  Now, Slide #3 is breast cancer tissue.  This section of tissue shows an intracellular round of parasitic egg sacs, magnified at 1,000x, and you can see that this is a huge egg sack.  Slide #4 is tissue from prostate cancer, and it shows a cell packed with intracellular coccoid forms which are the exacts again at 1,000x magnification