Wednesday, March 13, 2024

All of our job growth is coming from hiring foreigners for part-time jobs in 15% of the country.

U.S. Rent Prices vs Income

In 2019 with Fed Ex, I was making 1985 wages.  Progress.   

SUCHARIT BHAKDI: Flu vaccines have never worked, have never worked, and will not work and cannot work and we've been seeing this for years now.

00:00. This was the Big Bang of the military complex.  In fact, it was the beginning of what we're seeing now.  And this compulsory vaccination against smallpox was a fraud; the whole thing was a fraud.  It's not true that smallpox eradication has come to be because of this vaccination.  This vaccination never worked.  This is something that people don't know but they must know.

00:39. When did your first realize that the smallpox vaccination, in particular, when did you realize that that was a fraud?

00:50. About 3 years ago, I told you this COVID story has put me on the track because I started reading up.  I was teaching all my life that vaccinations were, many were, good; many were maybe not, not definitely good, but not so bad.  But the bottom line message from the lectures that I gave over 40 years I've been teaching this for 40 years I entered the field 50 years ago.  And then I became an assistant professor 40 years ago.  A lot of my ex-students write to me and they say, "You know, you taught us something else."  I said, yes, it's true because I believed it at that time.  I just came to realize that I had been making a critical mistake and that all of this was fraudulent from the very beginning.  You have to realize that 1853 was a year, 30 years before true vaccine science was founded by Behring, Emil von Behring.  What did he do? He showed the world that you can really vaccinate against bacterial toxins: they were diphtheria and tetanus.  Why?  Because diphtheria and tetanus toxins use the bloodstream to reach their targets.  And antibodies are in the bloodstream, and they can catch these toxins and neutralize them.  That's how the vaccination works.  And the vaccinations really do work.  But it has never really been shown that any vaccines really work against viruses.  When Roosevelt came up with his March of Dimes to create polio vaccines that was also such a fraud.  Nothing was ever really shown.  And the fact is that not until the end 1970s did people, scientists, really understand that the antibodies would not work against viruses unless those viruses also had to disseminate by the bloodstream to become dangerous.  Now there are very few viruses that kill you by disseminating by the bloodstream.  One, of course, is the rabies virus.  You are bitten and the virus enters into the blood and then you're going to die.  But the vaccination against rabies really does work; that's one of those vaccinations that really does work.  But otherwise, no other viruses disseminate by the bloodstream, such as hemorrhagic fever, Dengue, or even Yellow Fever.  The Yellow Fever [vaccines] have never really been shown to work.  There are no placebo-controlled studies for any of these vaccines.  They're known to cause harm.  They kill hundreds of children.  They killed hundreds of children, that was many years ago, 2017-2018, in the Philippines.  

The Philippines filed a case against the manufacturers, but I don't think they're coming through.  And now what's happening they are coming in with new flu vaccines.  Flu vaccines have never worked, have never worked, and will not work and cannot work and we've been seeing this for years now.  That the airborne viruses that don't enter the bloodstream cannot be stopped at the door because the door, it's the front door of your house and you're sitting in the living room and that's where the bloodstream is at and that's where the antibodies are so we do not have these antibodies.  They would be overrun because their numbers are very limited.  The numbers of antibodies on your mucosal services are limited that's why children keep getting their colds and their cops all during their kindergarten and it doesn't matter it's nature because not natural immunity but the immune system is born with a capacity to recognize.  So all the children that are born today on Earth are blessed with T-cell clones that are ready to go whenever a virus comes in and the immune system recognizes it.  And I said this before, the last meeting last year or so, the one thing that currently that any doctor learns during his studies is that these clones and T-cell clones so the antibodies can recognize different toxins, they can recognize different viruses, this is true.  But they can't really protect against the viruses because they're not there. they can protect against the toxins if the toxins go by the bloodstream but there are very few toxins that do this; therefore, the number of vaccinations in bacteriology is very very limited and they will not increase because that's it you know bacteria tetanus you don't have very much more and you have rabies on the other hand but not very much more okay and everything else okay and everything else is fraudulent and not based on science how could this be how could it be that a whole field has left the path of science? 

TikTok is not a Left/Right problem, it's a generational problem. Look at the average age of Congress versus the average age of Tik Tok users who are also anti-genocide

Today, 25% of Congress is over the age of 70, meaning that Congress is uniquely unrepresentative of the country.


When coconut oil was fed to pigs in the US after World War II, the intention was to fatten them up. But it actually made them leaner. This discovery led to soybeans and seed oils being added to their feed, which made the pigs unhealthy but fat.

Thank you to Wejolyn.