Monday, March 4, 2024

PIMPING THE ILLEGAL INVASION: UN with the help of 248 NGOs is handing out $1.6 billion [in debit cards and cash] in 17 Latin American countries to illegal migrants

Hate America Being Invaded? Remember, The United Nations Confirmed They’re Facilitating The Illegal Immigrant Invasion & American Taxpayers Are Paying For It

Thank The UN πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ “They're facilitating it. They're paying for it. They're awarding these people for violating US law” “The UN, with the helping hands of 248 named nongovernmental organizations, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants - funded, in large part, by US taxpayers” “The United Nations just released the 2024 interagency coordination platform for refugees and migrants from Venezuela. And it notes that a planning and budget document for handing out $1.6 billion in 17 Latin American countries, and it confirms finally that the United Nations, with the helping hands of 248 named nongovernmental organizations, the NGOs, is indeed giving debit cards to illegal migrants funded in large part by US taxpayers. That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as prepaid rechargeable debit cards, but also hard cash in envelopes, bank transfers, and mobile transfers the US border bound travelers can use for whatever they want. This is only one part of much broader UN hemisphere wide vision that aims to spend $1.59 billion assisting about 3 million people in 17 countries who immigrated from home nations. And keep in mind, that's just their budget for the coming year, and it's worse than this actually. They're facilitating it. They're paying for it. They're awarding these people for violating US law.”

The green dream is dying far beyond EVs. Megabanks are pulling out of these $68 trillion Climate Action Fund

If you haven't ditched your real car for an electric vehicle you are not the only one.  The EV dream is dying at least outside Tesla.  In short, nobody wants them not nearly enough to cover the billions of dollars that irresponsible car companies have poured into EVs to entertain left-wing journalists and Blackrock.  

A few months ago I mentioned that Ford was set to lose 5 and 1/2 billion dollars on EVS this year having already lost 5 billion dollars last year on the Unicorn farts percent age if they drop EVS all together.  Indeed, Ford recently announced their halting shipments of the much height Electric F-150 since dealers were refusing to accept trucks that they cannot sell.  Ford's now calling off a brand new battery factory that was supposed to create thousands of jobs in Michigan.  Meanwhile, Swedish car maker, Volvo, well Chinese car maker Volvo since 2010, said they are cutting off funding for their loss-making EV affiliate altogether.  Now, Volvo had been one of the earliest adopters of EVs even promising to stop making gasoline vehicles.  So, apparently that's done.  Renault canceled its EV IPO.  The shares of EV maker Pollstar have fallen 83%.  Hertz, the rental company, said it's dumping a third of its EVs; apparently they are too expensive and customers do not want them.  Even long time EV cheerleader, Consumer Reports, now concludes they have twice as many problems and are "less reliable than the old fashioneds." 

Incidentally Toyota is suddenly the smartest guy at the table after taking heat for years from environmentalists in the mainstream media for being evlaggards for being hopelessly wed to the outdated internal combustion engine insisting customers don't want EVS they want hybrids most and now Toyota's hybrid sales are rising almost 40%, and they don't have billions in EV losses to write off. This all sent Toyota stock price up 80%.  Now, as London's Financial Times, one of the fierce's critics, now sheepishly puts it, "Maybe Toyota was right all along."  

Meanwhile, those who did drink the Kool-Aid are dropping like flies.  In short, companies got bait and switched by government subsidies and left-wing journalists and now shareholders are paying the price.  When the dust settles, I imagine the only survivors  would be Tesla and its Chinese imitators, who will keep plowing through Beijing's free government money since they don't have to answer to voters.

The green dream is dying far beyond EVs.  Megabanks are pulling out of these $68 trillion Climate Action Fund; that's trillions with a "t."  Windmills are being canceled across the country or going bust.  Politicians are pretending they never heard of green, while the Wall Street Journal writes that "green is the latest dirty word in Corporate America."  Why?  Because when consumers have a choice, they say, No.  Unfortunately, that's only true where they do have a choice.  I've talked about incredible jumps and energy prices in failing regimes like Germany or California where green energy is being forced on consumers.  So if your utility goes green and jacks the price, you can't opt out even if the EV bloodbath is saying people don't want to go bankrupt paying for climate fairies.  Of course, Washington is years if not decades behind the curb.  Their lobbyists will keep pouring hundreds of billions of your money into Green Tech that nobody wants.  The cronies will make out as they have with every failed green project since Solyndra.  And given the sums involved, so a trillion and counting in the U.S. alone, we'll have a whole new generation of rust belts with a whole new generation of taxpayers on the hook for every last penny.  

DEI, Diversity = politicizing resources, like jobs, positions, pay, power, assets. Equity = redistribution. Inclusion = accommodating intolerant ideologies.

DEI, not Latin for God (which is probably how Latinos see it), but a criminal enterprise that denies white people jobs, a livelihood, a means to make a living, called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which is rhetorical in nature and vacant of any meaning except in its anti-white policies.  

And it is spread everywhere--schools, the military, and corporate life.  

The military.

James Lindsay writes,

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are three words that symbolize a program that a rapidly growing proportion of people across Western nations recognize to be nefarious. Indeed, they are Communist, as has been amply discussed on this podcast and on others. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay breaks this fact down another way. In it, he suggests that “Diversity” represents politicizing, “Equity” represents redistribution, and “Inclusion” represents accommodating the intolerant ideology of the Woke activists to achieve renormalization that transforms the institution. Join him for this insightful discussion that will change your perspective on DEI programs. 

This makes sense.  

Diversity = politicizing resources, like jobs, positions, pay, power, assets.

Equity = redistribution.

Inclusion = accommodating intolerant ideologies. 

01:01  DEI is on the rocks and not doing well?  Diversity and inclusion don't mean what they say, and Equity doesn't mean what it sounds like.  

Equity works out to be socialism.  

Diversity is an excuse to hire political officers or commissars.  
And Inclusion is a set of conditions that allow for censorship and purges to make sure that you have full ideological conformity in the environment.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Captured white horse

Weird symbolic cultural things built

The Grim Reaper appears at Charles' coronation, in 2023

Does it mean they're being removed?  I don't see any reason to expect that due to my own worldview, the ancient aristocracy is still running things, like the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset.  It's not conceivable to me that they would take themselves out of their own plans.  What we're seeing is a distraction, a little red meat for the masses.  Nothing more than a game.  Forgive me if that's too much of a black pill.  

I tend toward the same conclusion.  Process of reification.  We're very good at seeing patterns and ideas that aren't there and using them to make sense of them.  

We're all so filled with such anxiety that our threat assessment system are off the charts.  The world of overlapping psyops.  

8:50. Churchill gave a famous speech on September 6, 1943, that the next incarnation of the British Empire would be an empire of the mind.  The power struggle would be fought in the mind.  the Cold War struggle for hearts and minds to win people over from communism to Trotskyism, the chosen ideology of the intelligence community in the West.  People don't realize it but when they see the prevalence of Trotskyism in Left Liberal circles, today, a lot of that was generated by Western intelligence programs.  It's usually called the CIA program, of course, but it was actually initiated by British Intelligence.  The whole idea was as we entered the Cold War, the British had this idea that somehow we, being the West, the new Western alliance, the new permanent NATO alliance, which has taken form, that we had to offer the world something just as attractive as communism supposedly was, excitingly and nicely packaged with just as many social perk and benefits but something that was better.  They basically wanted to offer communism or socialism but in a better form, a Western form. So they created a movement which they called the Non-Communist Left, the NCL for short. 

1945, End of WWII.

1947, National Security Act, NSA, created a separate Air Force, and the CIA

1949, NATO

There have been books written about this; it's a real thing.  Totally verified from declassified documents.  They recruited Leftists, primarily Trotskyites, the criterion for these recruits was people passionately of the Left but who hated Stalinism, who hated Soviet communism as it then existed in the USSR.  These were the people and this was the type of ideology that Western Intelligence in particularly the anglosphere, British Intelligence, and its fledgling child, the brand new American CIA that they embraced; they embraced this program called the non-communist left.  What they sought to do throughout Western Europe within the United States even was to inculcate in cultural and intellectual circles and ultimately political circles with this doctrine of a better form of socialism, not capitalism or other such anticommunist doctrines as we were led to believe.  Those of us who grew up amid the Cold War that wasn't their doctrine at all; what they were trying to do was introduce socialism with a Western face.  Socialism or communism that was mysteriously anti-Soviet.  And they actually managed to find people like this and indoctrinate people like this.  And there are actually still a lot of people like this in the government and in insensitive positions who are still programmed this way.  That somehow the Left is good, but Russian communism emanating from Moscow is somehow the epitome of all evil.  And it's basically an in-fight between the Left is the very source of the strange unexplained Leftism that we see being so heavily promoted and protected within our so-called deep state.  

POE, 13:50. It's not an accident and it's not even because of infiltration.  It was actually a deliberate plan that was set in place at the end of World War II and was executed, and, as far as I can tell, it never ended.  I mean supposedly it ended, books were written, documents were declassified, disavows were disseminated to the public, and it was said that supposedly this program had been a failure and was being abandoned but I think when we look around us  it's pretty obvious that some form of Communism is now the mainstream ideology of the militant West. 

LUONGO, 14:45. Interesting as you were saying that, I was jotting some notes down, something that I don't normally do.  But what popped into my head was the idea something like you're describing the Third Way.  When I was growing up I heard a lot of this, "Well, there's a third way between communism and capitalism, and socialism is that third way, where we can have kind of free markets, but we have to put controls on it," and, you know, in those terms my mind immediately goes to economics, and economic theory, Keynesianism or another way of saying technocracy, where we manage the economy.  And then we manage the economics sphere through government creating guide rails for how we're going to do things and whatnot and that this is . . . but it really is just a repackage, this is the same repackaged Leftism in order to get to where we are today with this more perfect technocratic future.  And we saw it with, my friend and business partner, Dexter White, talks about McNamara and the technocratic state within the DOD that ran the Vietnam War and these people that believe in their spreadsheets.  And if you look at the European union today, there . . . it's, it's like the full flower of this idea embodied by the technocracy of the European Union.  I don't know what you think about that.  

POE, 16:17. Yes, that's all part of it. I think it goes deeper than that, and, you know, to my constant bias is always to believe that history repeats itself; history rhymes with itself; history echoes itself.  We can go back to the 60s with McNamara and the technocrats, but we can always go back further and that the same ideas are still there, no matter how far back we go just under different names.  For example, I wrote an article called "How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)," January 10, 2023, and in that article one of the subjects I explored was how Karl Marx was actually recruited by British intelligence.  He was given a handler who was a Scottish nobleman, [named] David Urquhart, who was actually a very famous British spy of the day.  He was kind of a Lawrence of Arabia of his day.  He had a great love for Middle Eastern culture.  He became very close to the Sultan of Turkey.  He went out into the Caucuses area and whipped up Muslim revolts among tribesmen in the Caucuses against the Czar, and he received the name El Doud. He was a kind of early precursor of Lawrence of Arabia and in many ways the same kind of person.  But he was also part of the high nobility of Scotland and he adopted, reached out his hand to Karl Marx who had supposedly taken refuge in England after he was kicked out of several European capitals for his supposed revolutionary activities.  And Marx himself married a noblewoman back when he was still in Germany, he married a woman of Prussian nobility but was also directly descended from the high nobility of Scotland.  I'm still researching this, but I've seen some hints, some indications that this David Urquhart may have been a relative of [Marx's] wife, so he was really in like Flint in the British establishment and the British Royal Establishment.