Sunday, March 17, 2024

REP. SCOTT PERRRY: Because they're grifting, like you are, Sir.

Much of the climate details are over my head, but the best part of this interaction comes at the 4:25 mark.

HON. JOHN KERRY, 4:19  Why do you think 195 countries in the world, their prime ministers, their presidents . . . 

REP. SCOTT PERRRY, 4:25  Because they're grifting, like you are, Sir.  

Perry was born in California but serves in Pennsylvania.

Don't be awed into submission where all you are is a fan rather than a person who does

For those who might know, that's Henry Rollins, the old front man for the California band, Black Flag.

23 years later, 1100 victims have never been found. Their bodies were blown into pieces so tiny DNA testing can’t identify them.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Narcissists are less likely to take advice. "Don't tell me what to do!"

As narcissism is related to underestimating others, we further assumed that the expertise of the advisor moderates the association between narcissism and advice-taking.  Anna-Katharina Stöcker @ Science Direct

15 years and $88 billion with a "b" later, not a single mile of track has been laid for California's Bullet Train