Sunday, March 10, 2024

Tucker reads Lord of the Rings. “Courage isn’t just a word……”

Saturday, March 9, 2024

WARNING: Home buying conditions have collapsed Current levels have NEVER been seen since 1960

00:03.  Talking about Kanye West today, and the recent revelation he made on social media which point of the finger at one individual named Harley Pasternak as being a vicious celebrity handler.  If you're someone who does not follow Hollywood or Kanye West, it doesn't matter.  This video is not celebrity gossip.  This video exposes Kanye, or Kanye exposes, what has been going on in Hollywood and the music industry for so many years, and that is the way in which celebrities are punished and rewarded and used, viciously used, to create a [larger political] narrative.  And the narrative creates the culture and the culture influences Society and all of this plays into what we are seeing today where we got to today with our economy tutoring on the the brink all over the place with the woke agendas and the world seemingly on the brink of a war. 

03:45. A certain artist promoting a certain lifestyle like gangster rap gets promoted.  People have commented that rap changed at one point, where it went from joyful and poetic, insightful political commentary to gangster rap violence and nihilism.  And that shaped black culture in a big way.  In 2016, Kanye put on a concert and it looks like he went off script and he was placed under psychiatric hold by his handlers and the remaining seven days of his concert tour or canceled 

2 primary reasons for Women's Lib: 1) Prior to Women's Lib, government could only tax half of the population; 2) With women working, now, you get the kids [to school] at an early age, can indoctrinate them how to think, breaks up family

Here is the full video of Aaron Russo with Alex Jones

Russo has produced some very good documentaries, like his 2006, America: Freedom to Fascism

COLORADO: Former CBI scientist accused of manipulating data in 652 cases, internal investigation finds

Thank you to Steve Bartin for this report.