Tuesday, March 19, 2024

SMOKING GUN INCOMING! A projectile stops and changes direction midair. Explosions above the point of impact.


Peter Navarro going to jail but NOT for killing people with ventilators. Trump NEVER paid for Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, but you won't believe how much he paid hospitals to kill people with ventilators.

So it turns out that Peter Navarro was in charge of the ventilator program.  Huh.  ProPublica says that "Peter Navarro, President Donald Trump’s director of trade and manufacturing policy, was the administration’s point man on the deal."  With all of the badmouthing of the Obama administration, the Trump Administration comes along and pays 5x the amount for ventilators.  

Under this new deal, ventilators that the Obama administration had agreed to buy for $3,280 each suddenly cost $15,000. When the deal was announced in April, neither HHS nor Philips would say how the more expensive ventilators differed from the cheaper ones.

Here is the August 7, 2020, Pro Publica article that Knight references. 

The investigators reviewed thousands of pages of emails and other records obtained from Philips and concluded that “inept contract management and incompetent negotiating by the Trump Administration denied the country the ventilators it needed.” And the subcommittee’s report, which it shared with the inspector general’s office, named names: Peter Navarro, President Donald Trump’s director of trade and manufacturing policy, was the administration’s point man on the deal. In addition, Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, and HHS Secretary Alex Azar participated in calls with Philips’ executives. 

But what is Navarro going to jail for?  CNN reports that

Navarro was sentenced to four months in prison for his refusal to comply with a subpoena from the House Select Committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack. 

So he goes to jail for not complying with a subpoena.  Not for killing thousands of people plugged into ventilators.  Not for overcharging the American taxpayer for the ventilators.  No.  For not complying with a subpoena.  Okay, American justice system.

2 yrs ago, Conor Randall was given just 8 weeks to live. He had huge stage 4 tumors in pancreas, stomach...all over.

3 of the top things I've been sharing amazing case reports & research for are: 1. IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) 2. Mesima mushroom (Phellinus Linteus) 
3. Vegetable juicing 

The IP6 brand that she recommends is IP6 Gold:

Very common defect in Russet Burbank Potatoes, called Net Necrosis

Apparently, our bodies were meant to last for several decades, a testament to the fact that I haven't died eating McDonald's over the years from Egg McMuffins to their French Fries when made with beef tallow to the occasional Double Cheeseburger and then finally just their coffee.  Well, it was from the same McDonald's store in Temple City, CA that I got sick from the taste and consumption of a coffee and a Double Cheeseburger about 10 years ago.  I eyeballed the meat on the burger, smelled it, and found it to be unappetizing.  It wasn't real meat it seems, only congealed oils somehow.  I took a bite anyway and confirmed my trusted biases from my eyeballs that the meat was otherworldly.  Was it an early prototype of Beyond Meat?  Who knows?  I don't have any chemical or testing lab on speed dial.  Then the last time I had McDonald's coffee, the same thing.  It wasn't coffee.  There was some Godforsaken additive that rendered it non-coffee.  Coffee should taste a little bitter.  This McDonald's cup went sideways.  

Net Necrosis.  Sounds nasty.  It is, but there are so many other rotting conditions that can affect potatoes that I have a whole new respect for farmers with character.

Using gun control to misinformation to climate change under the guise of public health emergency for total capture, total control. Comply with this and you sign your own death warrant