Sunday, March 3, 2024

Female soldiers are now filling up the cemetery. More than two years of war and no NATO leaders sat down to talk with the Russians. Media did not ask any critical questions & sold the absence of diplomacy as morality

FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA never signature verified anything for any absentee ballots

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Moscow, Russia, 2024, a country that banned GMO products

Putin banned the production and sale of GMO products, so that might be one reason Russian youth are so healthy.   

Vladimir Putin signed a law that bans the production of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products in Russia. The law also bans the imports of such "goods". The only exceptions are cases of GMO production that are used for the purpose of scientific research.
The document was published on the official web portal. According to the text of the new law, products importers will be required to undergo special registration procedures to eliminate the possibility of the impact of genetically modified organisms on humans. 
Breaking the law provides for administrative responsibility. Officials will be obliged to pay a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Legal entities  are to be fines from 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

Jim Carrey & Jenny McCarthy Tried to Warn Us Back in 2009

Did the Pentagon orchestrate the COVID pandemic?  

Newly leaked audio from AstraZeneca shows that might very well be the case in fact the covid was classified as a national security threat by the US government in the Department of Defense on and this information was allegedly kept from Donald Trump the reason we know this is because of this leaked audio and the coverage of Sasha Latypova who is a former pharmaceutical Executives who turned executive journalist and she writes about this on her sub stack and exposing this fraud and cover up of these pharmaceutical Industries and the lies that we were told during the covid pandemic.  And Sasha joins us now great to see you and great work is always thank you for joining us.

LATYPOVA, 00:51. Hi Clayton thank you thank you for inviting me.

MORRIS, 00:55 My pleasure so let's talk about this leaked audio.  What's the story we've been told, what is the story we've all been told, what is this the story that maybe even President Trump was told before we get into what is the truth?

LATYPOVA, 01:13  Yeah, so as you recall from early 2020, we were told the story that there was a jump of a virus in China and that there were mixed stories about whether it was a bat or a Pangolin, but the idea was that this was some sort of a wet market event in Wuhan. And there is this transmission to humans, and from one person you have this spreading all over the world and now we have this dangerous, dangerous pandemic and we all have to be in fear stay home be locked down don't go to school, and so forth.  And they are still trying to portray it as maybe it was zoonotic although long ago they kind of conceded to the fact that this was something engineered also as you recall even before 2020 for decades we have been propagandized about pandemics and these kinds of events and this was designed on purpose by Hollywood by media and by academic false narratives that I published on as well describing that something like this can happen will happen and then a very dangerous virus will escape and kill half the world and that's why people were preset or programmed into this mind frame where you hear the trigger word of pandemic of a virus and everyone is fearful and goes along with the narrative.

MORRIS, 2:36. We had the movie Contagion, 2011, a big Hollywood movie that was.  And Outbreak, 1995, but there are lots more.