Thursday, April 4, 2024

PETER ST. ONGE: there are thousands like me who are eager to replace the lying activists who run our dying mediocrity

"Bloodbath" of Layoffs in Mainstream Media 

Tens of thousands of mainstream journalists are being laid off in what's being called an Extinction event for corporate journalism.  Of course for regular Americans that all sounds pretty fantastic given those corporate journalists have become woke Marxist activists whose main purpose is gaslighting voters into the revolution.  Meaning it might be a very good thing if those scribblers put away their keyboards and learn how to say "install drywall." 

The pace is now quickening with last week's wide-ranging layoffs at the LA Times once among America's most prestigious newspapers they laid off 20% of their staff and including their entire DC Bureau in an election year along with gutting Sports, Tech, Business, and even Breaking News, media's traditional bread and butter meanwhile BuzzFeed just shuttered its news division which was once worth 1.3 billion dollars and is now down 98%. Sports Illustrated just closed all together.  We've seen major layoffs at Time Magazine, The Atlantic, The Washington Post NPR, Bloomberg, and Conde Nast, which publishes the New Yorker and Vanity Fair even the New York Times cut 240 jobs after the gray lady lost tens of Millions last year in all according to Axios 20,000 media jobs were cut last year which is up six times from the previous year.  And so far in 2024, they appear to be accelerating.

So what's driving it?  In short, a loss of trust, which is turning off readers taking ad Revenue along with them after all people don't trust you they won't subscribe.  In fact, America's trust in media has plummeted to a record low with just 1 in 3 Americans saying they have any trust in the media.  A record high of Americans, so almost 40%, say they have zero trust in the media at all.  Just 29% of independent voters trust media and a dismal 11% of Republicans; of course, together those two groups make up over 2/3 of the country.  Even Democrats are losing faith with trust dropping 18 points since Cove it German especially by younger Democrats who no longer believe that journalists tell the truth.  Incidentally Trust in Media has fallen straight lines since 2018 which is when they threw off the mask of objectivity starting with Trump and then trying to cancel everybody from Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos to all of us, converting themselves into the intellectual bodyguard of the Marxist Elite carrying water on everything from the vax to the BLM riots to, of course, transitory inflation and the miracle that is Bidenomics.  It is hard to rebuild trust after all that.  The corporate media isn't just dying; it is actively killing itself, replaced by grassroots news sources who are often more expert and certainly are more honest.  The news media will continue will continue attacking their readers; they'll continue trying to censor you, the same game plan that has been wiping them out and in the process progressively removing themselves from the conversation all together.  I'd actually expected to it to accelerate.  Elon Musk has built a distribution channel on X or Twitter, where the alternative media can finally compete on a level playing field with the dinosaurs.  For example, these daily videos get half a million views produced on an iPhone and a $100 mic and there are thousands like me who are eager to replace the lying activists who run our dying mediocrity.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Steve Falconer and Adam Bigelsen on Holographic Blood

Steve Falconer and Adam Bigelsen founder of the Bigelsen Academy.  

Email him at

7-year-old lagged behind his mom and siblings on way home. He stopped at store for a free cookie. Store employee called the cops. The police summoned CPS

Beer is the least manly drink in the world. (It gives you man-boobs)

Studies show that 8-Prenylnaringenin found in beer is one of the most potent estrogenic compounds there is.  Up to 150x more estrogenic than the phytoestrogens found in soy.  Studies estimate that moderate beer consumption contains 2 milligrams of 8-Prenylnaringenin.  Assuming it is 100x weaker than estrogen, this means that you're getting about the same dose as a birth control pill.  The only thing that beer will get you is man boobs.  

Here is the study, "The Potent Phytoestrogen 8-Prenylnaringenin: A Friend or a Foe?Raimo Pohjanvirta and Atefeh Nasri, March 2022.

Blake Miller takes patient's blood after she takes Ozone Drops and he puts her blood under a microscope for proof of product

Ozone Purity "About Us" Full Version. 

In this second video, Miller takes a patient's blood AFTER she consumed Ozone Purity's Ozone Drops.